It’s over!

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But one thing is clear: There is no credible basis for the claims that the Democratic Party’s candidate for president, whoever that may be, will be kicked off the ballot in any state. As things stand currently, no relevant deadlines have passed. The party remains perfectly free to choose its nominee however it wants, and to choose whomever it wants.
For those of you who voted for Joe Bribem, you can be damned by the Democrap party, because it isnt about you, the american voter, it is all about the Demoncrap party and winning at all costs. So i say, "Go fuck yourselves, you stupid Joe Bribem voters, because your party has decided that your vote doesnt count"..

Bidenet.png<-------Your vote doesnt mean shit.
It's been over for quite some time. The plan now is to pick up 6-10 seats in the senate and some seats in the house.... Willie Brown's side piece is going to be brutal on the down ballot. :laughing0301:

Then take the mandate given by the voters and execute a plan of retribution that would bring Ghenghis Khan to tears. We're done with the 'unity' plan. It's time for 4 years of "fundamental change" to this mother fucker.

We're going to need a LOT more prisons.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

The vile, thieving Democratic Party has more trucks up their sleeves.

We must vote and not presume Trump wins and that Republicans gain seats.

Strategy by the Dems to lull us into complacency.
Don’t underestimate the dimocraps ability to stuff ballot boxes
Dems already said they plan to pick someone else who can claim they are not responsible for any of Biden's shit policies or damage. PREPARE for the replacement candidate to lie and claim to be a centrists, at least until after the election when they would pivot hard left.
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