It's St. Patrick Day

I want to wish Seal & Patrick a wonderful St. Patrick day. I will be at the local parade here in my hometown as usual. Always wear my "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" button. And boy does it work. Plan on being late for work on Monday.

Be very careful MJ, St. Patrick banned all Snakes from Ireland…If they see trough your snakey false façade, they will all be stomping on you!

If they do, send us a link to the video, I’d love to see it!

What a miserable human being you are. GO stand in the corner
lolol...i bet it works. you probably meet a lot of jewish girls. the irish girls know the irish guys don't wear them.

no lie. my cousin, she told me to wear one once for a joke and this poor girl came up to talk to me and introduced herself but i think she was shy and she introduced herself as maggie o'malleyberg. me and my cuz cracked up so bad our milkshakes were coming out of our noses. she was nice and all and really embarrassed so i asked her real name. it was rachel weinberg and she was really sweet. we hung out with her. ..we made her take off the button. she was wearing one too...and we had a great time. i took her out for breakfast the next day and i still write her now and then. her husband always asks how she knows irish people, she says.

enjoy your button. pin it to your yarmulke and everyone will be sayin' to ya "sure and begorrah. happy st, paddy's day, amadan." you'll have everyone fooled.

We are lucky to have you here to tell us all what the Irish girls do and do not know.


learn how to read and get back to me on that, grouch.

rachel still refers to it as "paddy's wild ride."

I read very well, I also comprehend. Pity you don't.

Now, please stop mistaking me for someone who gives a shit what Rachel refers to.
First we have the St. Patrick's day parade down Central Ave. Then I join them to go to Jewish deli for corned beef & cabbage to meet each other. (Hold the cabbage for me). Then we go to see the Irish rock band Floggin' Molly. Then we pair off, go to her house, play Irish music, drink green beer & well, you know. Damn I love St. Patrick's day. Especially the long evening, still going on the day after.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all the Irish. Even you Seal.

I want to wish Seal & Patrick a wonderful St. Patrick day. I will be at the local parade here in my hometown as usual. Always wear my "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" button. And boy does it work. Plan on being late for work on Monday.
An American walks into an Irish pub and says, "I'll give anyone $100 if they can drink 10 Guinness's in 10 minutes."

Most people just ignore the absurd bet and go back to their conversations.

One guy even leaves the bar. A little while later that guy comes back and asks the American, "Is that bet still on?"


So the bartender lines 10 Guinness's up on the bar the Irishman drinks them all in less than 10 minutes.

As the American hands over the money he asks, "Where did you go when you left?"

The Irishman answers, "I went next door to the other pub to see if I could do it."
First we have the St. Patrick's day parade down Central Ave. Then I join them to go to Jewish deli for corned beef & cabbage to meet each other. (Hold the cabbage for me). Then we go to see the Irish rock band Floggin' Molly. Then we pair off, go to her house, play Irish music, drink green beer & well, you know. Damn I love St. Patrick's day. Especially the long evening, still going on the day after.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all the Irish. Even you Seal.

I want to wish Seal & Patrick a wonderful St. Patrick day. I will be at the local parade here in my hometown as usual. Always wear my "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" button. And boy does it work. Plan on being late for work on Monday.
Lord have mercy, there's gonna be some terrific Katzenjammers tomorrow!!!
A drunk Irish man staggers into a Catholic Church, enters a confessional booth and sits down but says nothing.

The Priest coughs a few times to get his attention but the drunk continues to sit there.

Finally, the Priest pounds three times on the wall.

The drunk mumbles, "Ain't no use knockin, there's no toilet paper on this side either."
I want to wish Seal & Patrick a wonderful St. Patrick day. I will be at the local parade here in my hometown as usual. Always wear my "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" button. And boy does it work. Plan on being late for work on Monday.

Just came from watching my son march in a local parade here in Ireland. It was a real Father Ted moment, if anyone gets that reference.
I want to wish Seal & Patrick a wonderful St. Patrick day. I will be at the local parade here in my hometown as usual. Always wear my "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" button. And boy does it work. Plan on being late for work on Monday.

lolol...i bet it works. you probably meet a lot of jewish girls. the irish girls know the irish guys don't wear them.

no lie. my cousin, she told me to wear one once for a joke and this poor girl came up to talk to me and introduced herself but i think she was shy and she introduced herself as maggie o'malleyberg. me and my cuz cracked up so bad our milkshakes were coming out of our noses. she was nice and all and really embarrassed so i asked her real name. it was rachel weinberg and she was really sweet. we hung out with her. ..we made her take off the button. she was wearing one too...and we had a great time. i took her out for breakfast the next day and i still write her now and then. her husband always asks how she knows irish people, she says.

enjoy your button. pin it to your yarmulke and everyone will be sayin' to ya "sure and begorrah. happy st, paddy's day, amadan." you'll have everyone fooled.

We are lucky to have you here to tell us all what the Irish girls do and do not know.


Touching holiday sentiment.
We are lucky to have you here to tell us all what the Irish girls do and do not know.


learn how to read and get back to me on that, grouch.

rachel still refers to it as "paddy's wild ride."

I read very well, I also comprehend. Pity you don't.

Now, please stop mistaking me for someone who gives a shit what Rachel refers to.


LOL...i always wonder about people who feel compelled to waste the energy to tell someone they don't give a shite about something. wouldn't it be easier just to ignore me. i don't mind...really.
Before the last task of completion of Creation, the LORD called the Angel Michael to his side. "Gaze down upon that beautiful green spot on Earth, HE said. I am going to create the most wonderful country on Earth as a tribute to my Creation. I will give it the most beautiful, intelligent and productive women, the handsomest, bravest and and most stalwart men who will together produce beautiful children. There will be majestic mountains, cold running streams and rivers with the purest and sweetest of waters. They will grow the finest grains which will make the finest whiskies ever to cross the lips of man. And I shall call it.............Scotland."

Up until this revelation, the Angel Michael was glowing with excitement and anticipation until he heard the verdict. A little disappointed, he somewhat peevishly asked, "But my LORD, aren't we being a wee bit generous to the Scots?" And the LORD replied, " Aye, I have given that matter some thought but then I have yet to tell them who their neighbors are going to be."

Sorry, boyos.
Before the last task of completion of Creation, the LORD called the Angel Michael to his side. "Gaze down upon that beautiful green spot on Earth, HE said. I am going to create the most wonderful country on Earth as a tribute to my Creation. I will give it the most beautiful, intelligent and productive women, the handsomest, bravest and and most stalwart men who will together produce beautiful children. There will be majestic mountains, cold running streams and rivers with the purest and sweetest of waters. They will grow the finest grains which will make the finest whiskies ever to cross the lips of man. And I shall call it.............Scotland."

Up until this revelation, the Angel Michael was glowing with excitement and anticipation until he heard the verdict. A little disappointed, he somewhat peevishly asked, "But my LORD, aren't we being a wee bit generous to the Scots?" And the LORD replied, " Aye, I have given that matter some thought but then I have yet to tell them who their neighbors are going to be."

Sorry, boyos.
As told by my Sainted Scottish Great Grandmother who married one of those drunken spalpeen neighbors and turned him into a gentleman, a not easy accomplishment.
Van Morrison: One Irish Rover...

[ame=]Van Morrison: One Irish Rover (Acoustic) - YouTube[/ame]


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