Questions you wont hear ABC's moderators ask Kamala tomorrow night

If they do ask her she will go into word salad mode or self destruct mode like the tape recorder would do in the opening of the old Mission Impossible tv show. These questions are too complex for her to answer in specifics.

/---/ Even if asked, would you believe her if she says she will extend the tax cuts?
The only way forward they have is by more election fraud.
Let’s see how well Kamala has memorized the note cards her staff prepared for her. There is NO way she can memorize a two-minute speech for every question.

What I predict is she will first respond with her 15-second memorized platitude as to how the government will “help* people - and then try to fill the remaining time with meaningless word salad.

The ONLY thing Trump has to do is not let the mods incite him, whcih they will be trying to do the entire time. His policies are the proven winner, and he should IGNORE mods’ attacks - a simple and polite “not true” will suffice - and then stick with policies.

*Reagan: The scariest sentence in the English language is “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you.”
We're drilling and fracking now MORE than ever before.

What the HELL does that idiot mean by "curbing drilling/fracking?"

Everything about these people is based on lies.
lol...were have you been marc?....every dam politician lies or embellishes the truth...yea even harris and her support dog....
If they do ask her she will go into word salad mode or self destruct mode like the tape recorder would do in the opening of the old Mission Impossible tv show. These questions are too complex for her to answer in specifics.

I hope she is asked those questions because the answers are quite clear

1) Analyses claiming that taxes on millionaires and billionaires will slow economic growth are fundamentally flawed. In recent weeks, a number of policy analyses of progressive economic policies—a surtax on high-incomes, a wealth tax, and Social Security expansion—have claimed these policies would damage economic growth.

and a second link to info:

What would happen if we raise taxes on the rich?

Riedl finds that raising individual income taxes on the wealthy would generate the most revenues, estimating that about 1.0 percent of GDP over 10 years could be raised from that category alone.


U.S. producers reluctant to drill more oil, despite sky-high gas prices

Many oil and gas executives say they have little interest in increasing oil production — even at crude's near-record prices, which make extraction very profitable for their companies.

and a second link to info:

Why aren't US oil companies drilling more?

The costs to drill new wells are quite high right now,” said Ellen Wald at the Atlantic Council's Global Energy Center. Cement, steel and other materials needed for new rigs grew more expensive over the last few years. And investors, she said, are pushing oil companies to deliver higher profits.

Bottom line, Trump's ideas will bring higher inflation across the board.
Same old tired format...

There is plenty 'government control' doing great things for their people.

The Subway systems around the world are all price controlled... Seem to be serving cities very well..

The difference between you and the rest of us, we can see balance no absolutes... Their are certain places where price controls work for the betterment of society or economy... You are saying that is an absolute no as I can see it (correct me if I am wrong)..
The other difference is government gets paid for failing and more is always better

NYC subway is a world class embarrassment, filthy on a good day and now dangerous— once again, but the MTA Union makes a fortune in the process
I hope she is asked those questions because the answers are quite clear

1) Analyses claiming that taxes on millionaires and billionaires will slow economic growth are fundamentally flawed. In recent weeks, a number of policy analyses of progressive economic policies—a surtax on high-incomes, a wealth tax, and Social Security expansion—have claimed these policies would damage economic growth.

and a second link to info:

What would happen if we raise taxes on the rich?

Riedl finds that raising individual income taxes on the wealthy would generate the most revenues, estimating that about 1.0 percent of GDP over 10 years could be raised from that category alone.


U.S. producers reluctant to drill more oil, despite sky-high gas prices

Many oil and gas executives say they have little interest in increasing oil production — even at crude's near-record prices, which make extraction very profitable for their companies.

and a second link to info:

Why aren't US oil companies drilling more?

The costs to drill new wells are quite high right now,” said Ellen Wald at the Atlantic Council's Global Energy Center. Cement, steel and other materials needed for new rigs grew more expensive over the last few years. And investors, she said, are pushing oil companies to deliver higher profits.

Bottom line, Trump's ideas will bring higher inflation across the board.
Those are blatantly biased questions, with a leading liberal statement. I don’t think even ABC could get away with making a liberal policy speech, and then asking a question.
When there is someone to wipe your ass when can't control your shit because your too old...

Let's also point out, world moves on... Child care is a nessceity in the present economy and the economy that can provide it to its workers cheaply will have the competitive advantage...

You are so busy worried if a fellow American could possibly get an advantage you might have not have got, you are perfectly happy to give other major economies the advantage over America.

You would rather be loosing less than your fellow America in a declining America
than winning less than your fellow America in a rising America.

This is why MAGA is not 'America First' but 'Me First'
Lower the tax burden on Americans and then maybe one of the parents could stay home with the child. Ever thought of that, Einstein?
We did not have a large government then with taxes for the peasants low. One breadwinner could take care of a family during that time period. This included not just federal taxes. It included state, local and city taxes. Which were much lower. The drilling was culled with Joe and the gang. Oil needs drilling and access to the product. We can argue this forever. The prices are lower when access is not denied from special interests.

Government spending per GDP was higher in 1982 than it is today and Biden is still bringing it down from Trump...

Biden has presntly got it lower that any time under Trump. Actually Trump had it 1% higher than now in 2019...

So Trump lower Government spending is a myth and the last two massive spikes in spending per GDP have been Republicans.

Sorry, but the GOP mantra on Government Spending is just BS... They lower the tax on rich and corporates (i.e. lobbyist's interests) raise the deficit and then tell middle and poor class they can't afford shit... It is an utter scam...
Let’s see how well Kamala has memorized the note cards her staff prepared for her. There is NO way she can memorize a two-minute speech for every question.

What I predict is she will first respond with her 15-second memorized platitude as to how the government will “help* people - and then try to fill the remaining time with meaningless word salad.

The ONLY thing Trump has to do is not let the mods incite him, whcih they will be trying to do the entire time. His policies are the proven winner, and he should IGNORE mods’ attacks - a simple and polite “not true” will suffice - and then stick with policies.

*Reagan: The scariest sentence in the English language is “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you.”
They gonna have to control her alcohol intake today.
Why should I have to pay for others health care when I paid for mine? You loons are nuts.
The same reason you will be asked to give a $25,000 downpayment to people after you saved for your own. The same reason you were asked to pay off other people’s student loans after you paid for your own.

(In college, most of my costs were paid by academic scholarship, my personal contributions working summer and semester-break jobs, and my parents covering the remaining 15%. I graduated debt-free, but there was no extra money for Semester in England. Oh well….

At the same time, students on financial aid DID go to semester abroad programs. They just added it to their debt. And now, the responsible people who didn’t just load up on debt for luxury purchases have to pay for those who did?!)
View attachment 1009117

Government spending per GDP was higher in 1982 than it is today and Biden is still bringing it down from Trump...

Biden has presntly got it lower that any time under Trump. Actually Trump had it 1% higher than now in 2019...

So Trump lower Government spending is a myth and the last two massive spikes in spending per GDP have been Republicans.

Sorry, but the GOP mantra on Government Spending is just BS... They lower the tax on rich and corporates (i.e. lobbyist's interests) raise the deficit and then tell middle and poor class they can't afford shit... It is an utter scam...
/----/ From your link, the lowest was 6.5%, but it doesn't say what year that was.
United States Government Spending To GDP
34.3836.1647.016.551900 - 2023percent of GDPYearly
Harris was given the questions ahead of time(don’t kid yourself) and they will all be softballs. For your sake, hopefully she memorized her answers verbatim or it will get ugly quickly. I imagine the lefties moderator will do all he can to protect her and save her from herself.

My only concern is that Trump won’t point out all of her ridiculous polices. He often misses on those opportunities. They need to be exposed so that those not in the Democratic cult can see just how nuts she is.
Oh please, don’t you cultist ever give conspiracy theories a rest.
Lower the tax burden on Americans and then maybe one of the parents could stay home with the child. Ever thought of that, Einstein?

Number done in other countries and it turns out to be harmful on economies as a whole.

It is better to support mommy (who could be higher educated and adding more to the economy) to work while having a relatively cheaper child care looking after the child.

What does really pay off is having more flexible hours like flexitime and condensed weeks to suit famillies as well as much more vaction time.

This creates much more family work life balance as experience in Europe who are see much imporved productivity adopting this more.
/----/ From your link, the lowest was 6.5%, but it doesn't say what year that was.
United States Government Spending To GDP
34.3836.1647.016.551900 - 2023percent of GDPYearly
Somewhere between 1900 and 1923...

Do we think we can run an economy today on those kind of numbers...

Could I list the number of things that didn't exist back then...

Back then US would be a third world country by today's standards...

So I don't think the solution to Government Spending is to turn US into a third world country...
Those are blatantly biased questions, with a leading liberal statement. I don’t think even ABC could get away with making a liberal policy speech, and then asking a question.
It was the Trump-biased OP that stated that she would not be asked these questions because it would be a negative for her and you are saying the opposite (that is would help her because they are liberal statements)?

Why don't you biased-for-Trump get together to say the same thing

1) are these questions damaging to Harris???????
2) are these questions helpful to Harris??????
  1. Kammy, how does a piece of shit like you rise to run for POTUS of this country, especially when you are neither constitutionally nor institutionally qualified?
Because I am a Female Black, picked as VP for that reason. If I were white, I would have gone to a third-rate law school and nobody would have heard of me.

  1. Kammy, are you as confused as you sound or do you actually think you are making sense with your mindless gibberish?
No, I am not confused because I refuse to be burdened by what has been, and the time for that is now, because time passes. Next question?
  1. Kammy, do you think you could have found a more woefully sad POC to have as your VP, or was he the only person you could find even worse than you?
I wanted the Jew from PA in order to win that state, but my Dem puppeteers said that we have too many antisemitic Muslims in the party, and Jew-Boy could cost me the election. Next?

  1. Kamula, can you recommend a good salve for dealing with the mouth blisters you must surely have by now from sucking as hard and as long as you surely did to wheedle your way to being in this race?
I ended up buying stock in Anbesol!
Oh please, don’t you cultist ever give conspiracy theories a rest.
/----/ Oh, like it's never happened before? Hillary was a stronger candidate and debater than Harris would ever be. › politics › 417938Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with ...

Mar 17, 2017 · Veteran Democratic operative Donna Brazile finally admitted that she used her former position as a CNN commentator to relay questions ahead of debates to Hillary Clinton during

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