CDZ I've Asked This Question Repeatedly - But No One Will Answer. Why?


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2015
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.

In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.

Well, maybe you haven't received a response, because Mr. Obama hasn't done anything, period. Not only has he not accomplished anything where race, racism, prejudice, and injustice are concerned, but he hasn't accomplished anything positive for this nation, nor for her citizens.


(1) Government corruption ( hasn't been addressed )
(2) The injustices in our judicial system ( hasn't been addressed )
(3) Illegal immigration ( don't make me laugh )
(4) Poverty and homelessness ( the numbers speak for themselves )
(5) Unfair and unequal taxation ( speaks for itself )
(6) The right to privacy ( National Security Agency --- a complete joke )
(7) The largest prison population in the world ( innocent citizens behind bars )
(8) Out unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies ( Jobs going to cheap foreign labor markets )
(9) The off-shore out-sourcing of our jobs ( again, flowing to cheap foreign labor markets )
(10) The importing of labor ( cheap foreign workers )
(11) Our rundown infrastructure ( no money to repair and upgrade )
(12) The lack of an adequate number of self-supporting jobs for our growing work force
(13) Wasteful spending ( subsidies, foreign aid, excessive military spending )
(14) Our astronomical and rising national debt ( Nearing $20 Trillion )
(15) The Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress ( legislation and policy are commodities bought and sold )
(16) Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption ( $Millions )
(17) Out-of-control law enforcement agencies ( murder, rape, drug dealing, theft, brutality )
(18) Unfair and unjust eminent domain laws ( they take what they want, when they want it )
(19) Senseless deadly costly wars ( continuing as we speak )
(20) Campaign finance reform ( please, don't make me laugh )
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.

He lied to the American people. Many people sincerely believed he would do what he said he would do. Many great Americans voted for him! If they had the chance to do it over again? They wouldn't vote for him.
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.

He lied to the American people. Many people sincerely believed he would do what he said he would do. Many great Americans voted for him! If they had the chance to do it over again? They wouldn't vote for him.
Why not? Didn't they vote for him TWICE? Did they learn a lesson the first time around?
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.

He lied to the American people. Many people sincerely believed he would do what he said he would do. Many great Americans voted for him! If they had the chance to do it over again? They wouldn't vote for him.
Why not? Didn't they vote for him TWICE? Did they learn a lesson the first time around?
I know people who voted for Obama and they are good people - they said they would never vote for him again - it was a mistake. Have you never made a mistake in your life, Sonny? I have. I supported a Republican Senator and even campaigned for him only to learn later on that he was a liar and wasn't at all what he had pretended to be. Was I disappointed? Yes. I was.
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.

He lied to the American people. Many people sincerely believed he would do what he said he would do. Many great Americans voted for him! If they had the chance to do it over again? They wouldn't vote for him.
Why not? Didn't they vote for him TWICE? Did they learn a lesson the first time around?
I know people who voted for Obama and they are good people - they said they would never vote for him again - it was a mistake. Have you never made a mistake in your life, Sonny? I have. I supported a Republican Senator and even campaigned for him only to learn later on that he was a liar and wasn't at all what he had pretended to be. Was I disappointed? Yes. I was.
We all make mistakes, and I've made more than my share. But, I've never made a mistake when it comes to elections. Politics is a cruel game played against this once great nation and her citizens.
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.

He lied to the American people. Many people sincerely believed he would do what he said he would do. Many great Americans voted for him! If they had the chance to do it over again? They wouldn't vote for him.
Why not? Didn't they vote for him TWICE? Did they learn a lesson the first time around?
I know people who voted for Obama and they are good people - they said they would never vote for him again - it was a mistake. Have you never made a mistake in your life, Sonny? I have. I supported a Republican Senator and even campaigned for him only to learn later on that he was a liar and wasn't at all what he had pretended to be. Was I disappointed? Yes. I was.
We all make mistakes, and I've made more than my share. But, I've never made a mistake when it comes to elections. Politics is a cruel game played against this once great nation and her citizens.
Well I have and I've voted for the wrong person before too. So you've never made a mistake when it came to elections and I have. Good for you. Just an FYI - there are dishonest people in both parties. Not just one!
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.

He lied to the American people. Many people sincerely believed he would do what he said he would do. Many great Americans voted for him! If they had the chance to do it over again? They wouldn't vote for him.
Why not? Didn't they vote for him TWICE? Did they learn a lesson the first time around?
I know people who voted for Obama and they are good people - they said they would never vote for him again - it was a mistake. Have you never made a mistake in your life, Sonny? I have. I supported a Republican Senator and even campaigned for him only to learn later on that he was a liar and wasn't at all what he had pretended to be. Was I disappointed? Yes. I was.
We all make mistakes, and I've made more than my share. But, I've never made a mistake when it comes to elections. Politics is a cruel game played against this once great nation and her citizens.
Well I have and I've voted for the wrong person before too. So you've never made a mistake when it came to elections and I have. Good for you. Just an FYI - there are dishonest people in both parties. Not just one!
FYI - ALL politicians are dishonest. Honesty and politicians mix like water and oil. Also, I have no political party. I'm an American for America, period.

Party politics is a fraud against this nation. Politics is corrupt. Politicians are bought and paid for. Legislation and policy is bought and paid for. The oval office is bought and paid for. The wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots.
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.

He lied to the American people. Many people sincerely believed he would do what he said he would do. Many great Americans voted for him! If they had the chance to do it over again? They wouldn't vote for him.
Why not? Didn't they vote for him TWICE? Did they learn a lesson the first time around?
I know people who voted for Obama and they are good people - they said they would never vote for him again - it was a mistake. Have you never made a mistake in your life, Sonny? I have. I supported a Republican Senator and even campaigned for him only to learn later on that he was a liar and wasn't at all what he had pretended to be. Was I disappointed? Yes. I was.
We all make mistakes, and I've made more than my share. But, I've never made a mistake when it comes to elections. Politics is a cruel game played against this once great nation and her citizens.
Well I have and I've voted for the wrong person before too. So you've never made a mistake when it came to elections and I have. Good for you. Just an FYI - there are dishonest people in both parties. Not just one!

How true.

The difference is that even the honest people in the Democratic Party are completely screwed in the head.
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.


That's because no one likes to talk about race with a racist.
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.


That's because no one likes to talk about race with a racist.

Nope. It's because the answer is "none".
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.

The fact that you have already been called a racist on this thread, after respectfully asking a perfectly reasonable question, should tell you quite a bit.

The Regressive Left doesn't want to engage, they just want to deflect and put you on the defensive.

They're not interested in improving anything.
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.


well, I think the president didn't expect the rabid teatards who have taken over the GOP to be such obstructionist losers. so i'm going to guess he got less done than he'd have liked.

but I know for a fact he got far more done than the rightwingnut brigade would have liked.

you're welcome.
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.


That's because no one likes to talk about race with a racist.

Nope. It's because the answer is "none".

I suppose when you're incapable of accurately assessing fact, that would be one's response.
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In 08 running against a horrible candidate with a Soros handpicked campaign manager, Obama pretended to be a political Moderate and fiscal Conservative. In 2012, it was just outright massive Voter fraud that swing the swing states
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.


well, I think the president didn't expect the rabid teatards who have taken over the GOP to be such obstructionist losers. so i'm going to guess he got less done than he'd have liked.

but I know for a fact he got far more done than the rightwingnut brigade would have liked.

you're welcome.

Sorry, what didn't he get? He got ObamaCare, Failed Stimulus, and turned the Middle East over to ISIS and AQ, how did those big bad Republican bogeymen stop Obama?
1. He's not a Republican.
2. He's not a Republican.
3. He's not a Republican.

"They want to put you back in chains." -Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States
In 2008 - Barack Obama cast himself as a centrist on the issue of race, decried the casual prejudice of an earlier generation, denounced the bigoted aspects of American history, and expressed hope that the future of race relations in the United States would be bright under his leadership.

So almost eight years later, I've been seeking his top three achievements in this area, specifically his accomplishments to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

Just three!

Each time I post this request in a different forum, it goes ignored/unanswered.

Hopefully an Obama supporter will chime in here and educate everyone as to what these achievements are.


well, I think the president didn't expect the rabid teatards who have taken over the GOP to be such obstructionist losers. so i'm going to guess he got less done than he'd have liked.

but I know for a fact he got far more done than the rightwingnut brigade would have liked.

you're welcome.

So he failed because he was obstructed?
I thought he was the smartest black man on earth? He couldn't figure out a way around that?
Not much of a problem solver, eh?
So, basically - he was "obstructed" and didn't do shit. That your answer?
Is that really the President's job. To improve the lives of people that share his/her skin color. It kind of seems like you are assuming he should because he is African American. I honestly don't remember Senator Obama running for President of the Black United States. Did you ponder the benefits to Caucasians of the Bush or Clinton administrations too?
OK - how about two things. What are TWO THINGS he's accomplished in 7.5 years to assist, advance or otherwise benefit black Americans.

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