Questions you wont hear ABC's moderators ask Kamala tomorrow night

8 years ago in a Democratic debate...
She shared topics not questions...
But clearly, Brazile had other methods. Now the hacked emails show that Brazile, on two separate instances, tipped off the Clinton campaign ahead of time on questions that might come her way at CNN events.
Should she have done it? No... But it is not a biggy...
Well, of course not. Democrats don't have to play by the rules.
Now,, had Fox shared questions with Trump...
Maybe a question on child care.............

Today, Vice President Kamala Harris announced critical steps to lower the cost of child care for more than 100,000 working families across America.
The Biden-Harris Administration's new rule will cap the cost of child care at no more than seven percent of income for families enrolled in the Child Care and Development Block Grant program (CCDGB), saving families more than $200 per month on average.
The new rule, filed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), also allows states to waive payments entirely for some families and helps pay child care providers faster and more fairly, which will help raise wages for child care workers.

"President Biden and I believe that every family in our nation should be able to access affordable child care," said Vice President Harris.
"Today, we are taking another important step forward by lowering the cost of child care for more than 100,000 working families that receive federal child care assistance.

President Biden and I will continue fighting to cap child care costs at $10 a day for millions of American families and make preschool free for all four-year-olds as we once again call on Congress to get it done."

Ah! Pandering for votes, what an original concept! :auiqs.jpg:
Harris was given the questions ahead of time(don’t kid yourself) and they will all be softballs. For your sake, hopefully she memorized her answers verbatim or it will get ugly quickly. I imagine the lefties moderator will do all he can to protect her and save her from herself.

My only concern is that Trump won’t point out all of her ridiculous polices. He often misses on those opportunities. They need to be exposed so that those not in the Democratic cult can see just how nuts she is.

Eh? Failure is failure. That's a tautology and that's what Harris has to live with.

They're already being subsidized.

There are a few tax incentives for child care centers and kindergarten operators, including:

  • Employer-provided childcare credit
    This credit allows employers to claim a 25% tax credit for up to $150,000 per year on qualifying expenses. This includes expenses for operating an in-house childcare center or contracting with a licensed childcare program.

  • Small Business Health Care Tax Credit
    This credit is available to childcare centers with fewer than 25 full-time employees. To qualify, the business must spend less than $50,000 in annual average wages and offer Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) coverage to all full-time employees.

No, that's what you said.

I just ate up those questions and spat them out... Harris will have it much better than me...

Trump is a disaster on the economy... His numbers were terrible but here is main problem..

This is Trump on job creation(this after increasing borrowing to pump the economy):
View attachment 1009101
He didn't really make jobs before he lost them all... He just took Obama''s job growth and continued until it fell... And he borrowed 50% more money to do that...
Trump was the same shit, just more expensive... You just fell for branding..

It's RACIST isn't it!

You know she was the VP, and therefore did not set the admin's agenda, right?
50/50 Trump makes Harris break down and cry.
Trump and his minions continue to say the she is incompetent but the facts do not support those views.

Kamala Harris was Attorney General for San Francisco for 7 years and Attorney General for California for 8 years. Both of those jobs require brains, talent and ability. She evidently did her job well as the was re-elected Attorney General for California in 2014.

I could not find any information about how many prosecutions were done while she was in either of those Jobs but I did find this comment from a person who worked in the AG's office in San Francisco

I live in SF, and I remember when she first ran for DA, being impressed by her front-line experience. The Alameda County DA's office was very highly regarded for professionalism, much more so than the SF DA's office, and that was where she'd spent her early career as a prosecutor. (I've never done criminal law myself, but I was on the civil side in the state AG's office, and I heard what the crime deputy AG's talked about.)

So, while I don't remember any specifics at all about her jury trials, when she ran for SF DA she stood out as an experienced professional prosecutor rather than a politician or opportunist. If anything, there was concern that she was too law-and-order for a progressive city.

While she was DA, my impression was that she took it seriously, and made some difficult calls even when they weren't popular.

When she was AG (I had left the office by then), my friends there found her to be pretty careful and controlling (not surprising since that's a huge office, and all the work is done in the name of the AG) but they didn't think she made decisions based on anything but the merits, or without careful review. (Definitely not a given, based on experience under prior AGs.) With some AGs, you'd wonder if they ever went to law school, but with Harris it was quite clear that the person running the office was a genuine lawyer.

Simple common sense would tell you that running the top legal position in a State for 15 years, requires knowledge, ability, and talent!

she wasnt that great as AG....a democrat getting re-elected in California aint no big deal.....even if that person sucks at the job,there is a good chance they will get re-elected...happens quite often there....
It does not matter one iota what you stated. Bottom Line, she is not this:

The only thing Trump is going to say is what he has said every day for the past 50 days

  • July 22
  • July 22
    ‘“Dumb as a Rock” Kamala Harris’
  • July 22
    ‘totally failed and insignificant Vice President’
  • July 22
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 23
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala’
  • July 23
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 23
    ‘most unpopular Vice President in history’
  • July 23
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 23
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 24
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 24
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 24
  • July 24
  • July 25
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 25
  • July 25
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 28
    ‘ORIGINAL Marxist District Attorney’
  • July 29
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 29
  • July 29
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 30
  • July 30
  • July 30
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 30
    ‘WORST Vice President in American history’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Wack Job’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Stone cold phony’
  • Aug. 2
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 2
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Aug. 2
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 2
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 3
  • Aug. 3
    ‘can’t put two sentences together’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Low IQ’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Worst Vice President in History’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘doesn’t have the mental capacity to do a REAL Debate’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘really DUMB’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘extremely Low IQ’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘unable to put two sentences together’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘unable to speak properly without a Teleprompter’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Aug. 4
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 4
    ‘incompetent Vice President’
  • Aug. 4
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Aug. 5
    ‘Radical Left Lunatic’
  • Aug. 5
  • Aug. 5
  • Aug. 6
    ‘Kamabla is the WORST V.P.’
  • Aug. 6
    ‘Crazy Kamabla is, indeed, CRAZY’
  • Aug. 7
    ‘Crazy Kamabla’
  • Aug. 7
  • Aug. 7
    ‘Crazy Kamabla’
  • Aug. 7
    ‘Crazy Kamabla’
  • Aug. 7
    ‘Crazy Kamabla’
  • Aug. 8
  • Aug. 8
  • Aug. 8
    ‘WORSE than Biden’
  • Aug. 8
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 10
  • Aug. 10
    ‘grossly incompetent’
  • Aug. 10
  • Aug. 10
  • Aug. 10
  • Aug. 10
    ‘has no ideas’
  • Aug. 10
    ‘has no imagination’
  • Aug. 10
    ‘Comrade Harris’
  • Aug. 11
  • Aug. 12
  • Aug. 18
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 18
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 18
  • Aug. 18
  • Aug. 18
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 18
    ‘Crooked Radical Left Politician’
  • Aug. 18
  • Aug. 19
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 19
    ‘Radical Left Marxist’
  • Aug. 19
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 19
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Worst Vice President in the History of the United States’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Radical Left Marxist’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Worst Vice President (and Border “Czar”) in the History of the United States’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Harris’
  • Aug. 24
    ‘Worst Vice President’
  • Aug. 24
    ‘Weakest Presidential Candidate’
  • Aug. 25
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 25
    ‘Radical Left Marxist’
  • Aug. 25
    ‘Marxist Candidate’
  • Aug. 26
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 26
    ‘Radical Left, No Fracking Marxist’
  • Aug. 26
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 28
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 28
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 28
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 28
  • Aug. 28
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 29
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 29
    ‘totally inept’
  • Aug. 29
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 29
    ‘totally inept’
  • Aug. 29
  • Aug. 29
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 30
    ‘Comrade Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 30
  • Aug. 30
  • Aug. 30
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 30
  • Aug. 31
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 31
    ‘lies about everything’
  • Sept. 1
    ‘Lightweight V.P. Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 1
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 1
  • Sept. 1
  • Sept. 1
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 2
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 3
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 3
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Sept. 3
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 4
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 4
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 4
  • Sept. 4
  • Sept. 4
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Sept. 4
    ‘Comrade Harris’
  • Sept. 5
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 5
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 5
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 5
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • July 22
  • July 22
    ‘“Dumb as a Rock” Kamala Harris’
  • July 22
    ‘totally failed and insignificant Vice President’
  • July 22
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 23
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala’
  • July 23
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 23
    ‘most unpopular Vice President in history’
  • July 23
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 23
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 24
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 24
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 24
  • July 24
  • July 25
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 25
  • July 25
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 28
    ‘ORIGINAL Marxist District Attorney’
  • July 29
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 29
  • July 29
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 30
  • July 30
  • July 30
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 30
    ‘WORST Vice President in American history’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Wack Job’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Stone cold phony’
  • Aug. 2
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 2
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Aug. 2
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 2
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 3
  • Aug. 3
    ‘can’t put two sentences together’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Low IQ’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Worst Vice President in History’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘doesn’t have the mental capacity to do a REAL Debate’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘really DUMB’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘extremely Low IQ’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘unable to put two sentences together’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘unable to speak properly without a Teleprompter’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Aug. 4
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 4
    ‘incompetent Vice President’
  • Aug. 4
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Aug. 5
    ‘Radical Left Lunatic’
  • Aug. 5
  • Aug. 5
  • Aug. 6
    ‘Kamabla is the WORST V.P.’
  • Aug. 6
    ‘Crazy Kamabla is, indeed, CRAZY’
  • Aug. 7
    ‘Crazy Kamabla’
  • Aug. 7
  • Aug. 7
    ‘Crazy Kamabla’
  • Aug. 7
    ‘Crazy Kamabla’
  • Aug. 7
    ‘Crazy Kamabla’
  • Aug. 8
  • Aug. 8
  • Aug. 8
    ‘WORSE than Biden’
  • Aug. 8
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 10
  • Aug. 10
    ‘grossly incompetent’
  • Aug. 10
  • Aug. 10
  • Aug. 10
  • Aug. 10
    ‘has no ideas’
  • Aug. 10
    ‘has no imagination’
  • Aug. 10
    ‘Comrade Harris’
  • Aug. 11
  • Aug. 12
  • Aug. 18
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 18
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 18
  • Aug. 18
  • Aug. 18
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 18
    ‘Crooked Radical Left Politician’
  • Aug. 18
  • Aug. 19
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 19
    ‘Radical Left Marxist’
  • Aug. 19
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 19
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Worst Vice President in the History of the United States’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Radical Left Marxist’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Worst Vice President (and Border “Czar”) in the History of the United States’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Harris’
  • Aug. 24
    ‘Worst Vice President’
  • Aug. 24
    ‘Weakest Presidential Candidate’
  • Aug. 25
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 25
    ‘Radical Left Marxist’
  • Aug. 25
    ‘Marxist Candidate’
  • Aug. 26
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 26
    ‘Radical Left, No Fracking Marxist’
  • Aug. 26
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 28
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 28
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 28
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 28
  • Aug. 28
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 29
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 29
    ‘totally inept’
  • Aug. 29
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 29
    ‘totally inept’
  • Aug. 29
  • Aug. 29
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 30
    ‘Comrade Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 30
  • Aug. 30
  • Aug. 30
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 30
  • Aug. 31
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 31
    ‘lies about everything’
  • Sept. 1
    ‘Lightweight V.P. Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 1
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 1
  • Sept. 1
  • Sept. 1
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 2
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 3
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 3
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Sept. 3
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 4
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 4
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 4
  • Sept. 4
  • Sept. 4
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Sept. 4
    ‘Comrade Harris’
  • Sept. 5
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 5
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 5
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 5
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
Truth hurts, eh?
The MAGA can't understand Harris and how she actually did her job.

She worked for people that elected her.. There was tough choices with some decisions that had to be made not because her base wanted them but because she believed they were the right decisions at the time for all voters.

This is completely alien to MAGA..
According to Trumpers, all of us that are against Trump, are idiots, stupid, ignorant dummies that don't understand how we cannot see that a criminal narcissist isn't the best choice for president.
/----/ GEEEZE, all I said was it didn't give a date.
Yep... But suggesting 6.5% really puts us back over 100 years in development...

No Social Welfare
Public Education, Healthcare, Transport... all very different..

The truth is we are far more connected society than then and for that we live longer, have better health....
The point is the Dems HAVE done it before, so the idea that they would do it again is even more likely since Hillary was smart and Harris is dumb.
Harris is far better academically that Trump... So if she is dumb than Trump is a caveman...

I don't think anyone should be trying to be playing the intellectual card from the MAGA camp. There is a line of people who worked with Trump in both outside and inside government who think he is pretty dumb...

But if we need proof, here is how you change the course of a hurricane..

We have loads of examples but this one..
8 years ago in a Democratic debate...

She shared topics not questions... Should she have done it? No... But it is not a biggy...

It looks like Trump took $10m in cash from a Egyptian Dictator and then his AG covered it up... That's an actual scandal, Trump was paid off by a foreign dictator...
/—-/ It looks like Biden took millions from China. Any fake outrage over that?
The MAGA can't understand Harris and how she actually did her job.

She worked for people that elected her.. There was tough choices with some decisions that had to be made not because her base wanted them but because she believed they were the right decisions at the time for all voters.

This is completely alien to MAGA..
/——/ She did nothing for 4 years.
It does not matter one iota what you stated. Bottom Line, she is not this:

The only thing Trump is going to say is what he has said every day for the past 50 days

  • July 22
  • July 22
    ‘“Dumb as a Rock” Kamala Harris’
  • July 22
    ‘totally failed and insignificant Vice President’
  • July 22
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 23
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala’
  • July 23
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 23
    ‘most unpopular Vice President in history’
  • July 23
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 23
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 24
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 24
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 24
  • July 24
  • July 25
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 25
  • July 25
    ‘Lyin’ Kamala Harris’
  • July 28
    ‘ORIGINAL Marxist District Attorney’
  • July 29
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 29
  • July 29
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 30
  • July 30
  • July 30
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 30
    ‘WORST Vice President in American history’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Wack Job’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • July 31
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • July 31
    ‘Stone cold phony’
  • Aug. 2
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 2
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Aug. 2
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 2
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 3
  • Aug. 3
    ‘can’t put two sentences together’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Low IQ’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Worst Vice President in History’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘doesn’t have the mental capacity to do a REAL Debate’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘really DUMB’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘extremely Low IQ’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘unable to put two sentences together’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘unable to speak properly without a Teleprompter’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 3
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Aug. 4
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 4
    ‘incompetent Vice President’
  • Aug. 4
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Aug. 5
    ‘Radical Left Lunatic’
  • Aug. 5
  • Aug. 5
  • Aug. 6
    ‘Kamabla is the WORST V.P.’
  • Aug. 6
    ‘Crazy Kamabla is, indeed, CRAZY’
  • Aug. 7
    ‘Crazy Kamabla’
  • Aug. 7
  • Aug. 7
    ‘Crazy Kamabla’
  • Aug. 7
    ‘Crazy Kamabla’
  • Aug. 7
    ‘Crazy Kamabla’
  • Aug. 8
  • Aug. 8
  • Aug. 8
    ‘WORSE than Biden’
  • Aug. 8
    ‘Crazy Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 10
  • Aug. 10
    ‘grossly incompetent’
  • Aug. 10
  • Aug. 10
  • Aug. 10
  • Aug. 10
    ‘has no ideas’
  • Aug. 10
    ‘has no imagination’
  • Aug. 10
    ‘Comrade Harris’
  • Aug. 11
  • Aug. 12
  • Aug. 18
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 18
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 18
  • Aug. 18
  • Aug. 18
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 18
    ‘Crooked Radical Left Politician’
  • Aug. 18
  • Aug. 19
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 19
    ‘Radical Left Marxist’
  • Aug. 19
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 19
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Worst Vice President in the History of the United States’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 21
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Radical Left Marxist’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Worst Vice President (and Border “Czar”) in the History of the United States’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 22
    ‘Comrade Harris’
  • Aug. 24
    ‘Worst Vice President’
  • Aug. 24
    ‘Weakest Presidential Candidate’
  • Aug. 25
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 25
    ‘Radical Left Marxist’
  • Aug. 25
    ‘Marxist Candidate’
  • Aug. 26
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 26
    ‘Radical Left, No Fracking Marxist’
  • Aug. 26
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 27
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 28
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 28
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Aug. 28
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 28
  • Aug. 28
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 29
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 29
    ‘totally inept’
  • Aug. 29
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 29
    ‘totally inept’
  • Aug. 29
  • Aug. 29
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 30
    ‘Comrade Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 30
  • Aug. 30
  • Aug. 30
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 30
  • Aug. 31
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Aug. 31
    ‘lies about everything’
  • Sept. 1
    ‘Lightweight V.P. Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 1
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 1
  • Sept. 1
  • Sept. 1
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 2
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 3
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 3
    ‘Comrade Kamala’
  • Sept. 3
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 4
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 4
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 4
  • Sept. 4
  • Sept. 4
    ‘Crazy Kamala’
  • Sept. 4
    ‘Comrade Harris’
  • Sept. 5
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 5
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 5
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
  • Sept. 5
    ‘Comrade Kamala Harris’
of course it doesnt....who cares how bad she may be....all that matters to you people is fucking donald trump...dam you people are obsessed with that jerk....
Maybe a question on child care.............

Today, Vice President Kamala Harris announced critical steps to lower the cost of child care for more than 100,000 working families across America.
The Biden-Harris Administration's new rule will cap the cost of child care at no more than seven percent of income for families enrolled in the Child Care and Development Block Grant program (CCDGB), saving families more than $200 per month on average.
The new rule, filed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), also allows states to waive payments entirely for some families and helps pay child care providers faster and more fairly, which will help raise wages for child care workers.

"President Biden and I believe that every family in our nation should be able to access affordable child care," said Vice President Harris.
"Today, we are taking another important step forward by lowering the cost of child care for more than 100,000 working families that receive federal child care assistance.

President Biden and I will continue fighting to cap child care costs at $10 a day for millions of American families and make preschool free for all four-year-olds as we once again call on Congress to get it done."

Price fixing never works.
It won't lower costs, it will cause shortages of critical food items, gasoline, and other things that we all need. No company is going to sell its products as a dictated loss price. Companies will go out of business and a black market will be created. That is always what has happened when any country has tried price controls.

The put in price controls for insulin and the world didn't fall in...

Companies still make profits making insulin.

US now has insulin at generally the same price as everyone else in the world...

So now you sound like you are wrong... How could Big Pharma lie to you like this, they said they would go out of business and we would all die..

The put in price controls for insulin and the world didn't fall in...

Companies still make profits making insulin.

US now has insulin at generally the same price as everyone else in the world...

So now you sound like you are wrong... How could Big Pharma lie to you like this, they said they would go out of business and we would all die..
US now has insulin at generally the same price as everyone else in the world...

only for the ones with Medicare part D....millions of others with diabetes are still fucked...
Well, of course not. Democrats don't have to play by the rules.
Now,, had Fox shared questions with Trump...
Who said they didn’t? Roger Ailes was literally an advisor for Trump.

Plus he broke the rules during the Fox News debate. Because he doesn’t have to play by the rules.


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