Ivanka Trump loses clothes deal. Why? Crappy clothes or crappy president?

Nordstrom Drops Ivanka Trump's Fashion Line Due To Lagging Sales

Donald Trump is saying his daughter is being treated unfairly.

But I don't think it has anything to do with politics or being treated fairly. I think these closes just look shitty. Take a look.


What is this pink thing. It looks like someone made a mistake on the zipper.


OMG. Wrinkle city. Poorly fitted.


Did someone barf on a table cloth?


I can't even figure out what this is. Was it made from leftovers?


Flour Sack Fashion? I don't think so.


Half black, half used handkerchief.

Perhaps Trump should concentrate on bringing jobs to this country? That would be novel.

Sartorial taste and sartorial elegance are very important to me and all of those clothes are pretty hideous, Haute Couture they certainly are not, they are a form of badly designed prêt-à-porter.

WTF?! Everything about them is wrong from the colour schemes, to the cut, to the fabric.

Dior and Chanel darling, Dior and Chanel :smoke:

Massimo Vignelli T-Shirt dress. Do you have one yet?
Ivanka can come sit on my lap and cry on my shoulder. I think I can make her feel better. Just put on a Donald mask and go to town!
Ok, about that last comment, I apologize if it offended anybody. Clearly I was making a cheeky joke about an incestuous relationship between Ivanka and Donald. I do not condone incest. I do not believe that Don and Ivanka have engaged in any weird, sick relationship. I voted for Trump. Ivanka is a hot chick.

But you got to admit that there have been some weird photos of Don and Ivanka taken when she was younger. Just weird.
Perhaps Trump should concentrate on bringing jobs to this country? That would be novel.

That would be novel. President Clinton gave us NAFTA and President Obama tried to force TPP upon us. It would be novel to have a President concentrate on bring in jobs instead of having presidents determined to export them...
History has never been high on the list of the GOP base. If Clinton gave us NAFTA, then what did Reagan start and Bush signed?

So now you're a fashion expert. How quaint.
You don't have to be an expert to know nice clothes from ugly rags.

Women and transvestites who buy that crap do it for two reasons. Women because they have been convinced the clothes make them look good. Transvestites because they are making a funny statement.
Nordstrom Drops Ivanka Trump's Fashion Line Due To Lagging Sales

Donald Trump is saying his daughter is being treated unfairly.

But I don't think it has anything to do with politics or being treated fairly. I think these closes just look shitty. Take a look.


What is this pink thing. It looks like someone made a mistake on the zipper.


OMG. Wrinkle city. Poorly fitted.


Did someone barf on a table cloth?


I can't even figure out what this is. Was it made from leftovers?


Flour Sack Fashion? I don't think so.


Half black, half used handkerchief.

Perhaps Trump should concentrate on bringing jobs to this country? That would be novel.

Sartorial taste and sartorial elegance are very important to me and all of those clothes are pretty hideous, Haute Couture they certainly are not, they are a form of badly designed prêt-à-porter.

WTF?! Everything about them is wrong from the colour schemes, to the cut, to the fabric.

Dior and Chanel darling, Dior and Chanel :smoke:

Massimo Vignelli T-Shirt dress. Do you have one yet?
I have plenty of Tee-shirts. I just never considered any of them a dress.
History has never been high on the list of the GOP base. If Clinton gave us NAFTA, then what did Reagan start and Bush signed?

:rofl: Do you get all your information from YouTube? That explains a lot actually.

NAFTA was signed into law December 8th, 1993...almost one full year after the election of William J. Clinton, who signed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act into law. Want to hear his speech after the signing ceremony? It was recorded for posterity, and to remind revisionist history liberals that they cannot escape the truth.

File:Remarks by President William Clinton upon the Signing of NAFTA (12-8-93, WJC).ogg - Wikipedia
History has never been high on the list of the GOP base. If Clinton gave us NAFTA, then what did Reagan start and Bush signed?

:rofl: Do you get all your information from YouTube? That explains a lot actually.

NAFTA was signed into law December 8th, 1993...almost one full year after the election of William J. Clinton, who signed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act into law. Want to hear his speech after the signing ceremony? It was recorded for posterity, and to remind revisionist history liberals that they cannot escape the truth.

File:Remarks by President William Clinton upon the Signing of NAFTA (12-8-93, WJC).ogg - Wikipedia

Uh huh.

Thomas R. Donahue - Wikipedia

In December 17, 1992, President George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and Mexican President Carlos Salinas met in Texas to sign NAFTA, which would create a trilateral trade bloc and financial zone in North America. To take effect, NAFTA had to be ratified by the legislatures in the three countries.


The North American Free Trade Agreement: Ronald Reagan's Vision Realized | The Heritage Foundation


NAFTA and other trade deals have not gutted American manufacturing — period
Perhaps Trump should concentrate on bringing jobs to this country? That would be novel.

That would be novel. President Clinton gave us NAFTA and President Obama tried to force TPP upon us. It would be novel to have a President concentrate on bring in jobs instead of having presidents determined to export them...
president GHW Bush gave you NAFTA on fastrack, clinton amended what canada, mexico and bush signed with MORE protection and education and retraining for employees that could lose out....in order for some of the democrats to vote with the republicans for it so it could be bipartisan when passed.
Insecure male dominated society doesn't like women. Women control sex and reproduction and frustrated little egos want revenge.
president GHW Bush gave you NAFTA on fastrack, clinton amended what canada, mexico and bush signed with MORE protection and education and retraining for employees that could lose out....in order for some of the democrats to vote with the republicans for it so it could be bipartisan when passed.

Revisionist history. Obama and Clinton gave us TPP..and Trump had the balls not to sign it into law. Clinton signed NAFTA into law a year into his presidency...love it or lump it...he had the final say...just like Trump did. Clinton said yes and gave us NAFTA, Trump said no.
president GHW Bush gave you NAFTA on fastrack, clinton amended what canada, mexico and bush signed with MORE protection and education and retraining for employees that could lose out....in order for some of the democrats to vote with the republicans for it so it could be bipartisan when passed.

Revisionist history. Obama and Clinton gave us TPP..and Trump had the balls not to sign it into law. Clinton signed NAFTA into law a year into his presidency...love it or lump it...he had the final say...just like Trump did. Clinton said yes and gave us NAFTA, Trump said no.
What was it Bush was signing? It's on fucking video. You can't say he didn't sign anything. What was it he signed?
What was it Bush was signing? It's on fucking video. You can't say he didn't sign anything. What was it he signed?


After much consideration and emotional discussion, the House of Representatives passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats.The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; the agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994. Clinton, while signing the NAFTA bill, stated that "NAFTA means jobs...American jobs, and good-paying American jobs. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't support this agreement."

So much for that revisionist history...it was almost ONE FULL YEAR into Clinton's presidency that NAFTA was passed and signed into law. I understand it's embarrassing, but it is a fact none the less.

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