It's time to fight back hundreds of #closethecamps rallies planned across the country


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.
This entire country has gone fucking nuts !!

So glad that just in a handful more years, I am outa here !
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.

The Republican Party is not a American Party. It has been taken over by neo-nazis, fascists and white supremacists. You are a freaking fruitcake that needs to be booted put of this country. It is not being invaded.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.

The Republican Party is not a American Party. It has been taken over by neo-nazis, fascists and white supremacists. You are a freaking fruitcake that needs to be booted put of this country. It is not being invaded.

Good grief and you loons are Fascist then
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................
They are not going to release anyone. They make too much money having them locked up in these detention centers. Soros has spent a lot of money herding them through Mexico until they reaches the U.S. His next money making scheme is to housed the Homeless in detention centers. It will be dandy if he uses his own money. But of course, he is going to use tax payer's dollars to fund his programs which he will profit a lot from.

Pierce County councilmember wants unused portion of jail to house the homeless

.Atlanta city jail unsustainable, should be converted to transitional housing

Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.

Go to another country as they did and in the same manner if you make it back alive let us know becaue reality is dumb ass nno other country in the world lets you walk the fk in and take up " their citizens rights" esp. when it comes ot the gawd dam tax payers payinngg for these mothers fkrs in every way there is you stupid fk!!!

WTF about our VETS LIVING In the fkn streets first pos!!
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.

The Republican Party is not a American Party. It has been taken over by neo-nazis, fascists and white supremacists. You are a freaking fruitcake that needs to be booted put of this country. It is not being invaded.

nazi were left wing socialist YOU moron ...
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.

The Republican Party is not a American Party. It has been taken over by neo-nazis, fascists and white supremacists. You are a freaking fruitcake that needs to be booted put of this country. It is not being invaded.

Good grief and you loons are Fascist then

Another fascist speaks out.
THE SHEEP will never see it ------------------------
“The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the single most significant component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perceptions.” - Henry Kissinger, World Action Council, April 19, 1994

The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism And Open Borders
The Republican Party is not a American Party. It has been taken over by neo-nazis, fascists and white supremacists. You are a freaking fruitcake that needs to be booted put of this country. It is not being invaded.

^^^^ THIS

is why the nation is doomed........unless

There is no "reasoning" with them.

Their belief is that you have no is not yours to protect. The USA belongs to the World.
Not lawful Americans born there.
The nation was doomed when the birther law was enacted.

There is absolutely no way in Hell the USA survives this with any resemblance to what the Founders envisioned and created in terms of freedom and justice.
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Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.

Go to another country as they did and in the same manner if you make it back alive let us know becaue reality is dumb ass nno other country in the world lets you walk the fk in and take up " their citizens rights" esp. when it comes ot the gawd dam tax payers payinngg for these mothers fkrs in every way there is you stupid fk!!!

WTF about our VETS LIVING In the fkn streets first pos!!

The fact is that this country was founded on people seeking protection from persecution. No other country was founded on this. The US has always been there for people who are in fear of their lives. You motherfucking racists don't like it then leave.

There are a number of programs for veterans. Take your fucking ass and go to the devil.
Coming to this country to claim asylum is legal.

Biggest mistake in human history.
It was NOT intended as an "Open Door" policy. You will proudly declare laws which support your agenda as just and appropriate such as the invasion in progress. yet in the same breath, you will declare Constitutional RIGHTS such as the 2nd as outdated and unnecessary.

People absolutely ARE NOT coming here for the same reasons in the same numbers as 100 years ago. The USA system is being used and abused. Americans are the ones who will pay the price. Their way of life has been forfeited. Over time things WILL decay and gravitate towards 3rd world status. Just a matter of time now.

Americans "should" be mad as all fucking hell......but most are too distracted, too comfortable or too scared to give a shit and actually do anything..(until it's too late)

So, Rome will fall once again. Americas wealth will vanish over time and eventually we'll be much like Russia. A poor state with a lot of angry, oppressed poor people....or Cuba or Venezuela. China will probably take it's place, sans the human freedom.

Unless.......(but un-likely)
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Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.

The Republican Party is not a American Party. It has been taken over by neo-nazis, fascists and white supremacists. You are a freaking fruitcake that needs to be booted put of this country. It is not being invaded.

nazi were left wing socialist YOU moron ...

The Nazis rose to power by blaming others for the country's problems. Trump did the same thing. For Hitler, it was Jews. For Trump, Muslims and Hispanics are the bad guys. Hitler tried to take over the world through force.
The Republican Party is not a American Party. It has been taken over by neo-nazis, fascists and white supremacists. You are a freaking fruitcake that needs to be booted put of this country. It is not being invaded.

^^^^ THIS

is why the nation is doomed........unless

There is no "reasoning" with them.

Their belief is that you have no is not yours to protect. The USA belongs to the World.
Not lawful Americans born there.
The nation was doomed when the birther law was enacted.

There is absolutely no way in Hell the USA survives this with any resemblance to what the Founders envisioned and created in terms of freedom and justice.

There is no reasoning with Trump supporters as they are driven by hatred. The fact is that our ancestors were trying to escape tyranny.

The US as you envision it is going. One in which white men run things. The fact that a successful political campaign has to move beyond white men scares you.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.

The Republican Party is not a American Party. It has been taken over by neo-nazis, fascists and white supremacists. You are a freaking fruitcake that needs to be booted put of this country. It is not being invaded.

nazi were left wing socialist YOU moron ...

The Nazis rose to power by blaming others for the country's problems. Trump did the same thing. For Hitler, it was Jews. For Trump, Muslims and Hispanics are the bad guys. Hitler tried to take over the world through force.

and promising free shit and expanding the welfare state like a good leftist JUST like yourself

we do have a Muslim and illegal alien problem
why is it all about hate with nazi morons like yourself ?

we cant address these problems open and honestly with morons such as yourself ...

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