It's time to fight back hundreds of #closethecamps rallies planned across the country

Coming to this country to claim asylum is legal.

Biggest mistake in human history.
It was NOT intended as an "Open Door" policy.

People absolutely ARE NOT coming here for the same reasons in the same numbers as 100 years ago. The USA system is being used and abused. Americans are the ones who will pay the price. Their way of life has been forfeited. Over time things WILL decay and gravitate towards 3rd world status. Just a matter of time now.

Americans "should" be mad as all fucking hell......but most are too distracted, too comfortable or too scared to give a shit and actually do anything..

So, Rome will fall once again.

It shows the greatness of this country. This country has always stood up for people who are in fear of their lives. You want to look at 3rd world status, look at Trump's white trash supporters in states like Arkansas and Alabama. Over half of them receive government payments.

Rome will fall if Trump remains in power.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.
I am one of those who is out there trying to get rumputin to close the concentration camps. If you can remember any history you may know Adolf did the same thing only to citizens.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.

Go to another country as they did and in the same manner if you make it back alive let us know becaue reality is dumb ass nno other country in the world lets you walk the fk in and take up " their citizens rights" esp. when it comes ot the gawd dam tax payers payinngg for these mothers fkrs in every way there is you stupid fk!!!

WTF about our VETS LIVING In the fkn streets first pos!!

The fact is that this country was founded on people seeking protection from persecution. No other country was founded on this. The US has always been there for people who are in fear of their lives. You motherfucking racists don't like it then leave.

There are a number of programs for veterans. Take your fucking ass and go to the devil.
Yeah that's why they are living in streets there's so many.
Coming to this country to claim asylum is legal.

Biggest mistake in human history.
It was NOT intended as an "Open Door" policy.

People absolutely ARE NOT coming here for the same reasons in the same numbers as 100 years ago. The USA system is being used and abused. Americans are the ones who will pay the price. Their way of life has been forfeited. Over time things WILL decay and gravitate towards 3rd world status. Just a matter of time now.

Americans "should" be mad as all fucking hell......but most are too distracted, too comfortable or too scared to give a shit and actually do anything..

So, Rome will fall once again.

It shows the greatness of this country. This country has always stood up for people who are in fear of their lives. You want to look at 3rd world status, look at Trump's white trash supporters in states like Arkansas and Alabama. Over half of them receive government payments.

Rome will fall if Trump remains in power.
rome is already burning you nazi retard
Coming to this country to claim asylum is legal.

Biggest mistake in human history.
It was NOT intended as an "Open Door" policy.

People absolutely ARE NOT coming here for the same reasons in the same numbers as 100 years ago. The USA system is being used and abused. Americans are the ones who will pay the price. Their way of life has been forfeited. Over time things WILL decay and gravitate towards 3rd world status. Just a matter of time now.

Americans "should" be mad as all fucking hell......but most are too distracted, too comfortable or too scared to give a shit and actually do anything..

So, Rome will fall once again.

It shows the greatness of this country. This country has always stood up for people who are in fear of their lives. You want to look at 3rd world status, look at Trump's white trash supporters in states like Arkansas and Alabama. Over half of them receive government payments.

Rome will fall if Trump remains in power.

Typical nazi spewing hatred and intolerance
It shows the greatness of this country. This country has always stood up for people who are in fear of their lives. You want to look at 3rd world status, look at Trump's white trash supporters in states like Arkansas and Alabama. Over half of them receive government payments.
Rome will fall if Trump remains in power.

Times have changed. It's naive to believe ALL those people are coming here seeking asylum.

Most are coming here because Democrats have spread the message that America is theirs for the taking and helped give away America at every step.
Most might be coming simply to "Improve" their life, which is understandable that they want to improve their life.....but by doing so, they are stealing the future of Americans. There is no such thing as unlimited resources. The USA is already 25 TRILLION in debt and printing money as fast as it can to keep up. This is an illusion that will soon shatter.
The USA DEBT interest is growing faster than the GDP. That is tragic and a sign.

They come here with absolutely NO LOYALTY to the USA in fact, most spit on the USA even after blessed with free everything. They loathe America and wave the flag of the imaginary "oppression" they left.

No nation could ever just open it's borders and take in every person who needs help....and remain the nation it was.
If you really believe America will be "better", maybe you should ask yourself why they're all coming here? What did these people do for THEIR OWN COUNTRY other than run from it?

If they were not willing to fight for their own country, they sure as FUCK are not going to give their loyalty to and fight for America.

They ARE NOT coming here to build America. They are coming here for selfish reasons with loyalty to the country the came from....and to TAKE from American taxpayers everything the Left has promised them (in exchange for their vote, to solidify their hold on POWER)
They are taking JOBS. They are taking MONEY. They are taking RESOURCES.

The need for asylum is a fabricated "crisis" built by the Left to grab power. End Of Story.
The countries they are coming from (other than the Left built Venezuela) are NOT war torn.

Lastly, they Are NOT ENTITLED to asylum in the USA,...but rather BY INTERNATIONAL LAW, the FIRST country they land in. For the vast majority THAt WOULD BE MEXICO. NOT the USA.

Your argument is a farce from the beginning.
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Coming to this country to claim asylum is legal.

Biggest mistake in human history.
It was NOT intended as an "Open Door" policy.

People absolutely ARE NOT coming here for the same reasons in the same numbers as 100 years ago. The USA system is being used and abused. Americans are the ones who will pay the price. Their way of life has been forfeited. Over time things WILL decay and gravitate towards 3rd world status. Just a matter of time now.

Americans "should" be mad as all fucking hell......but most are too distracted, too comfortable or too scared to give a shit and actually do anything..

So, Rome will fall once again.

It shows the greatness of this country. This country has always stood up for people who are in fear of their lives. You want to look at 3rd world status, look at Trump's white trash supporters in states like Arkansas and Alabama. Over half of them receive government payments.

Rome will fall if Trump remains in power.
rome is already burning you nazi retard
Coming to this country to claim asylum is legal.

Biggest mistake in human history.
It was NOT intended as an "Open Door" policy.

People absolutely ARE NOT coming here for the same reasons in the same numbers as 100 years ago. The USA system is being used and abused. Americans are the ones who will pay the price. Their way of life has been forfeited. Over time things WILL decay and gravitate towards 3rd world status. Just a matter of time now.

Americans "should" be mad as all fucking hell......but most are too distracted, too comfortable or too scared to give a shit and actually do anything..

So, Rome will fall once again.

It shows the greatness of this country. This country has always stood up for people who are in fear of their lives. You want to look at 3rd world status, look at Trump's white trash supporters in states like Arkansas and Alabama. Over half of them receive government payments.

Rome will fall if Trump remains in power.

Typical nazi spewing hatred and intolerance

That one is as stupid as a frozen fence post
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.

Go to another country as they did and in the same manner if you make it back alive let us know becaue reality is dumb ass nno other country in the world lets you walk the fk in and take up " their citizens rights" esp. when it comes ot the gawd dam tax payers payinngg for these mothers fkrs in every way there is you stupid fk!!!

WTF about our VETS LIVING In the fkn streets first pos!!

The fact is that this country was founded on people seeking protection from persecution. No other country was founded on this. The US has always been there for people who are in fear of their lives. You motherfucking racists don't like it then leave.

There are a number of programs for veterans. Take your fucking ass and go to the devil.
The invaders are not in fear of their lives. They are greedy and looking for the next hand out. Pack them up and send them back.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.
I am one of those who is out there trying to get rumputin to close the concentration camps. If you can remember any history you may know Adolf did the same thing only to citizens.[/QUOTE

No one walked thousands of miles to get into Adolph's concentration camps.

Have mass deportations. Have hearings of 500 at a time. Tax remittances at 25% to make it less attractive to come here. Close the ports of entry. Round up all the illegals they can catch.

But first before anything can happen is that the president needs to declare martial law along the border and wipe his ass with these socialist democrat judges orders.
Protesting to close the camps?

Turn the fire-hoses and tear-gas on the protestors, run 'em down with police cavalry, and give each a good thumping with a nightstick.

Rubber bullets, stun-grenades and tazers might also come in handy.

Sound like great fun... a grand idea... especially if some of the most vocal Liberal Snowflakes are at the head of the rioters.
Protesting to close the camps?

Turn the fire-hoses and tear-gas on the protestors, run 'em down with police cavalry, and give each a good thumping with a nightstick.

Rubber bullets, stun-grenades and tazers might also come in handy.

Sound like great fun... a grand idea... especially if some of the most vocal Liberal Snowflakes are at the head of the rioters.
That's a good start. Then go full Kent State.

I heard that someone put an alligator in the Rio Grande. It is thriving. Have a serious stocking with alligators. The invasion can turn into lunch time.

Alligators seen swimming in the Rio Grande
There is no reasoning with Trump supporters as they are driven by hatred. The fact is that our ancestors were trying to escape tyranny.
The US as you envision it is going. One in which white men run things. The fact that a successful political campaign has to move beyond white men scares you.

Well, we could use Zimbabwe, Nigeria or Uganda for comparative purposes....but DAMN....I wouldn't want to live in ANY of those places.
If "white men" create a place where I can be free, pursue happiness and live reasonably comfortable, then shit,...I'll take White Mans world for the win Alec.

What scares me is the excitement people like you get for giving up a good life to embrace one of hunger, doing without and suffering.

What kind of fool chooses poverty and strife over luxury and comfort given a choice (other than your kind???)

Just so you know..."White" America is home to more Wealthy Blacks than ALL other nations COMBINED. You're doing a great job destroying that.

I'm not sure why so many white people are still supporting the Left. There are some REALLY DUMB ASS whites who like their asses kicked apparently.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................
And you don't like this group either, I bet: #NeverAgainIsNow: 36 Arrested As Hundreds of Jewish Protesters Block Road to Migrant Detention Center
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.

The Republican Party is not a American Party. It has been taken over by neo-nazis, fascists and white supremacists. You are a freaking fruitcake that needs to be booted put of this country. It is not being invaded.

nazi were left wing socialist YOU moron ...
Nope, they were Fascists...modeled after the Italian Fascist Party.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.

You are as full of shit as they are, maybe more.
But first before anything can happen is that the president needs to declare martial law along the border and wipe his ass with these socialist democrat judges orders.

Even the best intentioned President would need tens of millions of citizens ready to take to the streets in support of him to do this.

We can't get enough angry Right-Wingers to step up to the plate to fill a short bus.

All that is required for evil men to prevail (like George Soros, AOC etc) for good men to keep ignoring what MUST be done.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.
Like I said

Trump should sign an executive order effective immediately
for the garnishment from of all sources of revenue
to be used exclusively for the financial costs of these immigrants

They should determine how many immigrants
each state will receive based on the size of each state

Let’s see how that plays out

Asylum is not to earn higher wages moron
They earn less and pay less
If they cant afford to make it there



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