J6 fugitive arrested near Obama home after sharing trump post giving the address

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As the indicents pile up and Trump knows he is done for, he will call for an outright Civil War by his cult. After the DOJ has prosecuted over 600 J6 Attackers, he is going to be disappointed in the turn out.

Who wants to go to jail for a man whose definition of loyalty only goes one way? And the few who are willing to defend him will be quickly subdued.
Justices homes were made public, demafasict brownshirts showed up trying to kill them

carry stuff, but you all claimed they had a right to be there
No one showed up willing to kill the justices.

I advise you seriously to keep your violent side in control. The LEO will have no mercy with your kind.
Probably not that time.
trump wants violent cult members to defend him. He wants people to threaten others and even use weapons. He won't be happy until a few more die or are locked up defending him.
SC current judges are fair game but never utter bad words near yesterdays news Mr Hope and Change
Lib 101
um yeah a man was arrested outside of one of their houses
The man had a gun in his trunk, and actually made a phone call to 9-11 that he was after Kavanaugh. While talking to 9-11, the police were dispatched and arrested him a block from Kavanaugh's house.
Being directed by Trump or by some others, it's a ticking time bomb.

In a normal country with normal politics, Trump would in the least be apprehended by police, brought in for questioning, and issued a stern warning that inciting violence can earn him time in jail, meant to remove the threat from the streets.
The man had a gun in his trunk, and actually made a phone call to 9-11 that he was after Kavanaugh. While talking to 9-11, the police were dispatched and arrested him a block from Kavanaugh's house.
So? Violence is uncalled for either left or right. But trump knew when he published Obama's address that one of his whacky cult members is going to go after him.
So? Violence is uncalled for either left or right. But trump knew when he published Obama's address that one of his whacky cult members is going to go after him.
So let's see... Kavanaugh's address, man with rifle, check

Oh better yet - Kavanaugh's dinner restaurant published on Facebook, the mob descends in real time.

Care to explain how this is different?
So? Violence is uncalled for either left or right. But trump knew when he published Obama's address that one of his whacky cult members is going to go after him.

People think the nut job that went after Kavanaugh was the same as the nut job that went after Obama.

But one sounds like he wanted 15 minutes of fame, arrested while confessing to the 9-11 operator.

The other fled from authorities and was armed for bear.

A man arrested near former President Barack Obama’s Washington home ... had two guns, 400 rounds of ammunition as well as a machete in his van, a federal prosecutor said Friday.
So let's see... Kavanaugh's address, man with rifle, check

Oh better yet - Kavanaugh's dinner restaurant published on Facebook, the mob descends in real time.

Care to explain how this is different?
As I said, one had a rifle in his trunk, but was confessing to the 911 operator, who notified police, allowing them to arrest him a block away.

The other had an arsenal. Two guns and 400 rounds of ammunition, and fled to avoid arrest.
As I said, one had a rifle in his trunk, but was confessing to the 911 operator, who notified police, allowing them to arrest him a block away.

The other had an arsenal. Two guns and 400 rounds of ammunition, and fled to avoid arrest.
Outcomes again. Leftards are all about outcomes.

And you think the people who released the numbers knew about this ahead of time?
The man had a gun in his trunk, and actually made a phone call to 9-11 that he was after Kavanaugh. While talking to 9-11, the police were dispatched and arrested him a block from Kavanaugh's house.
what’s your point? the man came to kill a justice, had the means to do it, was openly encourage by the demafasict to do it…
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