I've never been so disappointed in conservatives, Trump, and Trump supporters.

So, do you plan to sit out this election/vote for Joe Biden?

If there's not a fiscal conservative on the ballot, who actually supports our 2A and right to life, I'll skip voting this time too. It's not mine or any ones civic duty to vote for liberal Republicans like Trump. If I wanted liberals (which I do not) then I'd vote for one who admits it. And doesn't mascaraed behind a Republican badge. (Like Reagan did)
A hell of a speaker and salesman. And that's good for winning an election. But not so good if you're wanting a conservative president
He did the impossible. He gave you the Supreme Court that overturned Roe.

Some of you don't know how to win 😢
Trump suggested Red Flag Law

Trump ended up banning Bump Stocks

Bump stocks don't kill people. Sick people kill people. When Trump banned Bump Stocks with the swipe of his pen, he turned me into a felon overnight, and I didn't deserve it. He used the same logic that Democrats use when they want to ban AR-15s. That logic suggested that just because a particular item is used to kill someone, then that particular item should be banned. That's horribly flawed logic. So I was and am opposed to Red Flag Laws, and I'm opposed to ANYONE infringing upon my 2A Rights.

Thanks for retrieving this information, AJ, because it was said over 5 years ago, and I still don't remember it. However, I fully support the Second Amendment and last I heard, President Trump has had a change of heart and now fully supports the Bill of Rights. If I'm wrong, please keep me posted. Thanks for sharing the videos. I like the NRA. They make sure their members know gun safety and can teach it to their sons and daughters to prevent accidents and/or mishandling of guns, breaking the law, etc. The spirit of the NRA is all good, and who knows how many tragedies never happen because the NRA reached out and taught people how to teach their children gun safety measures they will never forget.
I understand that but it has nothing at all to do with DeSantis. there is no reason for him to lie like that.

That's another lie Trump tells. DeSantis was leading the other GOP candidates before he backed him, and once he got the nom, his democrat opponent was such a douchbag that it's amazing Ron didn't completely clobber him.

I know all that but it's really irrelevant to this discussion on DeSantis.

Yeah I hate Hillary too but that is no excuse for Trump's lying about Ron DeSantis.

I was glad to see someone take over the GOP. They were getting really bad. But Trump, IMO, only made them worse. Attacking someone you just endorsed? That just shows how childish Trump can be. I get it it's a political competition. But for Pete's sakes, you don't have to divide the party and 1/2 the nation in the process.

DeSantis's record is leaps and bounds more conservative than Trumps. Trumps actually far left of center on many important issues.

BTW, Remember Ron Paul and his supporters (I was one). In 2012, you couldn't hardly get on any social media, political forums or anywhere online without seeing something good about Ron Paul. There were bumper stickers, T shirts, & yard signs everywhere. WAY more than Romney. Ron Paul had more people at his rally's. He was winning straw polls.. But his primary votes didn't even come close to any of that.
I'm thinking this is going to be the same with Trump. Trumps minions have flooded the internet so that it only looks like Trump is that popular.

Maybe I'm wishful thinking. We won't really know until the primaries actually start. The polls lie. The media lies. The party leadership lies. And sometimes the votes lie.
ATM, it looks like DeSantis is going down in flames.
Thanks for retrieving this information, AJ, because it was said over 5 years ago, and I still don't remember it. However, I fully support the Second Amendment and last I heard, President Trump has had a change of heart and now fully supports the Bill of Rights. If I'm wrong, please keep me posted. Thanks for sharing the videos. I like the NRA. They make sure their members know gun safety and can teach it to their sons and daughters to prevent accidents and/or mishandling of guns, breaking the law, etc. The spirit of the NRA is all good, and who knows how many tragedies never happen because the NRA reached out and taught people how to teach their children gun safety measures they will never forget.
Also consider the GOA (Gun Owners of America). They're the number one no-compromise, and most aggressive pro-gun group in the USA.
I was glad to see someone take over the GOP. They were getting really bad. But Trump, IMO, only made them worse. Attacking someone you just endorsed? That just shows how childish Trump can be. I get it it's a political competition. But for Pete's sakes, you don't have to divide the party and 1/2 the nation in the process.

DeSantis's record is leaps and bounds more conservative than Trumps. Trumps actually far left of center on many important issues.

BTW, Remember Ron Paul and his supporters (I was one). In 2012, you couldn't hardly get on any social media, political forums or anywhere online without seeing something good about Ron Paul. There were bumper stickers, T shirts, & yard signs everywhere. WAY more than Romney. Ron Paul had more people at his rally's. He was winning straw polls.. But his primary votes didn't even come close to any of that.
I'm thinking this is going to be the same with Trump. Trumps minions have flooded the internet so that it only looks like Trump is that popular.

Maybe I'm wishful thinking. We won't really know until the primaries actually start. The polls lie. The media lies. The party leadership lies. And sometimes the votes lie.
ATM, it looks like DeSantis is going down in flames.
DeSantis will still get my vote in the Primaries.
Thanks for retrieving this information, AJ, because it was said over 5 years ago, and I still don't remember it. However, I fully support the Second Amendment and last I heard, President Trump has had a change of heart and now fully supports the Bill of Rights. If I'm wrong, please keep me posted. Thanks for sharing the videos. I like the NRA. They make sure their members know gun safety and can teach it to their sons and daughters to prevent accidents and/or mishandling of guns, breaking the law, etc. The spirit of the NRA is all good, and who knows how many tragedies never happen because the NRA reached out and taught people how to teach their children gun safety measures they will never forget.

Donald Trump will say anything to get elected. Supposedly he was in full support of the 2A in 2016. But that changed. He was in full support of life. But lately said DeSantis's 6 week abortion law was too harsh.
He said he was going cut spending and zero out the debt. After getting elected, he vetoed only 1 spending bill in 4 years.
Said he was going to get Mexico to pay for the wall.

I could go on and on about Trumps lies. In fact, so far, he's said he's going to end the deep state. He complained about Obama using FISA to spy on his campaign. But reauthorized it in his first years. In fact, he threatened to have the RNC primary a couple of GOP FISA opponents.
He's said he was going to build big beautiful (22nd century like) cities. No president, even the government itself doesn't have the authority to do that.

Turtle face McConnell was the reason those judges got confirmed. All Trump did was pick names off a list. It was the Senate who did all the work.

Another thing that Trump takes credit for, that he had very little to do with.

What part of BS artist do you not get?

Why the lies about Ron DeSantis? He's not even announced that he's running, and even if he did, he's not going to beat Trump. No one is going to beat Trump in the primaries. So why lie about him?

He's the best governor in the country right now and the best governor we in Florida have had in our history. He is a conservative champion.

The lies:

1. "He only won because Trump endorsed him." Fact: he won because he was running against Andrew Gillum, a far left scumbag (If you'll excuse the redundancy), I didn't even know that Trump had endorsed Desantis back then. Ron DeSantis won the second time by a landslide because of what he did AFTER he won the first time. Trump did not endorse him this last time.

2. "He's backed by George Soros" Fact: Soros stated that he hoped DeSantis won because he believed that if he does beat Trump in the primaries, Trump will start a third party and ensure that the democrats will every race on the ticket. Soros does not want DeSantis to be president. Only an idiot would believe that. DeSantis has been a thorn in his side since day one, firing and sanctioning Soros backed DAs all over the state.

3. "He's a RINO." Fact: They make this claim because RINOs and Trump haters in the GOP support him. Saying that DeSantis is a RINO ignores everything he's done since his election to governor, and is a bone-headedly stupid as a leftist saying Trump is a racist because racists support him.

4. "Ron DeSantis didn't do anything to stop Disney." Fact: Mike Lindell (the My Pillow guy) is on record as spouting is stupid lie. Ron DeSantis did the ONLY thing he had the power to do as governor and that was to remove Disney's ability to govern itself outside the laws and rules of the state of Florida.

People, leave the lying to the Democrats, that kind of stupidity is beneath us.
And he clearly changed, didn't he

Well, if we're talking about him changing overall, in a radical way, I've shared my thoughts on this before, but I'll say it again. I don't believe he has truly changed. That's just my take on it though and I'm not expecting others to agree.

Here's an example: what he said here, in response to people chanting "Lock her up!" AFTER the election...

"that plays great before the election... nowwww we don't care."

Oh really, Donald? So you actually don't care about holding Hillary accountable, even though one of the main things you ran on was locking her up?

Donald Trump will say anything to get elected. Supposedly he was in full support of the 2A in 2016. But that changed. He was in full support of life. But lately said DeSantis's 6 week abortion law was too harsh.
He said he was going cut spending and zero out the debt. After getting elected, he vetoed only 1 spending bill in 4 years.
Said he was going to get Mexico to pay for the wall.

I could go on and on about Trumps lies. In fact, so far, he's said he's going to end the deep state. He complained about Obama using FISA to spy on his campaign. But reauthorized it in his first years. In fact, he threatened to have the RNC primary a couple of GOP FISA opponents.
He's said he was going to build big beautiful (22nd century like) cities. No president, even the government itself doesn't have the authority to do that.
Funny how when Trump has to answer to special councils, they can't find single thing he was accused of doing.
Funny how Soros-funded persons accuse President Trump of wrong doing, only to find out Soros galpal created a false narrative to implicate Trump in multiple wrongs, but the sundry impeachment he endured couldn't prove the false narrative, so they impeached him for something else, which couldn't be proved either. IOW, Trump is merely a target of liars, who project that he's the 'real' liar, and the only people who believe the sewer dribblings have TDS due to watchiing and believing leftist lockstep lies from the Soros-funded press. Good night. I've had enough.
Both of those became trump supporters. Ben Carson was in his admin.

If you were/are a elected Republican, you better BY GOD say you support Trump. Or else you'll get cancelled.

And for what? The guy I described in post #192. This is at least part of the reason Trump supporters look like a cult. They say they want fiscal and constitutional conservatism, but still support Trump. They say they want someone who's going end inflation, and still support Trump. Someone who's going to bring jobs back, and still vote for Trump. And so forth and so on.

"The concept of Trump is far better than Trump himself."
Funny how when Trump has to answer to special councils, they can't find single thing he was accused of doing.
Funny how Soros-funded persons accuse President Trump of wrong doing, only to find out Soros galpal created a false narrative to implicate Trump in multiple wrongs, but the sundry impeachment he endured couldn't prove the false narrative, so they impeached him for something else, which couldn't be proved either. IOW, Trump is merely a target of liars, who project that he's the 'real' liar, and the only people who believe the sewer dribblings have TDS due to watchiing and believing leftist lockstep lies from the Soros-funded press. Good night. I've had enough.

This whole thing has been mind bending, for sure. If Pelosi was so against Trump, why did she impeach him on things he wasn't guilty of, instead of visa versa. Like Bribery. That's an impeachable offence. But she didn't add that to the list of impeachment reasons?
And why TF did Trump give Pelosi every dime she wanted? Only vetoing 1 spending bill in 4 years?
Why did Biden only pretend to be against big oil? Shutting down things that weren't gonna be used for years, like the oil leases and the XL pipeline. Leaving the oil companies making record profits at the same time producing record low amounts of oil/gas. And now, probably getting record amounts of government oil/gas subsidies.

My gut keeps telling me that it's all a set up from the left and the right. And we're ALL getting the wool pulled over our eyes.
This whole thing has been mind bending, for sure. If Pelosi was so against Trump, why did she impeach him on things he wasn't guilty of, instead of visa versa. Like Bribery. That's an impeachable offence. But she didn't add that to the list of impeachment reasons?
And why TF did Trump give Pelosi every dime she wanted? Only vetoing 1 spending bill in 4 years?
Why did Biden only pretend to be against big oil? Shutting down things that weren't gonna be used for years, like the oil leases and the XL pipeline. Leaving the oil companies making record profits at the same time producing record low amounts of oil/gas. And now, probably getting record amounts of government oil/gas subsidies.

My gut keeps telling me that it's all a set up from the left and the right. And we're ALL getting the wool pulled over our eyes.
I really can't count how many times this thought has crossed my mind. I no longer trust our broken system. Our votes mean almost nothing (as was proven to us in the last election). And I have certainly wondered if the Trump-vs-The Swamp isn't a good-cop-bad-cop situation or a type of Hegelian Dialectic mind game. After being duped so many times in my adult life, I expect the mind-manipulating machine to lie as a matter of routine.

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