Jacob blasphemes Job


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism yarn inspired by the symbolic film American Made.



An airline pilot named Jacob became involved in an adulterous affair with an attractive stewardess named Margot. Jacob worked for KLM (Dutch airlines) and was American-born, while Margot was born in Holland. Margot was a drug-smuggler for a powerful crimelord (named Ez) in Amsterdam who had set up opium-ring connections stretching from Hong Kong to Miami. Margot was Ez's 'muse' more or less, and Jacob was in over his head. However, Jacob was hypnotized by Margot and began dating her and consummated his love for her on Valentine's Day. Two months later, Jacob discovered Margot's connections to the underworld. However, he kept dating her...

SCARECROW: Jacob might as well be Job...
BATMAN: Jacob can be redeemed!
POISON IVY: Chit-chat about foolish men being 'tested' makes me gasp.

SCARECROW: There's more to life than basic seduction...
BATMAN: Really? It seems the modern world is fraught with temptation.
POISON IVY: If Jacob became an eco-terrorist, I'd say he at least has style.

SCARECROW: What would Portia (The Merchant of Venice) do?
BATMAN: This isn't a simple gambling-game?
POISON IVY: Really? It seems like a 'dark-side' rendering of the Love Connection!

SCARECROW: No one can deny that they would do the same thing Jacob did.
BATMAN: Margot is very attractive...
POISON IVY: Do you realize how many stewardesses are drug-runners?

SCARECROW: What if Jacob became a drug-counselor?
BATMAN: Well, that would pardon his romance-driven indiscretions.
POISON IVY: I might recruit Jacob for a special gender-themed eco-activism symposium.

SCARECROW: Imagining Jacob wrestle with ethics certainly symbolizes modern media!
BATMAN: Yes, look at OJ Simpson, the Menendez-trial, and the Fisher-Buttafuoco stories.
POISON IVY: Media and traffic make for great arson tales...

SCARECROW: Do we really want Jacob to be a 'capitalism minister' (like Job)?
BATMAN: The Bible suggests Job was pensive about risk...
POISON IVY: Doesn't it seem we pardon all men's sins by virtue of risk?

SCARECROW: When we think of risk, we think of pity...
BATMAN: It's a simple fact that capitalism is bonded to insurance!
POISON IVY: This is beginning to sound too much like Crate & Barrel for my taste.



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