J6 Prisoners Are Literally In An American Gulag

The GOP should investigate the murder of Ashley Babbitt.
Why was there no verbal warning?
Why was there no bodycam video?
Why did Nancy Pelosi authorize the shooting of unarmed protesters?
These insurrectionists were criminals. They were charged, had legal counsel and had the opportunity to be tried by a jury.

It is really pathetic just how low the opinion is of this nation by Trumpers that they compare our system to the Soviet Union.

Of course, these same Trumpers do support a candidate that has talked like a Stalinist, especially in seeking retribution against his political opponents, purging the state of government employees and installing sycophants, and saying he wants to be a dictator.

I do believe this Soviet Union bullshit is pure projection.

It is not what is happening now that bothers them, but wishful thinking of what they seek.
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These people are political prisoners. And they're going thru re-education.

Sounds like a Soviet style Gulag to me.

He should have taken some of them.
You should too. Could be a first step you could take toward being taken somewhat seriously again. It will take decades, probably centuries but every blob supporter should enroll immediately.

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