It's time for honesty, and the necessary actions to protect the U.S.

Its interesting how the loons keep talking about we need direct and immediate action yet they either never offer any suggestions as to what that action should be or they talk about things that are already being done. Some of you would be better served trying to figure out what you are going to do with all that toilet paper you horaded when this settles down.

Which loons are you referring to? Trump&Co? They talk the talk in their dog and pony shows; they've not begun to walk the walk. Ask any Governor or Mayor.
The loons are you and those like you which I'm sure you already knew but given the content of what you post I wouldn't put money on it. As far as how Trump is handling this it's better than how the H1N1 virus was handled we had an estimated 60.8 million H1N1 cases and 12,469 deaths from April 2009 to April 2010 we are nowhere close to those numbers.

Not yet. But you seem to omit the fact the the first case of H1N1 was in April, 2009, and President Obama's government declared a health emergency only a few weeks later. And, President Obama has only been in office 60 or so days, trump has been in office for over three years and Obama was in the middle of the great recession, two wars and a hostile Senate.

Do you have any more excuses for Obama's failure? I dont think you listed enough.

I posted facts, as I have in my post #39
Go back to Wuhan you greasy bastard.

"Leadership in managing disasters and emergencies can minimize the damage inflicted by an event whilst lack of successful leadership exacerbates the impact. Leaders should have certain skills and abilities in order to manage catastrophes based on the environmental conditions, organizations they lead, scope of the disaster. This study provides an overview of the leadership competencies and traits that are necessary for disaster management. A conceptual framework for leadership was provided throughout the research."

It is not time for more dog and pony shows, Governors and mayors across our nation are calling for direct, critically needed and immediate action by the Federal Government.

Today's D&P Show did not offer any immediate and direct national response to the Covid-19 Emergency. For the several weeks before WHO declared a pandemic, medical professionals all across our nation sent out a warning to the public, a warning which was ignored by Trump, his Administration and CPAC:

Update: Public Health Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 ...

What is already known about this topic?

An outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread throughout China and to 31 other countries and territories, including the United States.

What is added by this report?

Fourteen cases have been diagnosed in the United States, in addition to 39 cases among repatriated persons from high-risk settings, for a current total of 53 cases within the United States. The U.S. government and public health partners are implementing aggressive measures to slow and contain transmission of COVID-19 in the United States.

On February 25, 2020, this report was posted online as an MMWR Early Release.

I know that the truth not only hurts you, but for it to create such anger and hate for the messenger is clearly pathological. It also adds stress to the body, and is not good for one's health.

Thus, in your case I offer my sincere sympathy and with a heavy heart for you, please read the following:

Trump claims he always took coronavirus seriously, but the record says otherwise

From the link:

At a White House briefing on Tuesday, President Trump said no one took the danger of the coronavirus more seriously than he did.

“I’ve always known this is a real — this is a pandemic,” said Trump. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

He doubled down on Wednesday morning in a tweet.

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump, referring to the coronavirus with a term that many consider offensive and medical experts discourage. “Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!”

OT, Have a blissful day.
Russia and China thank you for your gleeful gloating and your attempts to create hysteria over a virus.
Go back to Wuhan you greasy bastard.

"Leadership in managing disasters and emergencies can minimize the damage inflicted by an event whilst lack of successful leadership exacerbates the impact. Leaders should have certain skills and abilities in order to manage catastrophes based on the environmental conditions, organizations they lead, scope of the disaster. This study provides an overview of the leadership competencies and traits that are necessary for disaster management. A conceptual framework for leadership was provided throughout the research."

It is not time for more dog and pony shows, Governors and mayors across our nation are calling for direct, critically needed and immediate action by the Federal Government.

Today's D&P Show did not offer any immediate and direct national response to the Covid-19 Emergency. For the several weeks before WHO declared a pandemic, medical professionals all across our nation sent out a warning to the public, a warning which was ignored by Trump, his Administration and CPAC:

Update: Public Health Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 ...

What is already known about this topic?

An outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread throughout China and to 31 other countries and territories, including the United States.

What is added by this report?

Fourteen cases have been diagnosed in the United States, in addition to 39 cases among repatriated persons from high-risk settings, for a current total of 53 cases within the United States. The U.S. government and public health partners are implementing aggressive measures to slow and contain transmission of COVID-19 in the United States.

On February 25, 2020, this report was posted online as an MMWR Early Release.

I know that the truth not only hurts you, but for it to create such anger and hate for the messenger is clearly pathological. It also adds stress to the body, and is not good for one's health.

Thus, in your case I offer my sincere sympathy and with a heavy heart for you, please read the following:

Trump claims he always took coronavirus seriously, but the record says otherwise

From the link:

At a White House briefing on Tuesday, President Trump said no one took the danger of the coronavirus more seriously than he did.

“I’ve always known this is a real — this is a pandemic,” said Trump. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

He doubled down on Wednesday morning in a tweet.

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump, referring to the coronavirus with a term that many consider offensive and medical experts discourage. “Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!”

OT, Have a blissful day.
Russia and China thank you for your gleeful gloating and your attempts to create hysteria over a virus.

Your comment that I have the power to create hysteria over a virus suggests I am all powerful. Clearly that is not true, nor is it something I would ever claim. What it does provide is the fear I instill in you in my comments.

Of course anyone who has ever followed your work understands the vast divide between what you write and the truth. So my denial of your high praise will have no impact on the world.
Go back to Wuhan you greasy bastard.

"Leadership in managing disasters and emergencies can minimize the damage inflicted by an event whilst lack of successful leadership exacerbates the impact. Leaders should have certain skills and abilities in order to manage catastrophes based on the environmental conditions, organizations they lead, scope of the disaster. This study provides an overview of the leadership competencies and traits that are necessary for disaster management. A conceptual framework for leadership was provided throughout the research."

It is not time for more dog and pony shows, Governors and mayors across our nation are calling for direct, critically needed and immediate action by the Federal Government.

Today's D&P Show did not offer any immediate and direct national response to the Covid-19 Emergency. For the several weeks before WHO declared a pandemic, medical professionals all across our nation sent out a warning to the public, a warning which was ignored by Trump, his Administration and CPAC:

Update: Public Health Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 ...

What is already known about this topic?

An outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread throughout China and to 31 other countries and territories, including the United States.

What is added by this report?

Fourteen cases have been diagnosed in the United States, in addition to 39 cases among repatriated persons from high-risk settings, for a current total of 53 cases within the United States. The U.S. government and public health partners are implementing aggressive measures to slow and contain transmission of COVID-19 in the United States.

On February 25, 2020, this report was posted online as an MMWR Early Release.

I know that the truth not only hurts you, but for it to create such anger and hate for the messenger is clearly pathological. It also adds stress to the body, and is not good for one's health.

Thus, in your case I offer my sincere sympathy and with a heavy heart for you, please read the following:

Trump claims he always took coronavirus seriously, but the record says otherwise

From the link:

At a White House briefing on Tuesday, President Trump said no one took the danger of the coronavirus more seriously than he did.

“I’ve always known this is a real — this is a pandemic,” said Trump. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

He doubled down on Wednesday morning in a tweet.

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump, referring to the coronavirus with a term that many consider offensive and medical experts discourage. “Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!”

OT, Have a blissful day.
Russia and China thank you for your gleeful gloating and your attempts to create hysteria over a virus.

Your comment that I have the power to create hysteria over a virus suggests I am all powerful. Clearly that is not true, nor is it something I would ever claim. What it does provide is the fear I instill in you in my comments.

Of course anyone who has ever followed your work understands the vast divide between what you write and the truth. So my denial of your high praise will have no impact on the world.
You are just a nobody jackass in a sea of jackasses adding to your list of sins that you will be judged for on Judgment Day.
It's time for honesty, and the necessary actions to protect the U.S.'re recommending that Trump resign? Cuz he lies all the time and has proven himself to be incompetent.

“We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

— Jan. 21, 2020 (interview)

Trump was asked during an interview with CNBC whether he had any concerns about a pandemic after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had identified a case of coronavirus in Washington state. That was the first sign that the virus might eventually spread via community transmission, but Trump dismissed any concern. Within weeks, Washington state would become the center of the outbreak in the United States.

Trump made this comment in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, who noted that there were now eight cases in the United States. The Trump administration had imposed an entry ban on all foreign nationals who were in the People’s Republic of China, excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, in the previous 14 days, effective Feb. 2. Trump reportedly had been reluctant to impose the ban, citing his relationship with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, but the action was urged by his top health advisers. The virus was already spreading through the United States. But the testing criteria set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were extremely narrow: Only those with recent travel to China or those who had come into contact with a confirmed infection would be tested.
Corona is from bats, because...China. They eat eat bats over there as well as many other wretched creatures. Of course a disease like this came out of China.
Economics has more to do with the spread of coronavirus than ethnicity. Imho, (crony) capitalism "managed," by an ignorant, arrogant moron, explains the current, wretched response to Covid-19.

Coronavirus gives us a terrifying glimpse of the future – and highlights a chilling paradox | Jeff Sparrow

"In 2018 the World Health Organization predicted a threat from what it called 'Disease X', on the basis that 'a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease'.

"At the same time the global pandemic director for America’s National Security Council resigned – and then his entire team was disbanded by Donald Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton.

"Trump, of course, told reporters he took 'no responsibility' for cutting the global health security team – and tweeted: 'I encourage you to turn towards prayer as an act of faith.'"
So what was the final lesson?
"The disease itself didn’t reach terminal levels until the mutation, which occurred in the months following the first outbreak.

"Health officials on both sides of the Atlantic refused to take the necessary precautions needed in the first few months of the disease, which almost certainly allowed the second strain to evolve."

Spanish Influenza’s Final Lesson | Geopolitical Monitor

Are you practicing social distancing?

Has he ever stopped?
Conservatives don't need no stinkin' social distancing.

Coronavirus Is a Moral Test That Conservatives Are Failing
I'm glad you Dems finally agree we should keep people from third world countries out of America.
Go back to Wuhan you greasy bastard.

"Leadership in managing disasters and emergencies can minimize the damage inflicted by an event whilst lack of successful leadership exacerbates the impact. Leaders should have certain skills and abilities in order to manage catastrophes based on the environmental conditions, organizations they lead, scope of the disaster. This study provides an overview of the leadership competencies and traits that are necessary for disaster management. A conceptual framework for leadership was provided throughout the research."

It is not time for more dog and pony shows, Governors and mayors across our nation are calling for direct, critically needed and immediate action by the Federal Government.

Today's D&P Show did not offer any immediate and direct national response to the Covid-19 Emergency. For the several weeks before WHO declared a pandemic, medical professionals all across our nation sent out a warning to the public, a warning which was ignored by Trump, his Administration and CPAC:

Update: Public Health Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 ...

What is already known about this topic?

An outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread throughout China and to 31 other countries and territories, including the United States.

What is added by this report?

Fourteen cases have been diagnosed in the United States, in addition to 39 cases among repatriated persons from high-risk settings, for a current total of 53 cases within the United States. The U.S. government and public health partners are implementing aggressive measures to slow and contain transmission of COVID-19 in the United States.

On February 25, 2020, this report was posted online as an MMWR Early Release.

I know that the truth not only hurts you, but for it to create such anger and hate for the messenger is clearly pathological. It also adds stress to the body, and is not good for one's health.

Thus, in your case I offer my sincere sympathy and with a heavy heart for you, please read the following:

Trump claims he always took coronavirus seriously, but the record says otherwise

From the link:

At a White House briefing on Tuesday, President Trump said no one took the danger of the coronavirus more seriously than he did.

“I’ve always known this is a real — this is a pandemic,” said Trump. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

He doubled down on Wednesday morning in a tweet.

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump, referring to the coronavirus with a term that many consider offensive and medical experts discourage. “Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!”

OT, Have a blissful day.
Russia and China thank you for your gleeful gloating and your attempts to create hysteria over a virus.

Your comment that I have the power to create hysteria over a virus suggests I am all powerful. Clearly that is not true, nor is it something I would ever claim. What it does provide is the fear I instill in you in my comments.

Of course anyone who has ever followed your work understands the vast divide between what you write and the truth. So my denial of your high praise will have no impact on the world.

You are just a nobody jackass in a sea of jackasses adding to your list of sins that you will be judged for on Judgment Day.

A very cowardly ad hominem.
Spanish Influenza’s Final Lesson | Geopolitical Monitor

"But Spanish Influenza’s final lesson remains unlearned by many people.

"The pandemic had two phases, divided by a singular mutation that altered the course of history. In the first months of the outbreak, it’s caliber was largely the same as the common flu.

"In the summer of 1918, it infected nearly 50% of the British troops fighting in Europe, and almost 60% of their French comrades.

"But the symptoms were relatively mild, and the survival rate was extremely high. Its symptoms included chills, a slight fever and cough.

"Typically, recovery occurred within a few days.

"It’s the second wave, that starting in the fall of 1918, is famous for killing between 20-50 million people.

"In the month of October alone, nearly 200,000 Americans died.

"The symptoms of the mutation were far crueler, as victims usually perished within a few days.

"Their skin would turn a dark blue, caused by slow and painful suffocation as the lungs would fill with liquid.":21:

Spanish flu has to be taken into context. The world was just emerging from a World War with widespread destruction. A lot of the victims were already compromised by the fighting & the use of chemical weapons.
Spanish flu has to be taken into context. The world was just emerging from a World War with widespread destruction. A lot of the victims were already compromised by the fighting & the use of chemical weapons.
With the exception of HIV/AIDS, no 20th century virus hit the planet like the 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic:

Spanish Influenza’s Final Lesson | Geopolitical Monitor

"Almost 3% of the world’s population died in 1918, with Influenza claiming more American servicemen’s lives than the fighting in Europe.

"It spread at an unbelievable rate, reaching as far north as remote Inuit communities in central Alaska.

"It’s believed that US President Woodrow Wilson even contracted it while negotiating at Versailles in 1919.

"The crisis didn’t subside to manageable levels until later that year, as by then it had either killed everyone it affected, or the survivors had developed immunity."

There are a few survivors of that strain who are still living:

"Some, like José Ameal, now at over 100 years of age, still can’t forget what he saw as a child.

"Or what he felt.

"'So many dead,' he told the BBC in 2018. He recalled how his aunt and uncle would keep the drapes drawn while the town marched it’s dead down to a collective burial ground, a useless attempt at shielding the young boy from the realities that faced his little village of Luarca, Spain."
Spanish Influenza’s Final Lesson | Geopolitical Monitor

"But Spanish Influenza’s final lesson remains unlearned by many people.

"The pandemic had two phases, divided by a singular mutation that altered the course of history. In the first months of the outbreak, it’s caliber was largely the same as the common flu.

"In the summer of 1918, it infected nearly 50% of the British troops fighting in Europe, and almost 60% of their French comrades.

"But the symptoms were relatively mild, and the survival rate was extremely high. Its symptoms included chills, a slight fever and cough.

"Typically, recovery occurred within a few days.

"It’s the second wave, that starting in the fall of 1918, is famous for killing between 20-50 million people.

"In the month of October alone, nearly 200,000 Americans died.

"The symptoms of the mutation were far crueler, as victims usually perished within a few days.

"Their skin would turn a dark blue, caused by slow and painful suffocation as the lungs would fill with liquid.":21:

Spanish flu has to be taken into context. The world was just emerging from a World War with widespread destruction. A lot of the victims were already compromised by the fighting & the use of chemical weapons.
Spanish flu has to be taken into context. The world was just emerging from a World War with widespread destruction. A lot of the victims were already compromised by the fighting & the use of chemical weapons.
With the exception of HIV/AIDS, no 20th century virus hit the planet like the 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic:

Spanish Influenza’s Final Lesson | Geopolitical Monitor

"Almost 3% of the world’s population died in 1918, with Influenza claiming more American servicemen’s lives than the fighting in Europe.

"It spread at an unbelievable rate, reaching as far north as remote Inuit communities in central Alaska.

"It’s believed that US President Woodrow Wilson even contracted it while negotiating at Versailles in 1919.

"The crisis didn’t subside to manageable levels until later that year, as by then it had either killed everyone it affected, or the survivors had developed immunity."

There are a few survivors of that strain who are still living:

"Some, like José Ameal, now at over 100 years of age, still can’t forget what he saw as a child.

"Or what he felt.

"'So many dead,' he told the BBC in 2018. He recalled how his aunt and uncle would keep the drapes drawn while the town marched it’s dead down to a collective burial ground, a useless attempt at shielding the young boy from the realities that faced his little village of Luarca, Spain."
Go back to Wuhan you greasy bastard.

I know that the truth not only hurts you, but for it to create such anger and hate for the messenger is clearly pathological. It also adds stress to the body, and is not good for one's health.

Thus, in your case I offer my sincere sympathy and with a heavy heart for you, please read the following:

Trump claims he always took coronavirus seriously, but the record says otherwise

From the link:

At a White House briefing on Tuesday, President Trump said no one took the danger of the coronavirus more seriously than he did.

“I’ve always known this is a real — this is a pandemic,” said Trump. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

He doubled down on Wednesday morning in a tweet.

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump, referring to the coronavirus with a term that many consider offensive and medical experts discourage. “Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!”

OT, Have a blissful day.
Russia and China thank you for your gleeful gloating and your attempts to create hysteria over a virus.

Your comment that I have the power to create hysteria over a virus suggests I am all powerful. Clearly that is not true, nor is it something I would ever claim. What it does provide is the fear I instill in you in my comments.

Of course anyone who has ever followed your work understands the vast divide between what you write and the truth. So my denial of your high praise will have no impact on the world.

You are just a nobody jackass in a sea of jackasses adding to your list of sins that you will be judged for on Judgment Day.

A very cowardly ad hominem.
No it is Courageous to try to save Unrepentant Sinners from The Flames of Hell.
Turn to the Salvation of Yeshua Messiah, or forever be cast in to The Eternal Lake of Fire.
Cease your lying and slander.
"The Spanish Influenza showed us the price of placing national interest, or personal preference, over health and safety.

"In the present crisis facing the international community, it is important that we do not make the same mistake.

"It is critical to follow guidelines set up by groups such as the World Health Organization, which include avoiding large crowds, staying home if you are sick, and washing your hands regularly."

Spanish Influenza’s Final Lesson | Geopolitical Monitor
"The Spanish Influenza showed us the price of placing national interest, or personal preference, over health and safety.

"In the present crisis facing the international community, it is important that we do not make the same mistake.

"It is critical to follow guidelines set up by groups such as the World Health Organization, which include avoiding large crowds, staying home if you are sick, and washing your hands regularly."

Spanish Influenza’s Final Lesson | Geopolitical Monitor

"The Spanish Influenza showed us the price of placing national interest, or personal preference, over health and safety."

It did? How did it show that?
Corona is from bats, because...China. They eat eat bats over there as well as many other wretched creatures. Of course a disease like this came out of China.
Economics has more to do with the spread of coronavirus than ethnicity. Imho, (crony) capitalism "managed," by an ignorant, arrogant moron, explains the current, wretched response to Covid-19.

Coronavirus gives us a terrifying glimpse of the future – and highlights a chilling paradox | Jeff Sparrow

"In 2018 the World Health Organization predicted a threat from what it called 'Disease X', on the basis that 'a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease'.

"At the same time the global pandemic director for America’s National Security Council resigned – and then his entire team was disbanded by Donald Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton.

"Trump, of course, told reporters he took 'no responsibility' for cutting the global health security team – and tweeted: 'I encourage you to turn towards prayer as an act of faith.'"
Right...the fact that virtually all flu strains originate in a place where: people and animals are stacked on top of each other by the millions, and those people don’t use tissues and just blow snot rockets wherever they’re standing, don’t really use toilets and let it rip wherever they’re standing, have no problem touching the animal shit all around them, and then eat and prepare those animals in a completely unsanitary fashion...all of that has nothing to do with the fact that the virus originated in that place. That’s just happen stance. A total fluke. It’s all totally the fault of capitalism. Not the fault of the communist government in control of that place trying to cover up the virus while at the same time going about business as usual since mid November...when the spread of this virus could’ve been greatly slowed, or even contained had they been upfront with the rest of the world. You’re right, goddamn you to hell capitalism for giving us commercial air travel that lets millions travel to wherever they want in day. It just makes me sick thinking about the unnecessary luxuries capitalism affords us.

FYI, I wasn’t speaking hyperbolically about the conditions in China. When we’re developing flu vaccines our researchers go specifically to China, look at all the strains of newly emerged Viruses there, and pick the 3 that’ll have the greatest chance to go viral. Because whatever starts in China, will eventually make it here. That’s why the flu vaccine isn’t always 100% effective, because they didn’t pick all of the correct strains of influenza, or a forth makes it’s way over here and wreaks havoc. And no, they do not use tissues, they blow snot rockets on the ground wherever they’re standing, or sitting. In a restaurant, on the subway, on the streets, or in their homes. And no they don’t use toilets that often depending on which region you’re in, basically all of mainland China don’t really use toilets that often. They use them so little that areas where mainland Chinese go to for vacation frequently, they have to put signs up in Chinese/mandarin telling them not to shit in those areas, and how to use toilets. And if you went to their markets, you wouldn’t want to eat anything for 3 days. They don’t give a flying fuck about sanitation practices, not the tinsiest bit. And they’ll eat whatever. They’ll literally catch a rat with their bare hands in front of you, break it’s neck, cook it, and try to sell it to you...and won’t see any problem doing so because they do it on the regular. That’s why so many Chinese restaurants have been shut down in the US due to unsanitary conditions, and selling you “chicken” that’s actually a pigeon they grabbed while they were outside throwing away trash in the dumpster. If they’re straight of the boat from China, culturally it’s not a problem to them and they don’t think it is to you, but their digestive systems are use to it, ours aren’t at all. Obviously a large majority of Chinese restaurants don’t do that, but how many do get permanently shut down in the US just shows you how culturally different we are. And it’s not a case of neither culture is better, they’re just different. WRONG, so many Chinese get murked from sepsis from easily treatable diseases, it’s an absolute travesty. It’s to the point where it’s not a reliable place to do clinical research because so much of the data will get tainted and you’ll have no clue what’s a side effect or what’s the normal riff raff of China. If all of what I said is racist, then so is saying don’t drink the water in South America. Bernie bro’s saying that calling this virus the Chinese virus is racist, have no fucking clue what they’re talking about. It’s not racist, it’s fact. We don’t go to France to make our flu vaccines, we go to China, because that’s where the flu’s originate.
Corona is from bats, because...China. They eat eat bats over there as well as many other wretched creatures. Of course a disease like this came out of China.
Economics has more to do with the spread of coronavirus than ethnicity. Imho, (crony) capitalism "managed," by an ignorant, arrogant moron, explains the current, wretched response to Covid-19.

Coronavirus gives us a terrifying glimpse of the future – and highlights a chilling paradox | Jeff Sparrow

"In 2018 the World Health Organization predicted a threat from what it called 'Disease X', on the basis that 'a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease'.

"At the same time the global pandemic director for America’s National Security Council resigned – and then his entire team was disbanded by Donald Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton.

"Trump, of course, told reporters he took 'no responsibility' for cutting the global health security team – and tweeted: 'I encourage you to turn towards prayer as an act of faith.'"
Right...the fact that virtually all flu strains originate in a place where: people and animals are stacked on top of each other by the millions, and those people don’t use tissues and just blow snot rockets wherever they’re standing, don’t really use toilets and let it rip wherever they’re standing, have no problem touching the animal shit all around them, and then eat and prepare those animals in a completely unsanitary fashion...all of that has nothing to do with the fact that the virus originated in that place. That’s just happen stance. A total fluke. It’s all totally the fault of capitalism. Not the fault of the communist government in control of that place trying to cover up the virus while at the same time going about business as usual since mid November...when the spread of this virus could’ve been greatly slowed, or even contained had they been upfront with the rest of the world. You’re right, goddamn you to hell capitalism for giving us commercial air travel that lets millions travel to wherever they want in day. It just makes me sick thinking about the unnecessary luxuries capitalism affords us.

FYI, I wasn’t speaking hyperbolically about the conditions in China. When we’re developing flu vaccines our researchers go specifically to China, look at all the strains of newly emerged Viruses there, and pick the 3 that’ll have the greatest chance to go viral. Because whatever starts in China, will eventually make it here. That’s why the flu vaccine isn’t always 100% effective, because they didn’t pick all of the correct strains of influenza, or a forth makes it’s way over here and wreaks havoc. And no, they do not use tissues, they blow snot rockets on the ground wherever they’re standing, or sitting. In a restaurant, on the subway, on the streets, or in their homes. And no they don’t use toilets that often depending on which region you’re in, basically all of mainland China don’t really use toilets that often. They use them so little that areas where mainland Chinese go to for vacation frequently, they have to put signs up in Chinese/mandarin telling them not to shit in those areas, and how to use toilets. And if you went to their markets, you wouldn’t want to eat anything for 3 days. They don’t give a flying fuck about sanitation practices, not the tinsiest bit. And they’ll eat whatever. They’ll literally catch a rat with their bare hands in front of you, break it’s neck, cook it, and try to sell it to you...and won’t see any problem doing so because they do it on the regular. That’s why so many Chinese restaurants have been shut down in the US due to unsanitary conditions, and selling you “chicken” that’s actually a pigeon they grabbed while they were outside throwing away trash in the dumpster. If they’re straight of the boat from China, culturally it’s not a problem to them and they don’t think it is to you, but their digestive systems are use to it, ours aren’t at all. Obviously a large majority of Chinese restaurants don’t do that, but how many do get permanently shut down in the US just shows you how culturally different we are. And it’s not a case of neither culture is better, they’re just different. WRONG, so many Chinese get murked from sepsis from easily treatable diseases, it’s an absolute travesty. It’s to the point where it’s not a reliable place to do clinical research because so much of the data will get tainted and you’ll have no clue what’s a side effect or what’s the normal riff raff of China. If all of what I said is racist, then so is saying don’t drink the water in South America. Bernie bro’s saying that calling this virus the Chinese virus is racist, have no fucking clue what they’re talking about. It’s not racist, it’s fact. We don’t go to France to make our flu vaccines, we go to China, because that’s where the flu’s originate.

thanks for all the interesting details.

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