It's time for the US to end the sanctions on Iran.

Timeline: U.S.-Iran Contacts

2001: Post-9/11 Cooperation on Afghanistan

Like nearly all world leaders, Ayatollah Khamenei condemned the attacks of 9/11. After the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan toppled the Taliban government, American and Iranian diplomats met together in Bonn, with a handful of representatives from other UN members, to form a new government and constitution for Kabul. “None was more [helpful] than the Iranians,” said James Dobbins, the U.S. special envoy to Afghanistan at the time, writing in the Washington Post. “The original version of the Bonn agreement ... neglected to mention either democracy or the war on terrorism. It was the Iranian representative who spotted these omissions and successfully urged that the newly emerging Afghan government be required to commit to both.”

Iran also cooperated with the United Nations to repatriate nearly one million Afghan refugees residing on its soil and—working with United States, Russia, and India—provided support to the Northern Alliance. Flynt Leverett of the Brookings Institution tells’s Bernard Gwertzman, “I think at least some Iranian officials were hoping could get leveraged into a broader strategic dialogue, but that channel was effectively foreclosed when President Bush in his 2002 State of the Union address labeled Iran as part of the ‘Axis of Evil.’”
Before we kill another million people over there.

As Coronavirus Spreads, Iranian Doctors Fear the Worst


It's time to show true leadership and do the right thing, before it's too late.

Fuck the Iranian regime. They actively helped terrorists kill our troops in the ME. They are lucky we don’t nuke them into the Stone Age.

I also have no sympathy for their people. They allow the radical regime to rule them. They are too complacent to do anything about it, so they deserve to suffer under the regime.
If they used money they currently spend on terrorism and their atom bomb program, to buy medical supplies,
they can help themselves.
If the US would not out spend every country in the world on colonizing the world there wouldn't be a need to spend so much on defending what is their's-

Iran can't buy medical supplies because they're spending all their money to defend themselves from the US?

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