James Clapper continually misquoted by trump...

You are so full of shit....

Facts are so annoying to lunatics....

I am glad you admit you are annoyed...…...
^^^ A rightard who strives in life to be an ankle gummer.


Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….

Your Return is not the Space....learn how to write. This is not Moscow....

You don't make any sense dip shit...

Trump is sticking Moscow up your ass.....
Facts are so annoying to lunatics....

I am glad you admit you are annoyed...…...
^^^ A rightard who strives in life to be an ankle gummer.


Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….

You should try to appear less angry when gloating, ankle gummer. You only come off as bitter.

Hey Butt hurt……

I’m Happy Happy Happy…..

Trump Is making fools of you liberals….
Actually, liberals have been fools for decades. Trump merely triggers their exposing it.
Facts are so annoying to lunatics....

I am glad you admit you are annoyed...…...
^^^ A rightard who strives in life to be an ankle gummer.


Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….

You should try to appear less angry when gloating, ankle gummer. You only come off as bitter.

Hey Butt hurt……

I’m Happy Happy Happy…..

Trump Is making fools of you liberals….

You don't mind that a Mafia Boss is in the Oval Office....?
Clapper is a delusional, demented, lying, anti-American POS! As Tucker said, it was scary that Clapper ever had a job in government!

Clapper is a delusional, demented, lying, anti-American POS! As Tucker said, it was scary that Clapper ever had a job in government!

When you start relying on FIX news links....you are .desperate. Clapper is a REAL Republican who has served both Republican and Democratic with honor and dignity.

He has more patriotism and morality in his little finger that your... So Called..
President has in his whole orange...very large body.
Clapper is a delusional, demented, lying, anti-American POS! As Tucker said, it was scary that Clapper ever had a job in government!

I actually tried to listen to your link. Carlson is a trump stooge.....and he lies for the White House....
Carlson is playing the trump line....it was and is and will always be A LIE!
Facts are so annoying to lunatics....

I am glad you admit you are annoyed...…...
^^^ A rightard who strives in life to be an ankle gummer.


Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….

You should try to appear less angry when gloating, ankle gummer. You only come off as bitter.

Hey Butt hurt……

I’m Happy Happy Happy…..

Trump Is making fools of you liberals….

Poor ankle gummer, I never had a doubt you’re happy Hillary lost. I also have no doubt you’re still bitter and angry. It comes across loud and clear in your posts.
I am glad you admit you are annoyed...…...
^^^ A rightard who strives in life to be an ankle gummer.


Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….

You should try to appear less angry when gloating, ankle gummer. You only come off as bitter.

Hey Butt hurt……

I’m Happy Happy Happy…..

Trump Is making fools of you liberals….

Poor ankle gummer, I never had a doubt you’re happy Hillary lost. I also have no doubt you’re still bitter and angry. It comes across loud and clear in your posts.

Actually...ankle humper....is a better description....
Trump Incorrectly Quotes James Clapper to Falsely Claim F.B.I. Spied On Campaign

Why is the orange king doing this? Does he know between Cohen and Manafort's testimony he is cooked? Clapper has more integrity and morality in his left nut than trump has in his whole large, orange body....

He is is reaching a new low for deflection. Unfortunately for him....laws are still laws and he will be seen as a lying coward in the end...just waiting....

Uh, no.

The FBI DID spy on Trump. That Clapper lies it was really the Russians is like the kid caught in the Cookie jar claiming he is just counting the chocolate chips.

Lame shit from the corrupt fuckers.
Trump Incorrectly Quotes James Clapper to Falsely Claim F.B.I. Spied On Campaign

Why is the orange king doing this? Does he know between Cohen and Manafort's testimony he is cooked? Clapper has more integrity and morality in his left nut than trump has in his whole large, orange body....

He is is reaching a new low for deflection. Unfortunately for him....laws are still laws and he will be seen as a lying coward in the end...just waiting....

Uh, no.

The FBI DID spy on Trump. That Clapper lies it was really the Russians is like the kid caught in the Cookie jar claiming he is just counting the chocolate chips.

Lame shit from the corrupt fuckers.

The IG WILL prove trump AND YOU are liars....
Trump Incorrectly Quotes James Clapper to Falsely Claim F.B.I. Spied On Campaign

Why is the orange king doing this? Does he know between Cohen and Manafort's testimony he is cooked? Clapper has more integrity and morality in his left nut than trump has in his whole large, orange body....

He is is reaching a new low for deflection. Unfortunately for him....laws are still laws and he will be seen as a lying coward in the end...just waiting....

Uh, no.

The FBI DID spy on Trump. That Clapper lies it was really the Russians is like the kid caught in the Cookie jar claiming he is just counting the chocolate chips.

Lame shit from the corrupt fuckers.

The IG WILL prove trump AND YOU are liars....


--The FBI planted a spy or spies in the Trump campaign with no real evidence (beyond wishful thinking, anecdotal minutiae and hearsay rumors) that there was any nefarious connection between the campaign and Russia. It appears these spies were there not just to eavesdrop but to lure the Trump campaign into the very conduct they were pretending to investigate -- trying to "honey-trap" them.

--The government opened a counterintelligence investigation against Trump without any evidence of a crime.

--Based on a disgraceful leak from Comey, the DOJ appointed a special counsel to investigate the Trump campaign without any evidence of a crime and without specifying any crime in the appointment memo -- and such specificity is required by law. Recognizing this, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein surreptitiously amended his appointment memo, but he still won't reveal its content to congressional investigators.

--The FBI deceived the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court four times by presenting the Steele dossier, paid for by the Clinton machine and based on unsubstantiated opposition research, as legitimate evidence and disclosing none of its origins to the court. It also fraudulently presented a news article sourced to the same Christopher Steele as corroborating the dossier. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act requires substantiated evidence; it's a strict standard because of the extraordinary encroachments on privacy it entails. The FBI also concealed from the court that Steele had been fired by the FBI.

--The government has been stonewalling and scapegoating Rep. Devin Nunes and other congressional investigators for jeopardizing national security in demanding that documents be unredacted. Invariably, when the redactions are removed, we see that no security interests were involved but that the government was seeking to conceal embarrassing actions of government officials. The government slandered Nunes for outing the FBI mole, whose existence it had previously deceitfully denied, when it leaked facts facilitating his outing.

--The Obama administration engaged in unprecedented and egregious unmaskings.

--Five or six DOJ/FBI officials have been fired, demoted or reassigned.

--The FBI agents didn't believe that Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, lied to them, yet the special counsel pressured him into a guilty plea.}
The Real Story: Destroying Trump and Protecting Clinton

Lie some more, scumbag...
Nice to see that the Tucker vid discussing the demented, delusional Clapper triggered JimH52! :p
I am glad you admit you are annoyed...…...
^^^ A rightard who strives in life to be an ankle gummer.


Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….

You should try to appear less angry when gloating, ankle gummer. You only come off as bitter.

Hey Butt hurt……

I’m Happy Happy Happy…..

Trump Is making fools of you liberals….

You don't mind that a Mafia Boss is in the Oval Office....?

You got that Right…

Trump didn’t go to a RACIST church for 20 years.

Trump hasn’t used the full force of the Federal

Government to spy on and try to Frame a

Political Foe. You liberals and your Community

Organizer tried to turn us into a Banana Republic..

Thank God for President Donald J. Trump.
Donnie Trump is the Banana Republic. His own top aides say his deep state crap is crap. His former CIA Director and now Secretary of State confirms the Liar in Chief is still a Liar in Chief. Deep state is a fantasy and a delusion designed by trump to dupe his cult of crazies. Coupled with the spy nonsense he has his cult following marching like deluded wacko's and lemmings.
I am glad you admit you are annoyed...…...
^^^ A rightard who strives in life to be an ankle gummer.


Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….

You should try to appear less angry when gloating, ankle gummer. You only come off as bitter.

Hey Butt hurt……

I’m Happy Happy Happy…..

Trump Is making fools of you liberals….

Poor ankle gummer, I never had a doubt you’re happy Hillary lost. I also have no doubt you’re still bitter and angry. It comes across loud and clear in your posts.

Yea…election night was a Blast….

It was like Christmas and the 4th of July

all in one times a thousand…..

You and yours had all your lying polls

and bull shit shoved right up your Ass by

President Donald J. Trump, I just love saying

and typing that. Liberal tears bring me much

happiness, I have a feeling with all the WINNING

Trump is showering us with that it’s going to

get a lot better. Can’t wait to see the

Perp walk on your side….

Life is good, I’m sure it sucks for you and I’m

sure it’s going to get a lot worse….

Yea Friggin Haw……………..
^^^ A rightard who strives in life to be an ankle gummer.


Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….

You should try to appear less angry when gloating, ankle gummer. You only come off as bitter.

Hey Butt hurt……

I’m Happy Happy Happy…..

Trump Is making fools of you liberals….

Poor ankle gummer, I never had a doubt you’re happy Hillary lost. I also have no doubt you’re still bitter and angry. It comes across loud and clear in your posts.

Actually...ankle humper....is a better description....

Actually Dip Shit....

Trump is humping you liberals while

making America Great Again....

Are we having Fun or what?
^^^ A rightard who strives in life to be an ankle gummer.


Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….

You should try to appear less angry when gloating, ankle gummer. You only come off as bitter.

Hey Butt hurt……

I’m Happy Happy Happy…..

Trump Is making fools of you liberals….

Poor ankle gummer, I never had a doubt you’re happy Hillary lost. I also have no doubt you’re still bitter and angry. It comes across loud and clear in your posts.

Yea…election night was a Blast….

It was like Christmas and the 4th of July

all in one times a thousand…..

You and yours had all your lying polls

and bull shit shoved right up your Ass by

President Donald J. Trump, I just love saying

and typing that. Liberal tears bring me much

happiness, I have a feeling with all the WINNING

Trump is showering us with that it’s going to

get a lot better. Can’t wait to see the

Perp walk on your side….

Life is good, I’m sure it sucks for you and I’m

sure it’s going to get a lot worse….

Yea Friggin Haw……………..

You poor ankle gummer, life does not suck for me at all. I’m still married to the same wonderful woman I’ve been with for going on 3 decades now. Still have the same great kids. Same house, same job, etc... my life is just as good now as it was before Trump.

Meanwhile, you still sound bitter and angry.
Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….

You should try to appear less angry when gloating, ankle gummer. You only come off as bitter.

Hey Butt hurt……

I’m Happy Happy Happy…..

Trump Is making fools of you liberals….

Poor ankle gummer, I never had a doubt you’re happy Hillary lost. I also have no doubt you’re still bitter and angry. It comes across loud and clear in your posts.

Yea…election night was a Blast….

It was like Christmas and the 4th of July

all in one times a thousand…..

You and yours had all your lying polls

and bull shit shoved right up your Ass by

President Donald J. Trump, I just love saying

and typing that. Liberal tears bring me much

happiness, I have a feeling with all the WINNING

Trump is showering us with that it’s going to

get a lot better. Can’t wait to see the

Perp walk on your side….

Life is good, I’m sure it sucks for you and I’m

sure it’s going to get a lot worse….

Yea Friggin Haw……………..

You poor ankle gummer, life does not suck for me at all. I’m still married to the same wonderful woman I’ve been with for going on 3 decades now. Still have the same great kids. Same house, same job, etc... my life is just as good now as it was before Trump.

Meanwhile, you still sound bitter and angry.

3 decades, sounds like you’re the poor ankle gummer…

But since you’re a liberal, you might gum something else..

In all seriousness, I hope you are happy.

I will admit that when socialist America Hating liberals

try and steal an election and destroy America it

does rub me the wrong way…

That horse face in your avatar is in for some bad times….

I am loving life…..
Donnie Trump is the Banana Republic. His own top aides say his deep state crap is crap. His former CIA Director and now Secretary of State confirms the Liar in Chief is still a Liar in Chief. Deep state is a fantasy and a delusion designed by trump to dupe his cult of crazies. Coupled with the spy nonsense he has his cult following marching like deluded wacko's and lemmings.

Yet...his cult members keep humping his lying ass....it is 1930s Germany all over again.

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