ivanka trump Dropped As Speaker At Commencement

Good news for some other university seeking a strong willed female role model.

TDS thread 1,671

Oklahoma ??:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
This is interesting.

Wichita State University dropped Ivanka Trump as a speaker for their commencement.

Looks like the way her dad has been handling the protests are offensive even to the students in Oklahoma.

Whichita is in Kansas you moron.

Whichita? And you called them a moron?

Oh my God, you rightwingers are just adorable.

I did....can't help when spell checkers screw you over
Soft kids getting their way again.

Let me get this straight.

These young adults spent anywhere from 4 to 8 years in school yet they are soft? Some of them graduated with degrees in engineering, medicine, science, law and other very needed professions yet you call them soft?

They spent all those years in school yet they have no choice on who is speaker at their commencement?

They spent all those years, all that work and all that money yet they have no right to free speech to speak up about how they feel about their commencement?

They are denied a real commencement and celebration for all the hard work they did all those years because of the virus yet they have no say who speaks at their virtual commencement?


Did you go to college? I did. I know what they went through to get that education. To this day I will not eat a cup of noodles or top raman because of those years of poverty in college.

I'm so glad your point of view means nothing to anyone in this nation. What you think and want doesn't matter especially in this situation.

All you can do is watch, childishly call them names and whine about it.

Carry on.
Wichita State University dropped Ivanka Trump as a speaker for their commencement. Looks like the way her dad has been handling the protests are offensive even to the students in Oklahoma.
Numb nuts, Wichita State University is in Kansas not Oklahoma. ... :cuckoo:
This is interesting.

Wichita State University dropped Ivanka Trump as a speaker for their commencement.

Looks like the way her dad has been handling the protests are offensive even to the students in Oklahoma.

Ivanka Trump is a member of this failed, incompetent administration.

As such she shares responsibility for the administration’s wrong and reprehensible response to those demonstrating against police lawlessness and violence – separate and apart from who her father is.

To remove Trump as a featured speaker as a consequence is perfectly appropriate and warranted.
Let me get this straight.
THAT'LL be the day a Leftist gets anything straight. You like 'em gay or aborted.

Did you go to college? I did. I know what they went through to get that education. To this day I will not eat a cup of noodles or top raman because of those years of poverty in college.

I'm so glad your point of view means nothing to anyone in this nation. What you think and want doesn't matter especially in this situation.
All you can do is watch, childishly call them names and whine about it.

Carry on.

Ah yes, the only point of view is the Leftist point of view, and "diversity" - but only the "diversity" of skin color.

Let's see, who calls Republicans "fascists" and "Nazis" and "racists" and "homophobes" and "stupid"and "anti-science"? That would be YOU and YOURS.

You Leftists are SO SMART that your Chosen One, Hillary, LOST despite:
1. Outspending Trump 8 to 1.
2. Having 20 times the number of newspapers nationwide endorse and support her, with their editorials and lies.
3. Having 5 times the number of workers out pulling votes for her.
4. Having Silicon Valley get out the vote, which added a minimum of 2.4 million and as many as 10.5 million votes more than she would have received without Google messaging Democrats exclusively to vote Hillary. This according to an admitted Liberal who studies such things.

Keep being "smart." Keep losing at the polls. America will be the better for it.

Oh, you know that got threats and got blasted from the left until it scared them. Just another left tactic.
Soft kids getting their way again.

Let me get this straight.

These young adults spent anywhere from 4 to 8 years in school yet they are soft? Some of them graduated with degrees in engineering, medicine, science, law and other very needed professions yet you call them soft?

They spent all those years in school yet they have no choice on who is speaker at their commencement?

They spent all those years, all that work and all that money yet they have no right to free speech to speak up about how they feel about their commencement?

They are denied a real commencement and celebration for all the hard work they did all those years because of the virus yet they have no say who speaks at their virtual commencement?


Did you go to college? I did. I know what they went through to get that education. To this day I will not eat a cup of noodles or top raman because of those years of poverty in college.

I'm so glad your point of view means nothing to anyone in this nation. What you think and want doesn't matter especially in this situation.

All you can do is watch, childishly call them names and whine about it.

Carry on.

"Did you go to college? I did."

I take it your degree was not in geography ?
This is interesting.

Wichita State University dropped Ivanka Trump as a speaker for their commencement.

Looks like the way her dad has been handling the protests are offensive even to the students in Oklahoma.

kids don't have any idea about what real life/living is
And one of the reasons we need universal mandatory conscription to commence immediately after high school.

Those graduates are going to be part of an incredibly productive generation of workers who will produce much and get paid little. I hope they start to figure out that if their employer wants them to go the extra mile they get extra pay for it.

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