As Fauci has become a trusted public-facing official on the coronavirus, President Trump is reportedly growing weary of being contradicted by him.
First of all, the president of the United States is Donald Trump, not some egghead CDC doctor. Right now Trump is in the middle of saving America, if not the world's economy and he needs everyone to be on the same page with him -- so when and if he says that everyone needs to go back to work starting next week -- that should be the law of the land, period....and no scientist or governor or Pelosi's abortion demands should be able to override that...
"While the doctor has usually kept his poker face, he facepalmed during a briefing last week, and his interview with Science magazine published on Sunday night made headlines. When asked by Science how he had managed not to get fired yet, Fauci said: "Well, that's pretty interesting because to [Trump's] credit, even though we disagree on some things, he listens. He goes his own way. He has his own style. But on substantive issues, he does listen to what I say."
That is Trump's problem, he needs to stop listening so much to a bunch of scientists (WHO NEVER RAN A BUSINESS) -- and listen to his gut....Trump is a businessman -- he needs to fire Fauci or at least stop him from speaking publicly if he opposes the White House message.... and the message is that the best cure to this virus panic is a booming economy -- and the only way we can have that is to get back to work....donors depend on this, businesses depend on this, everyone depends on this....Scientists should never have this much power to cause such a panic and shock to our's a fuckin' cold, treat it as such.....
Ultimately, this may also come down to a state rights vs federal power issue -- because if Trump wants us to get back to work, that means the governors need to comply.... The red states will follow Trump's leadership but the blue states will keep their businesses shut down just to spite Trump and end up hurting their own citizens in the process....
No, he didn’t face palm. Some media took a single frame shot to push he did. The video is on this forum. He began to grin, then chuckle. That is what he actually was doing, was covering that.
Dr. Fauci stated he listens. And from your own link, since they know it is on tape they included this-
When asked by Science how he had managed not to get fired yet, Fauci said: "Well, that's pretty interesting because to [Trump's] credit, even though we disagree on some things, he listens. He goes his own way. He has his own style. But on substantive issues, he does listen to what I say."
By the way, the article never states who told them Trump is frustrated with Fauci.
And the article is from the NYT’s.