J6 was crawling with Feds

"Fine. We're done."

Meaning what exactly? You're going to bitch and moan even harder?

Cope and seethe. Cope and seethe.

I suggest you have Trump jailed, mug shot and orange suit included. And then maybe that will finally do it.

I've been ready for a long time. I'm not coping or seething. I'm ready, and I no longer care.
Except it's not. It's just full of people trying to do their jobs. And people like you not supporting them...because you've joined a cult that pledges loyalty to a man who could care less about the institutions and policies you care about.

The mocking part is entirely YOUR fault. You people went off the deep end, not the rest of the sane ones.

Make a move. Or just close your mouth and see if you can for once, be an American and contribute toward solving our issues...instead of exacerbating them.

I don't want to be an American the way you have rendered it. I do not want to be run by unelected, unaccountable bureaucracies.

That's not even America.

So I don't care now. Happy?
Except it's not. It's just full of people trying to do their jobs. And people like you not supporting them...because you've joined a cult that pledges loyalty to a man who could care less about the institutions and policies you care about.

The mocking part is entirely YOUR fault. You people went off the deep end, not the rest of the sane ones.

Make a move. Or just close your mouth and see if you can for once, be an American and contribute toward solving our issues...instead of exacerbating them.

By the way--as a formerly patriotic American, I would NEVER pledge fealty to bureaucrats.

American liberals have become pathetic. Imagine going on the FBI Twitter page and saying things like "thank you for your service".

From the 60s to this. Disgusting.
Sorry, Brooks is speaking to a larger question of ELITES. Not Democrats.

Oh honey. That's you now. You don't have the working class anymore. You don't have the middle class. You are losing Black Americans, and have all but lost Hispanics.

By the way--as a formerly patriotic American, I would NEVER pledge fealty to bureaucrats.

American liberals have become pathetic. Imagine going on the FBI Twitter page and saying things like "thank you for your service".

From the 60s to this. Disgusting.
I don't pledge loyalty to politicians or bureaucrats. But if you keep going after the institutions and people tasked with enforcing our laws, you're aiding the undermining of the bedrock our republic was founded on.
You've managed to convince yourself that these institutions are all colluding to persecute one man with a vision...for what I don't know. When all they're doing is holding him accountable for his actions.
That's what we want from our law enforcement institutions.
Oh honey. That's you now. You don't have the working class anymore. You don't have the middle class. You are losing Black Americans, and have all but lost Hispanics.

The death of the middle class is entirely the fault of Republicans through their "trickle down" policies for 40 years. We can debate all day about Blacks and Hispanics. The numbers in the last election don't back your assertions up.
The death of the middle class is entirely the fault of Republicans through their "trickle down" policies for 40 years. We can debate all day about Blacks and Hispanics. The numbers in the last election don't back your assertions up.

People who support Trump--the middle class--don't believe you, and don't care. That's the gong David Brooks is trying to sound, but you don't care about that either. You never try to build bridges and it's been that way long before Trump. Wokeism was the final nail in the coffin and made you all, frankly, insufferable.

PS the rank classism on this board toward Trump supporters--mocking trailer parks, the way people dress, etc--is just one problem. You are no longer the party of the working man or the little people and worse, you have turned to mock them at every opportunity.

It is costing you but worse, it's costing all of us. You don't care. It gives you a high so the nation can go to rot I guess.
People who support Trump--the middle class--don't believe you, and don't care. That's the gong David Brooks is trying to sound, but you don't care about that either. You never try to build bridges and it's been that way long before Trump. Wokeism was the final nail in the coffin and made you all, frankly, insufferable.

PS the rank classism on this board toward Trump supporters--mocking trailer parks, the way people dress, etc--is just one problem. You are no longer the party of the working man or the little people and worse, you have turned to mock them at every opportunity.

It is costing you but worse, it's costing all of us. You don't care. It gives you a high so the nation can go to rot I guess.
You really didn't read what Brooks actually had to say, did you? Elites cover all political spectrums. Not just one. And I'm sorry, your side weaponized the word "woke". And now it's cycling around to bite you in the behind as people are starting to push back on bigotry. Most of the Trump supporters on this board are their own worst enemies. Much like their savior. For some reason, this man has a hold on them they are unwilling to shake themselves of. And like their lord and savior, it's the way you BEHAVE and ACT. Not how you look, or where you live.
How have such conspiracy theories worked out for the Jan 6 traitors at their trials?

Not so well? Courts still sentenced the traitors to be Bubba's cellmate?

Tyrone, when you eventually meet Bubba, tell him that the rest of us say "hi".

Now Sund, he sounds like a remarkably stupid human being. He had no knowledge of any feds in the crowd at the time. It was only after the fact, when various right wing cranks started posting such conspiracies, that he decided to believe the conspiracies.

We can all be thankful that someone that stupid no longer holds a job with law enforcement. My guess is that he's trying to rehabilitate his current reputation as the most imcompetent law enforcement officer in the history of the USA, and that he's trying to jump on the right-wing grifting train.
when i meet bubba I'll kick his ass
And the alleged feds who were "crawling" forced all of the blob supporters to go into the Capitol, attack police officers, do a billion dollars in damage, etc...?
my my suddenly concerned about "billions" of dollars in damages
You really didn't read what Brooks actually had to say, did you? Elites cover all political spectrums. Not just one. And I'm sorry, your side weaponized the word "woke". And now it's cycling around to bite you in the behind as people are starting to push back on bigotry. Most of the Trump supporters on this board are their own worst enemies. Much like their savior. For some reason, this man has a hold on them they are unwilling to shake themselves of. And like their lord and savior, it's the way you BEHAVE and ACT. Not how you look, or where you live.

Okay. Proof positive again of why our nation is fragmented and divided beyond repair.
Okay. Proof positive again of why our nation is fragmented and divided beyond repair.
Again, that is primarily..your fault. You went off the deep end for one man.
The rest of us, would just get on with our lives without having it sprayed all over the news 24x7.
Again, that is primarily..your fault. You went off the deep end for one man.
The rest of us, would just get on with our lives without having it sprayed all over the news 24x7.

No. We elected him and then you lost your minds. He was duly elected, but you just couldn't accept it. Russian Collusion, the Steele Dossier, two impeachments. And now this.

Whatever. I do not care. Let it burn. I mean it when I say I do not want to share a nation with you anymore.
Learn from history. Or read David Brooks column, which the NYT actually printed. He worries too late if you all are the bad guys.

You are, but your trained monkeys are trained to well. No one will turn back or CAN turn you back now.

Great. So we'll walk away.
Exactly what history do you think this will compare with?

“We’ll walk away” meaning what exactly?

You never say anything specific. You just cope and seethe.
Okay. Proof positive again of why our nation is fragmented and divided beyond repair.
Yeah...we're pretty much the same here on the left. You guys have gone off the deep end.

How many conspiracy theories do you believe in?

rigged elections nationwide
rigged elections in Arizona
poisoned vaccines
poisoned boosters
agents provocateur at the capitol
child smuggling at pizza joints
Biden taking millions in bribes

These are just the ones that you admit to you dingbat.
Exactly what history do you think this will compare with?

“We’ll walk away” meaning what exactly?

You never say anything specific. You just cope and seethe.
Its just like the 9/11 Truthers. Never take a firm stand because they know they'll have to abandon it sooner rather than later.
I suggest you have Trump jailed, mug shot and orange suit included. And then maybe that will finally do it.

I've been ready for a long time. I'm not coping or seething. I'm ready, and I no longer care.
Do what? Ready for what?

All you do is cope and seethe.
Yeah...we're pretty much the same here on the left. You guys have gone off the deep end.

How many conspiracy theories do you believe in?

rigged elections nationwide
rigged elections in Arizona
poisoned vaccines
poisoned boosters
agents provocateur at the capitol
child smuggling at pizza joints
Biden taking millions in bribes

These are just the ones that you admit to you dingbat.

rigged elections nationwide--Maybe not rigged, but cheating
rigged elections in Arizona--see above
poisoned vaccines--they were a failure with too many side effects
poisoned boosters--see above
agents provocateur at the capitol--that's true
child smuggling at pizza joints--yeah, no. Sketchy, not true
Biden taking millions in bribes--definitely true

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