Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!


The Vatican is so mysterious that most of the priests, nuns and members on the lower level of their clergy and people who work on the lower level of federal government agencies don’t know that they’re part of the world’s largest cult and that narcotics, prostitution, pornography, booze, and the black market—every filthy thing—can be traced right back to the Vatican and her government agencies.49 Defectors from this large sect, the Roman Catholic cult, have stated that 68% of the Vatican’s clergy are guilty of homosexuality, lesbianism, and fornication. All these acts are absolutely forbidden by God and will cause their souls to go to Hell if they don’t repent.50 Down through the ages, many notables have called the Vatican a “sewer of corruption.”

A former high-ranking Jesuit priest who worked in the Vatican for years and answered only to the pope reported to me that when today’s pope, John Paul II, was a priest in Krakow, Poland, factory workers became angry with the future pope (John Paul II). It was reported that many of the factory workers wanted to kill him, and they stated that they did not want him to come around anymore. And when he would, they would throw oily rags at him because it was reported that he was molesting their little children. They also reported that he (now Pope John Paul II) is a homosexual. This explains all the new Vatican federal government regulations regarding nondiscrimination against homosexuals.

In a book about love (lust) that Pope John Paul II wrote when he was a priest, he repeatedly quotes Sigmund Freud as though he were quoting holy writ. Sigmund Freud, a Jew who converted to Roman Catholicism, is well-known as the world’s foremost pervert. Satan, through the Vatican’s one-world government, church, and media, raised him up, along with the whole psychiatric field, to do away with the words “sin” and “guilt.” The Vatican could then use psychologists and psychiatrists to commit to mental institutions people who profess faith in God’s supernatural dealings with mankind, both today and in the past. These psychologists and psychiatrists and the Vatican’s heavyweight news media continuously mock (make fun of) anyone who exposes, through God’s Word, this cult, which God calls “the whore” in Revelation, and anyone who stands on every Word of God, which includes Christ’s commands to raise the dead, to heal the sick, to cast out devils, to be born again, to resist and expose the devil (the whore of Revelation). John Paul II and Freud’s perversions run parallel, as he admits in his book.

Now that he has hit the “big-time” (ruler of his Roman Catholic cult and federal government agencies), he can make laws in accordance with the way he thinks. He now wishes for us to live out his fantasies by making laws forcing both young men and women to have to use the same toilets in college dormitories. His perverted brain rejoices as he sees the human race forced by law to participate in his style of kink. These new Roman canon laws of perversion and death are enforced by two of his federal government agencies called the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Education,51 which sound very official, and it makes them as much of a disguise as the whole Vatican operation’s false Snow White image.

In the spiritual war between God and Satan, we rejoice and are exceeding glad because Jesus said, “Great is your reward in Heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you” (Matt. 5:12). We are the strongest fundamental Christian organization in the world (and are very proud of that fact).

Some false publications which perjure themselves (some that deceptively even print Bibles) and do not listen to Jesus, who said, “Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely” (Luke 3:14), have included us in their books about cults. Because of their blatant lies, and because of our necessity to uphold the integrity of the Lord’s work, we had to check out these sinister publications, and of course, found them to be run by the Jesuit-Vatican cult.

“What mean ye that ye beat My people to pieces, and grind the faces of the poor? saith the Lord GOD of hosts” (Isa. 3:15).

Don’t you know “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7)? And God will do to you manifold that which you have done to others... “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, saith the Lord,” “I will recompense” (Rom. 12:19, Heb. 10:30).

We are joyful because our reward is great because of the lies that they have told about us (Jesus said so) (Matt. 5:11-12).

The Vatican’s federal government agencies and her heavyweight news media (in concert) have also made it possible for us to have much great joy and abundant rewards in Heaven because they have jointly taken us into court on false charges and have launched slanderous campaigns against us continuously for the last fifteen years. Under investigation, we found both the heavyweight news media,53
and of course, the aforementioned government agencies, secretly Vatican controlled and/or owned. We thank You and praise You, Jesus, for showing these facts to us, and for guaranteeing us our most certain rewards. The Psalmist David writes:52

“The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He [God] that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure” (Psa. 2:2-5).

The Pope s Secrets by Tony Alamo
The Vatican and her people all deserve the Academy Award Oscar for the best performance of innocency and piety, and also for make-up and wardrobe design, making her outward appearance that of Snow White. Underneath her Snow White outfit, there are running, festering sores and ringworm. On the outside she smiles sweetly and says, “I love you, brother,” but behind her bony back, she hides hands that drip with the blood of martyrs.

Here is an example of how the Vatican always covers herself. When she saw that World War II (another Vatican inquisition) was being lost, she quickly hid, in one instance, one thousand Jews so that, after killing six million Jews, she could say, “We hid and protected the Jews; we love the Jews.” This is the actual truth of what the Vatican did.

Speaking of Academy Awards, the Vatican has long time been in the movie industry.57 Hollywood, influenced by a powerful Roman Catholic lobby, furnished us with films like “The Song of Bernadette,” “Going My Way,” and a number of exciting films glorifying this Roman Catholic cult. On the other hand, they pushed movies like “Elmer Gantry,” showing crooked Protestant evangelists. Do you remember “Dragnet” on television? The Christian was always pictured with a big Bible, smiling after he had strangled grandma up in the attic.58 And always the priests were the well-respected, highly-paid stars like Bing Crosby and Barry Fitzgerald. You see, we are hit psychologically on many fronts by the Vatican (the leader of the one-world church and all the world governments).

Continuing her role as Snow White, the Vatican is using her own media to promote a three-hour CBS propaganda extravaganza white-washing her clay god, the cult leader. I’m sure the oily rag throwing incident was left out of the script.

There are many beautiful people in the Roman Catholic cult who are not wealthy, some are even very poor, and who are not seeking for high position. Most are very humble. These common people are completely unaware of the wickedness that has been and is being committed by the Roman cult, which they have been told is a church. Because God knows their sincere hearts (He is the God of our heart), He says unto these ignorant people “Come out of her, My people” (Rev. 18:4). So let’s pray they will soon.The Pope s Secrets by Tony Alamo
What is surprising in this story is not that a nun in a convent was found to be pregnant but that the other nuns claimed they were very surprised by the news. (surprised the pregnancy wasn't caught and terminated by abortion?)

The Roman Church does not appear to have ever had a problem with deceiving the public, pretending "not to know", and now they are no longer even trying to cover up such stories. If you read Dr. Alberto Rivera's 6 part series testimony - Jack Chick - you're already aware of the thousands of abortions that have been covered up by the nuns and Vatican. Good thing she "didn't know" otherwise that baby would have been aborted under orders of the Roman Catholic Institution. (with no proper burial)

HuffPost Live

A Salvadoran nun who said she had no idea she was pregnant gave birth in Italy this week after she felt stomach cramps in her convent and was rushed to hospital, Italian media reported on Friday.
Hosted by:
  • Caitlyn Becker
Pray for yourself, Ogibillm. You need Jesus Christ. I've seen your posts.

(out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks)
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Nowhere in the bible does it ever teach people to join a convent - to abstain from meat, to not marry - the bible very clearly points out that it is the anti -Christ church that teaches forbidding to marry, not eating meat, etc. An estimated 68% of priests and nuns in the RCC are homosexuals / lesbians/ or living a lifestyle of fornication. Why? Because they have submitted themselves to an anti christ system that is not of God - they should leave immediately - go follow Jesus Christ and get married to a person of the opposite sex if that is their desire.

The bible NEVER forbids marriage. EVER.

Homosexuality? Yes. Lesbianism? Yes. Marriage between man and woman? No. Paul said it was better to marry than to burn with lust.

The Apostle Peter was a married man. Jesus Christ healed his mother in law. Peter was buried in Israel. By all accounts of the bible Peter never visited Rome once. Peter the first pope? That is impossible. There is no such evidence - it was all a lie concocted by Rome. People need to wake up.
News flash! The Roman Catholic Institution which was responsible for the murder,torture, rape, burning at stake and burying alive of 68 million souls during the Inquisition and another 11 million souls during the holocaust, and another 1 million souls when Titus invaded Jerusalem in 70 A.D. to murder all the Christians and Jews there - the Christian Jews had already left - so they massacred 1 million Jews who were there (1 million the estimated number) and the millions more the Roman Vatican has slaughtered through their arranging WWII to eliminate the Jews (and later the Protestants), and now creating a WWIII so they can fulfill their satanic dream of being called The Church....... head of the New World Order - rulers of the world - makes them an Institution of HELL.

They are not "THE CHURCH". They are an abomination of abominations! Do yourself a favor and get out of there immediately! There is nothing christian about the Roman Catholic Institution. Absolutely nothing.
To those who are willing to deny Jesus Christ and cover up for evil - the truth spoken is what they consider to be "hate". (anything that opposes the anti - Christ Roman Catholic System is considered a hate crime) If they had their way - it would be illegal. (they are working on it) Whether legal or illegal to speak the truth - Born again Christians are commanded to do it - to expose false cults / false teachers and warn others of the dangers they are in.

here is a video on the Jesuits you might find interesting...

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This is the testimony of John Todd ex - grand druid priest who left satanism to become a born again Christian - you will note that he states part of what led to his conversion was reading a Jack Chick tract. Once again proving...God uses Jack Chick Tracts / Comics to educate and win the lost to Jesus Christ! To God be the glory. Just as Jack Chick's name and Dr. Alberto Rivera's name has been viciously slandered and maligned by the Jesuits and Vatican - so John Todds name has been viciously slandered by those who stand to lose the most. Satanists and witches who know he is telling the truth and sounding the alarm to the world. Anytime you see someone slandering John Todd out of the blue you can be sure they have ties to the occult in their own lives. Their greatest fear is people knowing their secrets. They would rather you didn't believe the devil or his servants existed. But as you'll hear in this video - they do. In every walk of life. They have even infiltrated some of your churches! This is why you must walk in holiness, in obedience to the LORD every day of your life - otherwise you will lack the discerment to know what the Holy Spirit is showing you.

and part 2

One thing that is undeniable -the information John Todd provides here has been since proven in testimonies of people who have come out of the occult and become Christians - they give testimonies that support what he is saying in these videos - keep in mind these tapes were made in 1972 - 1974 - period - and today - pretty much everything he has spoken of has been since been proven to be true. How is that possible? How is it possible that Alberto Rivera the ex - Jesuit could have such detailed information of the Vatican and their agenda and today we see it being played out here in the USA - how could it be possible unless they knew the truth? No one puts themselves in harms way for a lie. No one would put their lives on the line for something they simply made up. That is not possible. The reason both men are dead today is they gave their lives to tell others - to warn others of the truth about the occult origins and black masses going on in the Roman Vatican - the true origin of the Roman Catholic cult and how it ties into worldwide satanism / and control of politics in the USA and across the globe. John Todd was right and that is why they wanted to silence him. Alberto Rivera the ex-Jesuit was right and that is why they tried to murder him at least 5 times. (John Todd had many attempts on his life by his own admission - why would anyone attempt to kill someone unless they were revealing secrets they didn't want out there? )
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This one is called the Jesuits. Read it asap because they are probably going to try and hack this one too. If you do not get to read it all just let me know and I'll post it again. Obviously the Jesuits and their allies - Satanists / freemasons/ etc don't want this material out there.

click each page to read the material in larger print.

The Jesuits... like so many things in this world, they are not what they appear to be.

In 1540, Pope Paul III officially accepted "The Society of Jesus" (Jesuits) into the Roman Catholic system. Today, the current Jesuit General, Adolfo Nicolás, is respected and feared by every Jesuit as God Himself.

Who knows more about the Jesuits than the Jesuits themselves? This comic shows, from their own writings, that the Jesuits' real goal is to destroy true Christians and make the world submit to the Pope. That's why Jesus commanded His people to, "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues" in Revelation 18:4.

This comic focuses on the story of a family arrested because of the impatient actions of one Jesuit, whose indiscretion nearly unraveled the plot to destroy freedom and bring everyone under the control of the pope.

Read the fascinating history of the Jesuits, learned from their own writings.


* How they formed, and why

* The true purpose of Jesuit schools and colleges

* Their blind obedience to their superiors.

Read why we are surrounded with Jesuit-trained operatives who don't wear a priest's collar, and are thus "invisible." See how they manipulate governments and foment wars, all "for the greater glory of God." By the end of the story, the reader will understand that he cannot put his complete trust in any church, religious leader, or anyone else for his eternity, because nothing is what it appears to be. He must place his faith in Jesus alone. The Lord Jesus will bring the only true peace the world will ever know.

©2011 by Jack T. Chick

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