It's time for the US to end the sanctions on Iran.

One step forward, two steps back

two steps forward, one step back

human nature never changes
One step vs stopping- you go ahead and stop, I'll take the steps "I" think will lead where "I" want to be and I won't give up til I'm pushing up daisies then my off spring will continue the journey- it's the journey that counts, not the destination.
If they used money they currently spend on terrorism and their atom bomb program, to buy medical supplies,
they can help themselves.
If the US would not out spend every country in the world on colonizing the world there wouldn't be a need to spend so much on defending what is their's-
If they used money they currently spend on terrorism and their atom bomb program, to buy medical supplies,
they can help themselves.
If the US would not out spend every country in the world on colonizing the world there wouldn't be a need to spend so much on defending what is their's-
We are not colonizing the world

But after WWII it was our responsibility to lead the free world

not a mob we wanted but one we could not a oid
Before we kill another million people over there.

As Coronavirus Spreads, Iranian Doctors Fear the Worst


It's time to show true leadership and do the right thing, before it's too late.

Not our problem...

Islamic Militarists?

Phukk 'em...
noun: colony; plural noun: colonies
a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country.
Blame the U.S. for virus deaths in Iran? Here's a tip, why not call for Iran to conform to U.S. demands to end the sanctions if that's what it takes to save their own people?
Agree mistakes were made in the past, over 2020 or more of them, yet we live in the present and look toward the future, however, weaponizing nuclear material for the express purpose of deploying
and annihilating a race of people because of religion, sponsoring terrorism, and subjecting people to live in a religious oriented feudalistic society is inexcusable.
Now as for the seeds of the 1953 revolution, you are aware they were planted at the turn of the century, during the era of British influence, fast forward to 1945 and the USSR’s push into Iran, resulting Cold War, pitted the USSR against the free world, fast forward to 1950’s and Iran was controlled on one hand by the USSR and the CIA backed the return of the monarchy in an effort to stop the spread of communism while preserving the security of the Middle East and Worlds gateway to the oil market. It’s easy to pass judgement on the past. Irans suppression of freedom, current actions, not warrant easing or removing sanctions, regardless of how you interpret history and actions of others.
You need to learn what a colony it. Apparently you are stupid.
Apparently you can't see beyond your formally educated nose

No. I am also ex-military and some of these bases are a building on the host county's base. I worked at a Navy recruiting district once that was listed as a "base". We occupied less than one floor in an office park building and had only about 30 people assigned. We were collocated with two huge Air Force installations in the same town.

Exports of Medicine and Medical Supplies to Iran
OFAC has authorized the exportation and re-exportation of certain qualified medicine and medical supplies to Iran pursuant to a general license. See Section 560.530(a)(3)(i).

This general license specifically authorizes U.S. persons and other covered persons to export or re-export such goods to any individual or entity in Iran, or to persons in third countries purchasing specifically for resale to any such Iranian individual or entity.

It also authorizes the conduct of related transactions including, but not limited to:

  • Making of shipping and cargo inspection arrangements,
  • Obtaining of insurance,
  • Arrangement of financing and payment,
  • Shipping of the goods,
  • Receipt of payment, and
  • Entry into contracts (including executory contracts).
The specific list of medical supplies subject to this general authorization is listed on OFAC’s website. Please click here for a pdf copy of the list.

The list includes many basic medical supplies, including syringes, forceps, lancets, IV sets, condoms, and surgical kits, just to name a few.

Exporters should consult the list prior to exporting such items to Iran because the contents of the list may change as U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives evolve.

The list also indicates that components, accessories, and optional equipment that are designed for use with EAR99-classified medical devices can also be exported to Iran so long as the primary medical device appears on the list. If the medical device does not appear on the list, specific license authorization must be obtained from OFAC prior to engaging in the transaction.

OFAC has also determined medicine can be exported to Iran. Medicine is an item that falls within the definition of the term “drug” in section 201 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and that, in the case of an item subject to the EAR, is designated as EAR99 or, in the case of an item not subject to the EAR, that would be designated as EAR99, if it were located in the United States.

Excluded Medicine
However, the following medicine are excluded from the general license:

  • Non-NSAID analgesics,
  • Cholinergics,
  • Anticholinergics,
  • Opioids,
  • Narcotics,
  • Benzodiazepines, and
  • Bioactive peptides.
Anyone seeking to export such excluded medicine to Iran must first obtain a specific license from OFAC.

Iran-Related TSRA Food and Medicine Exports

See BS? Their greatest claim to fame in that they have not been caught red-handed faking news like CNN, NBC, and PMSNBC.
You like to pick and choose whatever suits your own twisted ideology.
You can never admit when you're wrong, seems to
be your defining characteristic.

Why should I admit to something which is not true? You won't even admit it when you are proven wrong repeatedly.

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