It's time to fight back hundreds of #closethecamps rallies planned across the country

But first before anything can happen is that the president needs to declare martial law along the border and wipe his ass with these socialist democrat judges orders.

Even the best intentioned President would need tens of millions of citizens ready to take to the streets in support of him to do this.

We can't get enough angry Right-Wingers to step up to the plate to fill a short bus.

All that is required for evil men to prevail (like George Soros, AOC etc) for good men to keep ignoring what MUST be done.

I cannot argue with you there. Americans like Europeans have been beaten down.
But first before anything can happen is that the president needs to declare martial law along the border and wipe his ass with these socialist democrat judges orders.

Even the best intentioned President would need tens of millions of citizens ready to take to the streets in support of him to do this.

We can't get enough angry Right-Wingers to step up to the plate to fill a short bus.

All that is required for evil men to prevail (like George Soros, AOC etc) for good men to keep ignoring what MUST be done.

I cannot argue with you there. Americans like Europeans have been beaten down.
You can only get beaten down putting up a fight
But first before anything can happen is that the president needs to declare martial law along the border and wipe his ass with these socialist democrat judges orders.

Even the best intentioned President would need tens of millions of citizens ready to take to the streets in support of him to do this.

We can't get enough angry Right-Wingers to step up to the plate to fill a short bus.

All that is required for evil men to prevail (like George Soros, AOC etc) for good men to keep ignoring what MUST be done.

I cannot argue with you there. Americans like Europeans have been beaten down.
You can only get beaten down putting up a fight
You mean like the patriots in Portland and Charlottesville?
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.
Dump them all in San Franshitzco
But first before anything can happen is that the president needs to declare martial law along the border and wipe his ass with these socialist democrat judges orders.

Even the best intentioned President would need tens of millions of citizens ready to take to the streets in support of him to do this.

We can't get enough angry Right-Wingers to step up to the plate to fill a short bus.

All that is required for evil men to prevail (like George Soros, AOC etc) for good men to keep ignoring what MUST be done.

I cannot argue with you there. Americans like Europeans have been beaten down.
You can only get beaten down putting up a fight
You mean like the patriots in Portland and Charlottesville?
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.

The Republican Party is not a American Party. It has been taken over by neo-nazis, fascists and white supremacists. You are a freaking fruitcake that needs to be booted put of this country. It is not being invaded.

Sure, Bee. Now go take your meds.
They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.
What makes you think the Trump administration detention centers are not "humane" ? Is this what you hear on CNN/MSNBC, and like a fool, you believe it ?

The centers are much more than humane. They are like country clubs, with lots of amenities and comforts. The kids never had it so good. They have nice clean bedrooms, big screen TV, soccer fields/games, education classes, and 3 good meals per day.




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Don't break the law and you don't get put in a detention center

Coming to this country to claim asylum is legal.

These shitheels aren't here to claim asylum and no one says we have to take them. Crossing the border illegally is a crime. Claiming asylum involves going through proper ports and channels and making an official request of authorities. Stop being a termite defending alien interests and start looking out for your country. Or is that just too much to ask of a fucking mental retard head case like you?

Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 6.09.24 PM.jpg
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.

The Republican Party is not a American Party. It has been taken over by neo-nazis, fascists and white supremacists. You are a freaking fruitcake that needs to be booted put of this country. It is not being invaded.
Do you want to take the odds that the ghettos of today will still be the ghettos 25 years from now? And that is if there is not a catastrophe or economic meltdown. Otherwise it will be much worse. You already have and are those things you accuse others of. The blue cities are all yours. Endless resources into them and still they exist only the taxes take more and more of the percentage of people's wealth to keep them at that level. The poor white people you never hear about except when you bring up photos of calling them names like rednecks in rural areas do not even get the favored group benefits minorities do. We are tapping out more and more people on survival because of endless taxation. Somehow many people knew that when the baby boomers started to retire the ante would have been ramped up as massive resources taken from their paychecks were reduced and are reducing revenues to the government coffers.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.
I am one of those who is out there trying to get rumputin to close the concentration camps. If you can remember any history you may know Adolf did the same thing only to citizens.

If you can pull your head out of your ass far enough, you may realize that:
  1. Illegals are not citizens.
  2. Easy way to close detention centers: put up the border wall and shoot anyone caught trying to breech it on sight as a capital crime.
BTW, where were you trying to close these concentration camps several years ago when your buddy Barack was first building and using them?
If you can pull your head out of your ass far enough, you may realize that:
  1. Illegals are not citizens.
  2. Easy way to close detention centers: put up the border wall and shoot anyone caught trying to breech it on sight as a capital crime.
BTW, where were you trying to close these concentration camps several years ago when your buddy Barack was first building and using them?
There are no "concentration camps". The photos we see of kids in cages, are merely temporary holding areas where kids typically stay for a day or two, while they are being processed, and then sent to detention centers, which are nice, well-equipped, and very comfortable.

Liberals use these temporary holding cells as propaganda, to spread the lie that this is where migrants kids stay all the time. See post # 47.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.
I am one of those who is out there trying to get rumputin to close the concentration camps. If you can remember any history you may know Adolf did the same thing only to citizens.[/QUOTE

No one walked thousands of miles to get into Adolph's concentration camps.

Have mass deportations. Have hearings of 500 at a time. Tax remittances at 25% to make it less attractive to come here. Close the ports of entry. Round up all the illegals they can catch.

But first before anything can happen is that the president needs to declare martial law along the border and wipe his ass with these socialist democrat judges orders.

Before that don't forget that each and every adult crossing the border is a felon in violation of USC owing a fine of AT LEAST $5,000. Lock them up and put them to hard labor to pay that off (plus the cost of incarcerating them), before they are expelled.

Maybe we can take part of Mew Mexico and turn it into one large massive illegal alien concentration labor camp?
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.




Guess who left this mess bitch
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

Seems to me they should not be asking to close the camps, but to supply , more facilities, trailers new construction and more personel to assist them. What do they want to do with the people? send them to Mexico i guess or back to central America.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

Seems to me they should not be asking to close the camps, but to supply , more facilities, trailers new construction and more personel to assist them. What do they want to do with the people? send them to Mexico i guess or back to central America.
Or Africa or Syria or Bangladesh.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

IT'S SO GOOD. Illegal, dirty, diseased scum from Central America invading our country partly to milk it, partly to repatriate it after the Mexican-American War and party to set up sleeper cells in this country; poor, indigent, thugs, criminals, drug dealers and terrorists all conveniently mixed among them----- what better group for the Left to rally behind as their new cause right before the next major election to show America once again that the Democratic Party is not an American party, and leftists need rounded up and thrown out as subversive anarchists.

The Republican Party is not a American Party. It has been taken over by neo-nazis, fascists and white supremacists. You are a freaking fruitcake that needs to be booted put of this country. It is not being invaded.

nazi were left wing socialist YOU moron ...

The Nazis rose to power by blaming others for the country's problems. Trump did the same thing. For Hitler, it was Jews. For Trump, Muslims and Hispanics are the bad guys. Hitler tried to take over the world through force.
Oh please

Trump is not sending our military around the globe
and rounding up Hispanics/Latinos and trying to take over the world
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.
Ok, let’s release them into the country

Then what

They have nothing
No jobs
How many don’t speak English

Where will they go,
who is responsible for them

Are we still obliged to provide their needs
if we are no longer detaining them

Tell me what the fucking plan is
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.
Ok, let’s release them into the country

Then what

They have nothing
No jobs
How many don’t speak English

Where will they go,
who is responsible for them

Are we still obliged to provide their needs
if we are no longer detaining them

Tell me what the fucking plan is

Yes, we would still have to give them health care, housing, educations, jobs because we cant just let them be homeless on the streets. And then I suppose this will become the norm for whoever wants to cross the border whenever they want because they have a much harder life than we do. We can just replace the Border patrol with Walmart greeters, what the hell? theres no drugs , contraband or criminals much to speak of any way ... so lets build a stronger America with our Democrat brothers !! finally we can have some real diversity.
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

They are entitled to humane treatment as they are requesting asylum which is legal. Trump supporters cannot be humane because they are not human. You are the pathetic morons.

You and Trump are the ones who should rot in hell,.
Ok, let’s release them into the country

Then what

They have nothing
No jobs
How many don’t speak English

Where will they go,
who is responsible for them

Are we still obliged to provide their needs
if we are no longer detaining them

Tell me what the fucking plan is

Yes, we would still have to give them health care, housing, educations, jobs because we cant just let them be homeless on the streets. And then I suppose this will become the norm for whoever wants to cross the border whenever they want because they have a much harder life than we do. We can just replace the Border patrol with Walmart greeters, what the hell? theres no drugs , contraband or criminals much to speak of any way ... so lets build a stronger America with our Democrat brothers !! finally we can have some real diversity.
Well, since I am an American citizen, born and raised here
working for 36 years now, who works 2 jobs and lives check to check
I can not afford health insurance and make just a little too much
for subsidies or free healthcare, as long as I get healthcare insurance
and can deduct my rent on my income tax, I don’t care
Amid reports of severe abuse and neglect in the immigrant detention centers the Trump administration is running, human rights campaigners are planning hundreds of demonstrations on Tuesday to demand the closing of the prisons and the reunification of all families who have been separated by the government.

"It's Time to Fight Back": Hundreds of #CloseTheCamps Rallies Planned Across the Country

You stupid asses go and march for the rights of gawd dam illegals who wouldn't dare do this shit for you your morons are pathetic. They would never open the gates of their country and feed others you idiots.

You morons are going to fk your kids over in ways you stupid fks can't even imagine your stupidity doesn't allow you to think that far ahead..

This will be your terrorist take down lol the beginning of your let them in hell................

The AOC voted against providing more money to provide for the illegals.......and where were these asshats when obama was handing illegal children over to sex traffickers?

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