J. Edgar Comey

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Everybody knows that despite the Rat party caterwauling about Comey being fired, they hate the man. Chuck Schumer in particular had seething contempt for the Director until....yesterday. What everybody might not have known is that most everybody in the Federal government was afraid of James Comey.....the same way Hoover terrified the suits for 40 years with the Bureau. Why? Because he got away with defying Lorreta Lynch, his investigators, the US Congress and two presidents. And he would do it again....make no mistake, Comey went rogue and became Hoover incarnate.

Was he after Trump? You bet he was, enough to PAY for that idiotic "dossier" compiled by some lunatic ex-Mi6 stooge. He was more interested in consolidating his power than preventing the Boston, San Bernadino, Fort Hood, and Orlando terror attacks. Or the Clinton Foundation. He didn't bother showing up to her deposition hearing, allowed her attorney to speak for her, and instructed the interviewers to not take notes. No criminal investigation has ever been conducted like that in US history. He denied common knowledge that Obama surveilled Trump, and had no interest in asking parties like Sally Yates who unmasked Flynn. In other words, doing his job. A job he thankfully, no longer has.

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Does he have a giraffe neck?

Now that you mention it....not the hideous giraffe neck of a Sally Yates or Rachael Madcow, but yeah, he's long in the neck. All democrats have a physical deformity of some sort...that's why they play the victim-card so easily.
Everybody knows that despite the Rat party caterwauling about Comey being fired, they hate the man. Chuck Schumer in particular had seething contempt for the Director until....yesterday. What everybody might not have known is that most everybody in the Federal government was afraid of James Comey.....the same way Hoover terrified the suits for 40 years with the Bureau. Why? Because he got away with defying Lorreta Lynch, his investigators, the US Congress and two presidents. And he would do it again....make no mistake, Comey went rogue and became Hoover incarnate.

Was he after Trump? You bet he was, enough to PAY for that idiotic "dossier" compiled by some lunatic ex-Mi6 stooge. He was more interested in consolidating his power than preventing the Boston, San Bernadino, Fort Hood, and Orlando terror attacks. Or the Clinton Foundation. He didn't bother showing up to her deposition hearing, allowed her attorney to speak for her, and instructed the interviewers to not take notes. No criminal investigation has ever been conducted like that in US history. He denied common knowledge that Obama surveilled Trump, and had no interest in asking parties like Sally Yates who unmasked Flynn. In other words, doing his job. A job he thankfully, no longer has.

The suddenly-former FBI boss was long cavalier about making enemies among both Democrats and Republicans, as if going rogue repeatedly proved his rectitude. On occasion it did, but Comey increasingly wore his self-righteousness on his sleeve, confident he was too big to fire.

That was his fatal mistake. And it’s why Trump made the right decision to show him the door.

Comey’s power-grabbing arrogance is why I called him “J. Edgar Comey” two months ago. His willingness to play politics, while insisting he was above it all, smacked of Washington at its worst. He was the keeper of secrets, until they served his purpose.

As such, the president did to Comey what no president had the courage to do to J. Edgar Hoover. Five presidents wanted to fire Hoover, with Harry Truman accusing him of running a police state and of blackmail. But all were afraid of Hoover, so he died in office.

Trump acted before Comey could get that kind of lifetime protection, which has no place in American democracy. At our best, we are a nation of laws, not of people who accumulate power and ruthlessly wield it without accountability.

The president didn’t have just one good reason to act. He had a choice among many.
"J. Edgar"?? You mean Comey's a transvestite?? :ack-1:

Does TrannySteve know about this?
He didn't bother showing up to her deposition hearing, allowed her attorney to speak for her, and instructed the interviewers to not take notes. No criminal investigation has ever been conducted like that in US history.

Two words:
"911 Commission"​

He denied common knowledge that Obama surveilled Trump

:clap2: Excellent, the old "Everybody Knows" fallacy. Because it worked so well the first 1852460597 times.

Life in Duh Bubble. SMH

Everybody knows that despite the Rat party caterwauling about Comey being fired, they hate the man. Chuck Schumer in particular had seething contempt for the Director until....yesterday. What everybody might not have known is that most everybody in the Federal government was afraid of James Comey.....the same way Hoover terrified the suits for 40 years with the Bureau. Why? Because he got away with defying Lorreta Lynch, his investigators, the US Congress and two presidents. And he would do it again....make no mistake, Comey went rogue and became Hoover incarnate.

Was he after Trump? You bet he was, enough to PAY for that idiotic "dossier" compiled by some lunatic ex-Mi6 stooge. He was more interested in consolidating his power than preventing the Boston, San Bernadino, Fort Hood, and Orlando terror attacks. Or the Clinton Foundation. He didn't bother showing up to her deposition hearing, allowed her attorney to speak for her, and instructed the interviewers to not take notes. No criminal investigation has ever been conducted like that in US history. He denied common knowledge that Obama surveilled Trump, and had no interest in asking parties like Sally Yates who unmasked Flynn. In other words, doing his job. A job he thankfully, no longer has.


he should be in prison along with his other treasonous conspirators
And then there's this....

He was more interested in consolidating his power than preventing the Boston, San Bernadino, Fort Hood, and Orlando terror attacks.

At least two of those occurred before he was appointed. Sloppy posting.
He didn't bother showing up to her deposition hearing, allowed her attorney to speak for her, and instructed the interviewers to not take notes. No criminal investigation has ever been conducted like that in US history.

Two words:
"911 Commission"​

He denied common knowledge that Obama surveilled Trump

:clap2: Excellent, the old "Everybody Knows" fallacy. Because it worked so well the first 1852460597 times.

Life in Duh Bubble. SMH

because no words are better than this:

And then there's this....

He was more interested in consolidating his power than preventing the Boston, San Bernadino, Fort Hood, and Orlando terror attacks.

At least two of those occurred before he was appointed. Sloppy posting.

Here's 8 for the mistaken two.... (Notice the 2016 events while Comey was playing politics):

Moore, Oklahoma, September 24, 2014. Alton Nolen beheaded a woman

Queens, New York, October 23, 2014. Zale Thompson, another self-radicalized Muslim,

Brooklyn, New York, December 20, 2014. Ismaayil Brinsley

Garland, Texas, May 3, 2015.

Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 16, 2015. Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez

St. Cloud, Minnesota, September 17, 2016. Dahir Ahmed Adan,

New York City/New Jersey, September 17, 2016. Ahmad Khan Rahami

Columbus, Ohio, November 28, 2016. Abdul Razak Ali Artan

A Complete List of Radical Islamic Terror Attacks on U.S. Soil Under Obama

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