It's summertime in Egypt. For many girls, that means it's genital mutilation season


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
What a terrible thing to do to females. Hopefully those who have had it done can convince their parents not to do same to their younger sisters.

It's summertime in Egypt. For many girls, that means it's genital mutilation season

Hala, age 14, acts out a scene in a play in which a young daughter convinces her mother not to allow her younger sister undergo FGM. The play is part of an initiative by the Red Crescent to eradicate the practice in Egypt.

Laura Dean
ASSIUT, Egypt — When school exams are over and the days lengthen into Egypt's baking summer, the season of female genital mutilation (FGM) begins.

The procedures are carried out this time of year because the girls — usually between 8 and 14 years old — are not in school and have time to recuperate. Recovery can take many days. The occasion used to because for celebration, but since the government outlawed the practice in 2007, it has become a far quieter affair.

In Egypt, the most widely performed type of FGM entails the removal of all or part of the clitoris and sometimes the labia minora. Over 90 percent of Egyptian women between the ages of 15 and 49 have undergone the procedure, according to UNICEF, the vast majority of the operations having been performed by a doctor. In the past, traditional midwives, barbers or sometimes female relatives themselves would perform the procedure, often stopping the bleeding by putting dust or salt on the wound.

But as awareness grows about the dangers of the practice and the lack of religious meaning behind it, some girls who have had it done are seeking to educate their parents and protect younger girls from the same fate.

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Barbaric practice so is male circumcision which Muslims also perform.

Not even remotely the same thing. I prefer my unsheathed wang, less maintenance.

Healthier, too. You are way less likely to trap HPV against the shaft- HPV which is implicated in penile cancer.

Plus you are less likely to transmit HPV to your female partner, protecting her from some of the forms of cervical cancer.

Give me cut and nothing but!

Regards from Rosie
Barbaric practice so is male circumcision which Muslims also perform.

Not even remotely the same thing. I prefer my unsheathed wang, less maintenance.

Healthier, too. You are way less likely to trap HPV against the shaft- HPV which is implicated in penile cancer.

Plus you are less likely to transmit HPV to your female partner, protecting her from some of the forms of cervical cancer.

Give me cut and nothing but!

Regards from Rosie

There is no difference. It is a disgusting practice. Luckily, male circumcision is declining in the Western world. Let the barbarians continue cutting baby penises.
Barbaric practice so is male circumcision which Muslims also perform.

Not even remotely the same thing. I prefer my unsheathed wang, less maintenance.

Marty, Haniyah is just telling us that she prefers men with their foreskin hanging down. Plus she felt that she wasn't posting enough so had to get another one in. The female circumcision is barbaric, and there's even cases of it being done in the.US. and Europe. Male circumcision has health benefits, and I believe statistics show that more than half of the men in the U.S. are circumcised. The largest group in the world who are circumcised are the Muslims. I hope Haniyah isn't looking for a Muslim boyfriend. Maybe a Zulu is the man for her.

Here s How Female Genital Mutilation Crushes Girls Voices Dreams
Nice to see a concerted effort by the Red Crescent to abolish it in Egypt. I hope the movement takes hold.
Barbaric practice so is male circumcision which Muslims also perform.

Not even remotely the same thing. I prefer my unsheathed wang, less maintenance.

Healthier, too. You are way less likely to trap HPV against the shaft- HPV which is implicated in penile cancer.

Plus you are less likely to transmit HPV to your female partner, protecting her from some of the forms of cervical cancer.

Give me cut and nothing but!

Regards from Rosie
Hey Baby......what's up wit yous?
I don't know who your friend Haniyeh is, but being a Muslim she probably approves of male and female circumcision. I view both as barbaric practices. U.S. doctors make a heck of a lot of money with circumcision, that's why U.S. research tends to claim that there is a health benefit. Outside of the U.S., most of the developed world does not practice male or female circumcision. It is something Muslims do. The EU tried to outlaw it, but Israel lobbied against (as an observer at the Council of Eurrope) it and the law was not passed.

"Thirty-eight physicians from Europe have written a paper alleging that “cultural bias” was behind the pro-circumcision stance of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The commentary, published on March 18 on the website of the U.S.-based Pediatrics journal, disputes a report which the American academy on children’s health published in August, which states that “benefits of newborn male circumcision outweigh the risks but the benefits are not great enough to recommend universal newborn circumcision.”

The European reply, titled “Cultural Bias in the AAP’s 2012 Technical Report and Policy Statement on Male Circumcision” states that “seen from the outside, cultural bias reflecting the normality of nontherapeutic male circumcision in the United States seems obvious. The report’s conclusions are different from those reached by physicians in other parts of the Western world.”

The benefits attributed in the American report to circumcision – including protection against HIV, genital herpes, genital warts and penile cancer – are “questionable, weak, and likely to have little public health relevance in a Western context and they do not represent compelling reasons for surgery before boys are old enough to decide for themselves,” the European authors wrote.

Read more: European Doctors Blast American Report That Recommended Circumcision - Breaking News
I don't know who your friend Haniyeh is, but being a Muslim she probably approves of male and female circumcision. I view both as barbaric practices. U.S. doctors make a heck of a lot of money with circumcision, that's why U.S. research tends to claim that there is a health benefit. Outside of the U.S., most of the developed world does not practice male or female circumcision. It is something Muslims do. The EU tried to outlaw it, but Israel lobbied against (as an observer at the Council of Eurrope) it and the law was not passed.

"Thirty-eight physicians from Europe have written a paper alleging that “cultural bias” was behind the pro-circumcision stance of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The commentary, published on March 18 on the website of the U.S.-based Pediatrics journal, disputes a report which the American academy on children’s health published in August, which states that “benefits of newborn male circumcision outweigh the risks but the benefits are not great enough to recommend universal newborn circumcision.”

The European reply, titled “Cultural Bias in the AAP’s 2012 Technical Report and Policy Statement on Male Circumcision” states that “seen from the outside, cultural bias reflecting the normality of nontherapeutic male circumcision in the United States seems obvious. The report’s conclusions are different from those reached by physicians in other parts of the Western world.”

The benefits attributed in the American report to circumcision – including protection against HIV, genital herpes, genital warts and penile cancer – are “questionable, weak, and likely to have little public health relevance in a Western context and they do not represent compelling reasons for surgery before boys are old enough to decide for themselves,” the European authors wrote.

Read more: European Doctors Blast American Report That Recommended Circumcision - Breaking News

Haniyah, don"t you worry your little head over this. (Don't forget I was one of those who saw your Facebook page before it was quickly locked when your name was mentioned on here. I hope you gave my regards to the Happily Married Muslim Couple, one of your Facebook friends.) Nobody has really asked your opinion of circumcised men. If you like uncircumcised men, then that is your preference. This thread happens to be about female genital mutilation and those unfortunate young Muslim girls who have had to undergo this. Just be happy that you at least can have normal sexual pleasure and weren't cut like these girls.
You saw no Facebook page about me you silly person. What a nutter you are. By the way, even if you had it would be considered data mining and it is a banning offense.
You saw no Facebook page about me you silly person. What a nutter you are. By the way, even if you had it would be considered data mining and it is a banning offense.

Well, my dear Haniya, someone happened to look you up after you started posting on another forum because it seemed that your mouth was running on and on and couldn't stop, like there was no tomorrow. Then many of us were told about this Facebook page and looked at it. However, when your name was mentioned on this forum after one of your posts, that page was quickly locked up. Are you trying to tell us it was just a coincidence when the name Haniya was mentioned, her Facebook page was quickly locked? I don't think so.

For all we know you are Haniyah's musical chair partner (remember the guy who popped in and said his wife comes from Spain) and have your own Facebook page. I don't think that one person can be on forums starting in the morning and going into the night. It appears like a job with overtime every day (everyone can do a search and see what I am talking about).

Now wasn't this thread about Female Genital Mutilation before you had to drag in male circumcision? These young girls will suffer the rest of their lives for what was done to them.

Female Genital Mutilation In Egypt Has Affected 92 Percent Of Married Women?
You are deranged.

Really??? I would say someone like you who spends mornings, afternoons and nighs on forums here (and I am willing to bet that you are also on other message boards babbling away in between your postings on the USMB) is the one who is deranged. One would think that a mentally and physically healthy person would want a life away from his or her computer, but you certainly don't fit that bill.

Now getting back to Female Genital Mutilation, don't you have any sympathy for these young women for what they have to go through when they are cut and what they carry with them throughout the rest of their lives?

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