It's St. Patrick Day

Van Morrison: One Irish Rover...

Van Morrison: One Irish Rover (Acoustic) - YouTube


nothing wrong with van morrison, OBE...

except ya may want to save him for the 12th of july. there ain't no st patrick's day in east beal feirste since the leavin' in '69.
siochain agus slan abhaile, tom. to better days in bundoran, a chara.

[ame=]Farewell to Bellaghy - Gary Og - YouTube[/ame]
lolol...i bet it works. you probably meet a lot of jewish girls. the irish girls know the irish guys don't wear them.

no lie. my cousin, she told me to wear one once for a joke and this poor girl came up to talk to me and introduced herself but i think she was shy and she introduced herself as maggie o'malleyberg. me and my cuz cracked up so bad our milkshakes were coming out of our noses. she was nice and all and really embarrassed so i asked her real name. it was rachel weinberg and she was really sweet. we hung out with her. ..we made her take off the button. she was wearing one too...and we had a great time. i took her out for breakfast the next day and i still write her now and then. her husband always asks how she knows irish people, she says.

enjoy your button. pin it to your yarmulke and everyone will be sayin' to ya "sure and begorrah. happy st, paddy's day, amadan." you'll have everyone fooled.

We are lucky to have you here to tell us all what the Irish girls do and do not know.


Touching holiday sentiment.

I don't do faux 'holiday' sentiment with a bunch of faux Irish. Y'all make yourselves look stupid... no surprise there though. Most of you couldn't find Ireland on a fucking map. You know jack shit about their country, their culture, their language or traditions. Once a year y'all pretend to have some vague Irish connection. It's laughable.

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