Questions you wont hear ABC's moderators ask Kamala tomorrow night

It's obvious that the cult member's maturity and class has maintained the same level it has had since they joined the cult. They emulate trump well.

Since you loons are so mature.
Maybe a question on child care.............

Today, Vice President Kamala Harris announced critical steps to lower the cost of child care for more than 100,000 working families across America.
The Biden-Harris Administration's new rule will cap the cost of child care at no more than seven percent of income for families enrolled in the Child Care and Development Block Grant program (CCDGB), saving families more than $200 per month on average.
The new rule, filed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), also allows states to waive payments entirely for some families and helps pay child care providers faster and more fairly, which will help raise wages for child care workers.

"President Biden and I believe that every family in our nation should be able to access affordable child care," said Vice President Harris.
"Today, we are taking another important step forward by lowering the cost of child care for more than 100,000 working families that receive federal child care assistance.

President Biden and I will continue fighting to cap child care costs at $10 a day for millions of American families and make preschool free for all four-year-olds as we once again call on Congress to get it done."

$10 a day, well she will put every child care place out of business.
  1. Kammy, how does a piece of shit like you rise to run for POTUS of this country, especially when you are neither constitutionally nor institutionally qualified?
  2. Kammy, are you as confused as you sound or do you actually think you are making sense with your mindless gibberish?
  3. Kammy, do you think you could have found a more woefully sad POC to have as your VP, or was he the only person you could find even worse than you?
  4. Kamula, can you recommend a good salve for dealing with the mouth blisters you must surely have by now from sucking as hard and as long as you surely did to wheedle your way to being in this race?
How many guys do you have to blow to get elected President?
Price-fixing won't solve any problems. It will create new ones. Either child care businesses will be forced to shut their doors leaving parents without a place to drop off their kids or the Socialists will force everyone else to pay for someone else's child care needs. Lose-lose situation.

Kamala will just demand those childcare places stay open and keep doing their jobs, or else.
$10 a day, well she will put every child care place out of business.

Communist countries have “free” pre-school run by the government because they expect you to work. In our case, it will be “free” with no work requirement. “Free” pre-school run by the government also gives the government(think teacher’s Union) early access to plyable minds. You have to get to potential Democrats as early as possible, as little they say makes any sense to free-thinking adults. We can’t have that.
What I want the "facilitators" to ask trump is who he believes won the 2020 election? Cuz the Big Lie has caused a great deal of turmoil in the country for the last 3 1/2 years.
No, you loons cheating has caused turmoil in this country and everyone feels it now.

Kamala will just demand those childcare places stay open and keep doing their jobs, or else.

Oh, the government will be more than happy to fund them, provided they teach the kids as they see fit.
I would ask her "If the Trump tax cuts are such a bad thing, why have you kept them in place the last four years?"
Or simply ask “why haven’t you already done any of the things you propose to do on Day 1 since we’ve had a Biden/Harris Administration for almost four years already?”
1. Continuing Tax Cuts foor the very rich as a support to economy is a lie peddled to the American people for decades that I am putting a stop at right now.
The silver spooned trust baby beside me wants you to believe that by keeping money in his pocket you are better off... Think about he is trying to sell you.
He has been going around the country for a decade now talk about Making America Great Again, well when America was great his ilk paid far more taxes. Even a Republican President said what GOP was trying to sell is voodoo economics.
Well I am here to say STOP... We are going back to a time more like the 1950's and 60's where the very wealthy paid more to keep America first. The scam is finished.

2. US is drilling more and fracking more than any other time in history.
The reason your energy prices are high is because in April 2020 a US President at the time got Oil Supply cut by 17% with no leverage to get it back. His buddies in the Oil Industry got record profits and US consumer got cheated.
That is the past, but lets's us consider his next move. He wants a 10% consumer tax on all goods entering and guess who is paying it... Think about who ended up paying for the Oil the last time.
He will state that US manufacturing will benefit. Will it, when they have to pay 10% more for all components they get from abroad and their products are 10% more expensive aboard.
This is why economists have called it the US consumer tax.
We did not have a large government then with taxes for the peasants low. One breadwinner could take care of a family during that time period. This included not just federal taxes. It included state, local and city taxes. Which were much lower. The drilling was culled with Joe and the gang. Oil needs drilling and access to the product. We can argue this forever. The prices are lower when access is not denied from special interests.
Argentina got rid of rent control. Housing supply skyrocketed

Back in reality, ending government control increases supply and lowers costs
Same old tired format...

There is plenty 'government control' doing great things for their people.

The Subway systems around the world are all price controlled... Seem to be serving cities very well..

The difference between you and the rest of us, we can see balance no absolutes... Their are certain places where price controls work for the betterment of society or economy... You are saying that is an absolute no as I can see it (correct me if I am wrong)..
We did not have a large government then with taxes for the peasants low. One breadwinner could take care of a family during that time period. This included not just federal taxes. It included state, local and city taxes. Which were much lower. The drilling was culled with Joe and the gang. Oil needs drilling and access to the product. We can argue this forever. The prices are lower when access is not denied from special interests.
We also had people who were content with much less. What we considered a comfortable middle-class life (1100 sf house with a one shared bathroom; rarely a restaurant; one car; one b&w TV, etc.) would have liberals crying that the family is “poor” and needs government assistance.
Something else the tax payers have to pay for. So when do I get my money back for all the years I paid full price for daycare?
When there is someone to wipe your ass when can't control your shit because your too old...

Let's also point out, world moves on... Child care is a nessceity in the present economy and the economy that can provide it to its workers cheaply will have the competitive advantage...

You are so busy worried if a fellow American could possibly get an advantage you might have not have got, you are perfectly happy to give other major economies the advantage over America.

You would rather be loosing less than your fellow America in a declining America
than winning less than your fellow America in a rising America.

This is why MAGA is not 'America First' but 'Me First'

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