James Clapper continually misquoted by trump...

I guess you don't like having at least 2 strong political parties in our democratic republic nation.

You don't realize that you're advocating for a one party dictatorship for our nation. Which shows that everything you and people like you say about being patriotic, loving America, loving freedom is just a bunch of garbage as I personally have known since the 80s. What you want isn't democracy or freedom or anything close to what the founders of our nation wanted and what most Americans now want.

I guess you don't realize that most of America doesn't feel that way and that includes a lot of republicans.

While you may love being lied to and making a fool of yourself to everyone by repeating those lies and trying to defend them, it's causing other republicans to run in horror from the republican party. They get tired of the lies and hate from people like you and would rather cut off their arm before they voted for liars. I personally know many who are now former republicans because of all the lies from the republicans and people like you.

Some people get tired of being lied to. When that happens they stop voting republican.

Keep up the lies. Keep up your hate for your fellow American. You're doing a very fantastic job of turning republicans into democrats.

Another thing is that what comes around. Goes around. You can't spend your whole life hating total strangers and not have that hate come back to you. That's on top of the fact that hate kills your soul.

It all shows in every one of your posts. The hate has pretty much killed your soul. Only soulless people say such things as what you posted above.

What part of DESTROY THE LEFT didn't you understand? We have had enough of leftist tyranny, they got too uppity now they must be destroyed and erased from history. You know how Egyptians chiseled off the faces of their despot rulers, well there you go.

So I'm disgusted that you actually have no shame in the fact that you want to destroy your fellow Americans and want to only have one political party in our nation.

That's not democracy. That's dictatorship. You fit in very well in putin's russia.

You show with every post that you don't believe or like freedom, democracy and liberty. You want to destroy people just because they have a different view from yours.

Yes, that hate has killed your soul. I feel sorry for those who have to endure you on a daily basis.

:puhleeze: do you deny the left hate conservatives? They hate our guts and have tried to force their world view on us for decades. They picked this fight, we finally got fed up with them and kicked their ass. Tissue?
I deny that. It may be true for some, but for the most part, the left does not hate the right. Pity, baffled, amazed ... that’s how many on the left view the right. I see far more on the right seething with hatred for the left. I don’t see many on the left wishing for the complete eradication of conservatism as I do see those on the right hoping for that of the left. Almost all those I see calling for civil war are those on the right. Between those saying, “I hate Liberals” versus “I hate conservatives,” it’s almost all coming from the right.

You idiots have won control of the House, the Senate and the Executive branch and look at you— you’re still miserable, you’re still filled with unabashed hatred, you’re still pissed, and you’re still stupid.

I don’t hate you for that. I feel sorry for you. What a fucked up way to meander through life.

So true....and why the Republican party has abandoned so many of it's long held positions just to defend a perverted Charlatan....is just totally baffling....I can't understand it.

We allied with Trump to destroy the left. Step one destroy the left, step two clean up the Republican party.
I guess you don't like having at least 2 strong political parties in our democratic republic nation.

You don't realize that you're advocating for a one party dictatorship for our nation. Which shows that everything you and people like you say about being patriotic, loving America, loving freedom is just a bunch of garbage as I personally have known since the 80s. What you want isn't democracy or freedom or anything close to what the founders of our nation wanted and what most Americans now want.

I guess you don't realize that most of America doesn't feel that way and that includes a lot of republicans.

While you may love being lied to and making a fool of yourself to everyone by repeating those lies and trying to defend them, it's causing other republicans to run in horror from the republican party. They get tired of the lies and hate from people like you and would rather cut off their arm before they voted for liars. I personally know many who are now former republicans because of all the lies from the republicans and people like you.

Some people get tired of being lied to. When that happens they stop voting republican.

Keep up the lies. Keep up your hate for your fellow American. You're doing a very fantastic job of turning republicans into democrats.

Another thing is that what comes around. Goes around. You can't spend your whole life hating total strangers and not have that hate come back to you. That's on top of the fact that hate kills your soul.

It all shows in every one of your posts. The hate has pretty much killed your soul. Only soulless people say such things as what you posted above.

What part of DESTROY THE LEFT didn't you understand? We have had enough of leftist tyranny, they got too uppity now they must be destroyed and erased from history. You know how Egyptians chiseled off the faces of their despot rulers, well there you go.

So I'm disgusted that you actually have no shame in the fact that you want to destroy your fellow Americans and want to only have one political party in our nation.

That's not democracy. That's dictatorship. You fit in very well in putin's russia.

You show with every post that you don't believe or like freedom, democracy and liberty. You want to destroy people just because they have a different view from yours.

Yes, that hate has killed your soul. I feel sorry for those who have to endure you on a daily basis.

:puhleeze: do you deny the left hate conservatives? They hate our guts and have tried to force their world view on us for decades. They picked this fight, we finally got fed up with them and kicked their ass. Tissue?
I deny that. It may be true for some, but for the most part, the left does not hate the right. Pity, baffled, amazed ... that’s how many on the left view the right. I see far more on the right seething with hatred for the left. I don’t see many on the left wishing for the complete eradication of conservatism as I do see those on the right hoping for that of the left. Almost all those I see calling for civil war are those on the right. Between those saying, “I hate Liberals” versus “I hate conservatives,” it’s almost all coming from the right.

You idiots have won control of the House, the Senate and the Executive branch and look at you— you’re still miserable, you’re still filled with unabashed hatred, you’re still pissed, and you’re still stupid.

I don’t hate you for that. I feel sorry for you. What a fucked up way to meander through life.

Seriously? The left elected a president who told us to sit in the back and not talk while he remakes America. The liberal media constantly mock and attack us. The left constantly pass laws and regulations to force us to agree with their views. So we got fed up and whooped their ass, look at the result they are freaking out. :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, seriously.
Did anyone get the moron saying if anyone doesn't stand for the Anthem they should leave the country??
Meanwhile how about anyone NOT protecting our country when called leave our country,? Cadet footspurs
What part of DESTROY THE LEFT didn't you understand? We have had enough of leftist tyranny, they got too uppity now they must be destroyed and erased from history. You know how Egyptians chiseled off the faces of their despot rulers, well there you go.

So I'm disgusted that you actually have no shame in the fact that you want to destroy your fellow Americans and want to only have one political party in our nation.

That's not democracy. That's dictatorship. You fit in very well in putin's russia.

You show with every post that you don't believe or like freedom, democracy and liberty. You want to destroy people just because they have a different view from yours.

Yes, that hate has killed your soul. I feel sorry for those who have to endure you on a daily basis.

:puhleeze: do you deny the left hate conservatives? They hate our guts and have tried to force their world view on us for decades. They picked this fight, we finally got fed up with them and kicked their ass. Tissue?
I deny that. It may be true for some, but for the most part, the left does not hate the right. Pity, baffled, amazed ... that’s how many on the left view the right. I see far more on the right seething with hatred for the left. I don’t see many on the left wishing for the complete eradication of conservatism as I do see those on the right hoping for that of the left. Almost all those I see calling for civil war are those on the right. Between those saying, “I hate Liberals” versus “I hate conservatives,” it’s almost all coming from the right.

You idiots have won control of the House, the Senate and the Executive branch and look at you— you’re still miserable, you’re still filled with unabashed hatred, you’re still pissed, and you’re still stupid.

I don’t hate you for that. I feel sorry for you. What a fucked up way to meander through life.

Seriously? The left elected a president who told us to sit in the back and not talk while he remakes America. The liberal media constantly mock and attack us. The left constantly pass laws and regulations to force us to agree with their views. So we got fed up and whooped their ass, look at the result they are freaking out. :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, seriously.

Doesn't really matter, we will not compromise with the left, we will not negotiate, we will not reach across the isle, we will defeat them.
What part of DESTROY THE LEFT didn't you understand? We have had enough of leftist tyranny, they got too uppity now they must be destroyed and erased from history. You know how Egyptians chiseled off the faces of their despot rulers, well there you go.

So I'm disgusted that you actually have no shame in the fact that you want to destroy your fellow Americans and want to only have one political party in our nation.

That's not democracy. That's dictatorship. You fit in very well in putin's russia.

You show with every post that you don't believe or like freedom, democracy and liberty. You want to destroy people just because they have a different view from yours.

Yes, that hate has killed your soul. I feel sorry for those who have to endure you on a daily basis.

:puhleeze: do you deny the left hate conservatives? They hate our guts and have tried to force their world view on us for decades. They picked this fight, we finally got fed up with them and kicked their ass. Tissue?
I deny that. It may be true for some, but for the most part, the left does not hate the right. Pity, baffled, amazed ... that’s how many on the left view the right. I see far more on the right seething with hatred for the left. I don’t see many on the left wishing for the complete eradication of conservatism as I do see those on the right hoping for that of the left. Almost all those I see calling for civil war are those on the right. Between those saying, “I hate Liberals” versus “I hate conservatives,” it’s almost all coming from the right.

You idiots have won control of the House, the Senate and the Executive branch and look at you— you’re still miserable, you’re still filled with unabashed hatred, you’re still pissed, and you’re still stupid.

I don’t hate you for that. I feel sorry for you. What a fucked up way to meander through life.

So true....and why the Republican party has abandoned so many of it's long held positions just to defend a perverted Charlatan....is just totally baffling....I can't understand it.

We allied with Trump to destroy the left. Step one destroy the left, step two clean up the Republican party.
Sorry blues No clean up for you guys Pigs love the dirt and mud too much to give it up
So I'm disgusted that you actually have no shame in the fact that you want to destroy your fellow Americans and want to only have one political party in our nation.

That's not democracy. That's dictatorship. You fit in very well in putin's russia.

You show with every post that you don't believe or like freedom, democracy and liberty. You want to destroy people just because they have a different view from yours.

Yes, that hate has killed your soul. I feel sorry for those who have to endure you on a daily basis.

:puhleeze: do you deny the left hate conservatives? They hate our guts and have tried to force their world view on us for decades. They picked this fight, we finally got fed up with them and kicked their ass. Tissue?
I deny that. It may be true for some, but for the most part, the left does not hate the right. Pity, baffled, amazed ... that’s how many on the left view the right. I see far more on the right seething with hatred for the left. I don’t see many on the left wishing for the complete eradication of conservatism as I do see those on the right hoping for that of the left. Almost all those I see calling for civil war are those on the right. Between those saying, “I hate Liberals” versus “I hate conservatives,” it’s almost all coming from the right.

You idiots have won control of the House, the Senate and the Executive branch and look at you— you’re still miserable, you’re still filled with unabashed hatred, you’re still pissed, and you’re still stupid.

I don’t hate you for that. I feel sorry for you. What a fucked up way to meander through life.

So true....and why the Republican party has abandoned so many of it's long held positions just to defend a perverted Charlatan....is just totally baffling....I can't understand it.

We allied with Trump to destroy the left. Step one destroy the left, step two clean up the Republican party.
Sorry blues No clean up for you guys Pigs love the dirt and mud too much to give it up

Bring it, we'll whoop your ass again. Who you gonna run next Bernie :auiqs.jpg:
:puhleeze: do you deny the left hate conservatives? They hate our guts and have tried to force their world view on us for decades. They picked this fight, we finally got fed up with them and kicked their ass. Tissue?
I deny that. It may be true for some, but for the most part, the left does not hate the right. Pity, baffled, amazed ... that’s how many on the left view the right. I see far more on the right seething with hatred for the left. I don’t see many on the left wishing for the complete eradication of conservatism as I do see those on the right hoping for that of the left. Almost all those I see calling for civil war are those on the right. Between those saying, “I hate Liberals” versus “I hate conservatives,” it’s almost all coming from the right.

You idiots have won control of the House, the Senate and the Executive branch and look at you— you’re still miserable, you’re still filled with unabashed hatred, you’re still pissed, and you’re still stupid.

I don’t hate you for that. I feel sorry for you. What a fucked up way to meander through life.

So true....and why the Republican party has abandoned so many of it's long held positions just to defend a perverted Charlatan....is just totally baffling....I can't understand it.

We allied with Trump to destroy the left. Step one destroy the left, step two clean up the Republican party.
Sorry blues No clean up for you guys Pigs love the dirt and mud too much to give it up

Bring it, we'll whoop your ass again. Who you gonna run next Bernie :auiqs.jpg:
Just remember Blues It's not a lie if you believe it,,,,,,George Costanza Trumps next lawyer
:puhleeze: do you deny the left hate conservatives? They hate our guts and have tried to force their world view on us for decades. They picked this fight, we finally got fed up with them and kicked their ass. Tissue?
I deny that. It may be true for some, but for the most part, the left does not hate the right. Pity, baffled, amazed ... that’s how many on the left view the right. I see far more on the right seething with hatred for the left. I don’t see many on the left wishing for the complete eradication of conservatism as I do see those on the right hoping for that of the left. Almost all those I see calling for civil war are those on the right. Between those saying, “I hate Liberals” versus “I hate conservatives,” it’s almost all coming from the right.

You idiots have won control of the House, the Senate and the Executive branch and look at you— you’re still miserable, you’re still filled with unabashed hatred, you’re still pissed, and you’re still stupid.

I don’t hate you for that. I feel sorry for you. What a fucked up way to meander through life.

So true....and why the Republican party has abandoned so many of it's long held positions just to defend a perverted Charlatan....is just totally baffling....I can't understand it.

We allied with Trump to destroy the left. Step one destroy the left, step two clean up the Republican party.
Sorry blues No clean up for you guys Pigs love the dirt and mud too much to give it up

Bring it, we'll whoop your ass again. Who you gonna run next Bernie :auiqs.jpg:
^^^ another rightard who doesn’t understand that politics is like a pendulum — it always swings back to the other side.
I deny that. It may be true for some, but for the most part, the left does not hate the right. Pity, baffled, amazed ... that’s how many on the left view the right. I see far more on the right seething with hatred for the left. I don’t see many on the left wishing for the complete eradication of conservatism as I do see those on the right hoping for that of the left. Almost all those I see calling for civil war are those on the right. Between those saying, “I hate Liberals” versus “I hate conservatives,” it’s almost all coming from the right.

You idiots have won control of the House, the Senate and the Executive branch and look at you— you’re still miserable, you’re still filled with unabashed hatred, you’re still pissed, and you’re still stupid.

I don’t hate you for that. I feel sorry for you. What a fucked up way to meander through life.

So true....and why the Republican party has abandoned so many of it's long held positions just to defend a perverted Charlatan....is just totally baffling....I can't understand it.

We allied with Trump to destroy the left. Step one destroy the left, step two clean up the Republican party.
Sorry blues No clean up for you guys Pigs love the dirt and mud too much to give it up

Bring it, we'll whoop your ass again. Who you gonna run next Bernie :auiqs.jpg:
Just remember Blues It's not a lie if you believe it,,,,,,George Costanza Trumps next lawyer

Trump leveled the playing field that's why the left are losing their damn minds its hilarious. :auiqs.jpg:
I deny that. It may be true for some, but for the most part, the left does not hate the right. Pity, baffled, amazed ... that’s how many on the left view the right. I see far more on the right seething with hatred for the left. I don’t see many on the left wishing for the complete eradication of conservatism as I do see those on the right hoping for that of the left. Almost all those I see calling for civil war are those on the right. Between those saying, “I hate Liberals” versus “I hate conservatives,” it’s almost all coming from the right.

You idiots have won control of the House, the Senate and the Executive branch and look at you— you’re still miserable, you’re still filled with unabashed hatred, you’re still pissed, and you’re still stupid.

I don’t hate you for that. I feel sorry for you. What a fucked up way to meander through life.

So true....and why the Republican party has abandoned so many of it's long held positions just to defend a perverted Charlatan....is just totally baffling....I can't understand it.

We allied with Trump to destroy the left. Step one destroy the left, step two clean up the Republican party.
Sorry blues No clean up for you guys Pigs love the dirt and mud too much to give it up

Bring it, we'll whoop your ass again. Who you gonna run next Bernie :auiqs.jpg:
^^^ another rightard who doesn’t understand that politics is like a pendulum — it always swings back to the other side.

Ahahaha your historic election losses went well beyond the normal pendulum swing. We kicked the shit out of you in 2010 so bad the last time you fools got your ass kicked that bad was 1921 :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
So true....and why the Republican party has abandoned so many of it's long held positions just to defend a perverted Charlatan....is just totally baffling....I can't understand it.

We allied with Trump to destroy the left. Step one destroy the left, step two clean up the Republican party.
Sorry blues No clean up for you guys Pigs love the dirt and mud too much to give it up

Bring it, we'll whoop your ass again. Who you gonna run next Bernie :auiqs.jpg:
Just remember Blues It's not a lie if you believe it,,,,,,George Costanza Trumps next lawyer

Trump leveled the playing field that's why the left are losing their damn minds its hilarious. :auiqs.jpg:
Leveled??? With all those swamp creatures in his WH and congress? Instead of draining he brought it into the peoples house
We allied with Trump to destroy the left. Step one destroy the left, step two clean up the Republican party.
Sorry blues No clean up for you guys Pigs love the dirt and mud too much to give it up

Bring it, we'll whoop your ass again. Who you gonna run next Bernie :auiqs.jpg:
Just remember Blues It's not a lie if you believe it,,,,,,George Costanza Trumps next lawyer

Trump leveled the playing field that's why the left are losing their damn minds its hilarious. :auiqs.jpg:
Leveled??? With all those swamp creatures in his WH and congress? Instead of draining he brought it into the peoples house

The left lie, they tell half truths spin and twist. Face it you have met your match in Trump.
Did anyone get the moron saying if anyone doesn't stand for the Anthem they should leave the country??
Meanwhile how about anyone NOT protecting our country when called leave our country,? Cadet footspurs
Enough with the ""Cadet footspurs"ass wipe!
The Dems have no room to talk... Carter was the last Democratic President with any militiary service. Clinton and Obama did not serve at all so STFU
Did anyone get the moron saying if anyone doesn't stand for the Anthem they should leave the country??
Meanwhile how about anyone NOT protecting our country when called leave our country,? Cadet footspurs
Enough with the ""Cadet footspurs"ass wipe!
The Dems have no room to talk... Carter was the last Democratic President with any militiary service. Clinton and Obama did not serve at all so STFU

And that mr shit for brains has what to do with the lying pos in our WH supported by other POS?
So true....and why the Republican party has abandoned so many of it's long held positions just to defend a perverted Charlatan....is just totally baffling....I can't understand it.

We allied with Trump to destroy the left. Step one destroy the left, step two clean up the Republican party.
Sorry blues No clean up for you guys Pigs love the dirt and mud too much to give it up

Bring it, we'll whoop your ass again. Who you gonna run next Bernie :auiqs.jpg:
^^^ another rightard who doesn’t understand that politics is like a pendulum — it always swings back to the other side.

Ahahaha your historic election losses went well beyond the normal pendulum swing. We kicked the shit out of you in 2010 so bad the last time you fools got your ass kicked that bad was 1921 :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
After we kicked the shit out of you in 2006 and 2008.

It’s a pendulum. There’s only two major parties. When people get fed up, there’s only one other major party to support.
We allied with Trump to destroy the left. Step one destroy the left, step two clean up the Republican party.
Sorry blues No clean up for you guys Pigs love the dirt and mud too much to give it up

Bring it, we'll whoop your ass again. Who you gonna run next Bernie :auiqs.jpg:
^^^ another rightard who doesn’t understand that politics is like a pendulum — it always swings back to the other side.

Ahahaha your historic election losses went well beyond the normal pendulum swing. We kicked the shit out of you in 2010 so bad the last time you fools got your ass kicked that bad was 1921 :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
After we kicked the shit out of you in 2006 and 2008.

It’s a pendulum. There’s only two major parties. When people get fed up, there’s only one other major party to support.

Maybe the trumpites will break away from the GOP and call themselves the Delusional Lunatic Party.
James ClappER is a Zionist 911 TRAITOR who wants you to believe this was not a "controlled demolition...."

James Clapper is a true patriot who served his country with dignity. He is not a liar....a pussy grabber...a narcissist...or a clown.

He is a Republican who knows this country is being challenged as never before by a White House that is an open sewer...

You are so full of shit....

Facts are so annoying to lunatics....

I am glad you admit you are annoyed...…...

^^^ A rightard who strives in life to be an ankle gummer.


Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….
James Clapper is a true patriot who served his country with dignity. He is not a liar....a pussy grabber...a narcissist...or a clown.

He is a Republican who knows this country is being challenged as never before by a White House that is an open sewer...

You are so full of shit....

Facts are so annoying to lunatics....

I am glad you admit you are annoyed...…...
^^^ A rightard who strives in life to be an ankle gummer.


Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….

You should try to appear less angry when gloating, ankle gummer. You only come off as bitter.
James Clapper is a true patriot who served his country with dignity. He is not a liar....a pussy grabber...a narcissist...or a clown.

He is a Republican who knows this country is being challenged as never before by a White House that is an open sewer...

You are so full of shit....

Facts are so annoying to lunatics....

I am glad you admit you are annoyed...…...
^^^ A rightard who strives in life to be an ankle gummer.


Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….

Your Return is not the Space....learn how to write. This is not Moscow....
You are so full of shit....

Facts are so annoying to lunatics....

I am glad you admit you are annoyed...…...
^^^ A rightard who strives in life to be an ankle gummer.


Gum this Butt Hurt…

All of you libtards that have made fools

of yourself trying to Frame President Trump

with all your Russian Bull Shit…..

Trump has beaten you and your lying

Liberal media to a pulp with your own lies.

Now in the Real World it looks like many

on your side will be doing time….

Trump is SPANKING liberal ASS and making

America Great Again…..

Life is good…

Later Dumb Ass…………….

You should try to appear less angry when gloating, ankle gummer. You only come off as bitter.

Hey Butt hurt……

I’m Happy Happy Happy…..

Trump Is making fools of you liberals….

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