James Clapper continually misquoted by trump...

Trump Incorrectly Quotes James Clapper to Falsely Claim F.B.I. Spied On Campaign

Why is the orange king doing this? Does he know between Cohen and Manafort's testimony he is cooked? Clapper has more integrity and morality in his left nut than trump has in his whole large, orange body....

He is is reaching a new low for deflection. Unfortunately for him....laws are still laws and he will be seen as a lying coward in the end...just waiting....

1. Trump is a natural born liar
2. Lying is his forte'
3. He lies because he knows he can get away with it from his base voters.

One day the Republican party will look back and wonder why they became pawns of a Lying Charlatan like trump. He has turned surveillance of Russian contacts to the trump campaign as "spying on the trump campaign."

The FBI would have been negligent if they had not kept surveillance on Russian meddling.

And from what we know....the trump people were more than willing to allow Moscow to meddle....

I think he is becoming more and more unhinged as Mueller gets closer to the facts.

Some day the evangelicals and their pastors will pray to be forgiven for their support of Trump&Co. The preachers from the pulpit all leading off their sermon with, "I have sinned".
Trump Incorrectly Quotes James Clapper to Falsely Claim F.B.I. Spied On Campaign

Why is the orange king doing this? Does he know between Cohen and Manafort's testimony he is cooked? Clapper has more integrity and morality in his left nut than trump has in his whole large, orange body....

He is is reaching a new low for deflection. Unfortunately for him....laws are still laws and he will be seen as a lying coward in the end...just waiting....
Why is Trump doing this – because he is a liar, completely dishonest, and devoid of ethics.

He is on the edge and now that the Noble Peace prize is gone....let's hope he goes over the edge completely. The men in the white suits can drag his orange body away...
Trump Incorrectly Quotes James Clapper to Falsely Claim F.B.I. Spied On Campaign

Why is the orange king doing this? Does he know between Cohen and Manafort's testimony he is cooked? Clapper has more integrity and morality in his left nut than trump has in his whole large, orange body....

He is is reaching a new low for deflection. Unfortunately for him....laws are still laws and he will be seen as a lying coward in the end...just waiting....


Poor, poor, misunderstood James Clapper.

During the Obama administration the National Intelligence Director sat before Congress under oath and testified that Obama was NOT violating the US Constitution and U.S. Law by illegally spying on the American people. Less than a week later the evidence came out exposing the truth, that not only was Obama and his administration illegally spying on Americans, Obama was illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS and even USSC JUSTICES.

Grounds for Impeachment which were deflected / ignored aside, Democrats in Congress scrambled to protect Clapper from earned criminal indictment for PERJURY by quickly inviting him back to Congress to testify again to 'amend' his testimony. Republicans were determined to hold him accountable, but their every attempt to do so was opposed / slow-walked / delayed by Democrats, the DOJ, and the FBI until the statue of limitations on his crime had expired.

Poor, poor, misunderstood, PERJUROUS James Clapper.

Former Obama Intel Czar: 'A Good Thing' The FBI Was Spying On Trump Campaign. Also, They Weren't Spying

In the defense of James Clapper the Left has resurrected Bill Clinton's deceitful argument regarding SEMANTICS ('The definition of the word IS'), the same FAILED attempted argument that resulted in Clinton being found in Contempt of Court and stripped of his license to practice law in his home state for a time.

"Again, this spy vs. informant faux debate among liberals is, well, both highly entertaining, but also an explicit example that the Left has decided to disregard what words mean. And it’s now leached into the former intelligence ring of the Obama administration, which makes sense. These people executed these activities during the former president’s tenure in the Oval Office. And yet, no one seems to be willing to ask Barack Obama what did he know. None of this could have been conducted without him knowing.

James Clapper, the former Director of National Intelligence under Obama, pretty much said there was no spying, but there was spying, but also it was a good thing, too"

FBI Director James Comey later argued that the FBI was not 'SPYING' but was instead 'using confidential human resources to collect information' on Trump and his team.


It has been PROVEN beyond the shadow of a doubt that the President of the United States, his criminal administration, and his criminal Directors of the DOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI illegally, Un-Constitutionally, spied on the American people, spied on reporters, spied on the media, spied on U.S. SENATOS, and even spied on USSC Justices during his time in office...Impeachable crimes for which neither he nor any of his co-Conspirator Agency Directors were held accountable.

Now the same criminals want us to forget about those crimes and believe they did not perpetrate those crimes again against the GOP Presidential nominee / a sitting US President and his team ... despite evidence showing that is exactly what happened.

Poor, poor, mis-understood, seditious, co-conspiring, treasonous James Clapper....

Lawmakers want James Clapper prosecuted for surveillance testimony before statute of limitations runs out

James Clapper's perjury, and why DC made men don't get charged for lying to Congress

Clock Runs Out On Perjury Charges For James Clapper, Ensuring He Won't Be Punished For Lying To Congress
Trump Incorrectly Quotes James Clapper to Falsely Claim F.B.I. Spied On Campaign

Why is the orange king doing this? Does he know between Cohen and Manafort's testimony he is cooked? Clapper has more integrity and morality in his left nut than trump has in his whole large, orange body....

He is is reaching a new low for deflection. Unfortunately for him....laws are still laws and he will be seen as a lying coward in the end...just waiting....

1. Trump is a natural born liar
2. Lying is his forte'
3. He lies because he knows he can get away with it from his base voters.

One day the Republican party will look back and wonder why they became pawns of a Lying Charlatan like trump. He has turned surveillance of Russian contacts to the trump campaign as "spying on the trump campaign."

The FBI would have been negligent if they had not kept surveillance on Russian meddling.

And from what we know....the trump people were more than willing to allow Moscow to meddle....

I think he is becoming more and more unhinged as Mueller gets closer to the facts.

Some day the evangelicals and their pastors will pray to be forgiven for their support of Trump&Co. The preachers from the pulpit all leading off their sermon with, "I have sinned".

Each is a huge hypocrite..
Trump Incorrectly Quotes James Clapper to Falsely Claim F.B.I. Spied On Campaign

Why is the orange king doing this? Does he know between Cohen and Manafort's testimony he is cooked? Clapper has more integrity and morality in his left nut than trump has in his whole large, orange body....

He is is reaching a new low for deflection. Unfortunately for him....laws are still laws and he will be seen as a lying coward in the end...just waiting....

1. Trump is a natural born liar
2. Lying is his forte'
3. He lies because he knows he can get away with it from his base voters.

One day the Republican party will look back and wonder why they became pawns of a Lying Charlatan like trump. He has turned surveillance of Russian contacts to the trump campaign as "spying on the trump campaign."

The FBI would have been negligent if they had not kept surveillance on Russian meddling.

And from what we know....the trump people were more than willing to allow Moscow to meddle....

I think he is becoming more and more unhinged as Mueller gets closer to the facts.

Some day the evangelicals and their pastors will pray to be forgiven for their support of Trump&Co. The preachers from the pulpit all leading off their sermon with, "I have sinned".

Each is a huge hypocrite..

True. And yet their leaders have an agenda, and it is working. They seek more power for the clergy, and want to be accepted as part of the "First Estate" by packing the Supreme Court,as they tried to pack school boards (and mostly failed) in their desire to brainwash our children.
Trump Incorrectly Quotes James Clapper to Falsely Claim F.B.I. Spied On Campaign

Why is the orange king doing this? Does he know between Cohen and Manafort's testimony he is cooked? Clapper has more integrity and morality in his left nut than trump has in his whole large, orange body....

He is is reaching a new low for deflection. Unfortunately for him....laws are still laws and he will be seen as a lying coward in the end...just waiting....

1. Trump is a natural born liar
2. Lying is his forte'
3. He lies because he knows he can get away with it from his base voters.
AND he knows like that infamous Nazi knew,repeat the lies and people will believe them
True. And yet their leaders have an agenda, and it is working. They seek more power for the clergy, and want to be accepted as part of the "First Estate" by packing the Supreme Court,as they tried to pack school boards (and mostly failed) in their desire to brainwash our children.

Bill Ayers is the perfect example of the evolution of America-hating Liberal Extremist / Domestic terrorists / domestic US-saboteurs.

Despite his declaration that his only regret regarding bombing his own country and taking part in terrorist attacks that killed 1s responders was that he did not perpetrate more of them, he and the other 'internal threats to our republic' realized that they would never affect true change / bring down the govt by bombing the US.

Like Ayers, they figured out the only way to affect change was to 'infiltrate' the education system to begin brain-washing kids / students from an early age - INDOCTRINATION...
- 'Barak Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm...'

Off topic, irrelevant and reported as such. Even if true, two wrongs do not make the Social Conservative movement right.
True. And yet their leaders have an agenda, and it is working. They seek more power for the clergy, and want to be accepted as part of the "First Estate" by packing the Supreme Court,as they tried to pack school boards (and mostly failed) in their desire to brainwash our children.

Bill Ayers is the perfect example of the evolution of America-hating Liberal Extremist / Domestic terrorists / domestic US-saboteurs.

Despite his declaration that his only regret regarding bombing his own country and taking part in terrorist attacks that killed 1s responders was that he did not perpetrate more of them, he and the other 'internal threats to our republic' realized that they would never affect true change / bring down the govt by bombing the US.

Like Ayers, they figured out the only way to affect change was to 'infiltrate' the education system to begin brain-washing kids / students from an early age - INDOCTRINATION...
- 'Barak Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm...'

Off topic, irrelevant and reported.
YOU stated 'THEY' seek more power, their leaders have an agenda , they seek to take over the 'centers of power' like the USSC, Director positions of higher learning, Director positions within the CIA / FBI, etc.... I agreed with you and gave the perfect example of how extremists have given up violence for taking over positions of power...

HOW IS THIS OFF TOPIC? If mine was, your post certainly was, too.

If you can't handle having something you said debated / discussed, don't say it.
Trump Incorrectly Quotes James Clapper to Falsely Claim F.B.I. Spied On Campaign

Why is the orange king doing this? Does he know between Cohen and Manafort's testimony he is cooked? Clapper has more integrity and morality in his left nut than trump has in his whole large, orange body....

He is is reaching a new low for deflection. Unfortunately for him....laws are still laws and he will be seen as a lying coward in the end...just waiting....

1. Trump is a natural born liar
2. Lying is his forte'
3. He lies because he knows he can get away with it from his base voters.
AND he knows like that infamous Nazi knew,repeat the lies and people will believe them

Which is one reason to consider Trump&Co. neo fasicists - a collection of his inner circle, administration and fellow travelers who echo BIG LIES. Such as: A secret cabal, The Deep State.
True. And yet their leaders have an agenda, and it is working. They seek more power for the clergy, and want to be accepted as part of the "First Estate" by packing the Supreme Court,as they tried to pack school boards (and mostly failed) in their desire to brainwash our children.

Bill Ayers is the perfect example of the evolution of America-hating Liberal Extremist / Domestic terrorists / domestic US-saboteurs.

Despite his declaration that his only regret regarding bombing his own country and taking part in terrorist attacks that killed 1s responders was that he did not perpetrate more of them, he and the other 'internal threats to our republic' realized that they would never affect true change / bring down the govt by bombing the US.

Like Ayers, they figured out the only way to affect change was to 'infiltrate' the education system to begin brain-washing kids / students from an early age - INDOCTRINATION...
- 'Barak Hussein Obama...mmm mmm mmm...'

Off topic, irrelevant and reported.
YOU stated 'THEY' seek more power, their leaders have an agenda , they seek to take over the 'centers of power' like the USSC, Director positions of higher learning, Director positions within the CIA / FBI, etc.... I agreed with you and gave the perfect example of how extremists have given up violence for taking over positions of power...

HOW IS THIS OFF TOPIC? If mine was, your post certainly was, too.

If you can't handle having something you said debated / discussed, don't say it.

I did, read and try very hard to comprehend, read this very slowly and you might maybe possibly understand:

"Even if true, two wrongs do not make the Social Conservative movement right"
And the damn lies are so obvious as the republican crowd just stands there nodding their heads asking "can we have one more""
"Even if true, two wrongs do not make the Social Conservative movement right"

In other words you are laughably trying to say:

"YES, I posted something completely off-topic 1st, which you responded to. I am justifying my doing so because I was the 1st to do so and arguing your 'offense' is worse because '2 wrongs don't make a right'.

Trump lies everyday. His cult defends him everyday. The whole world mocks America as a bunch of azzholes for having such a low life scum bag liar for a President and a following of low life scum bag defenders.
Trump lies everyday. His cult defends him everyday. The whole world mocks America as a bunch of azzholes for having such a low life scum bag liar for a President and a following of low life scum bag defenders.
And now ,no more Nobel prize for him UNLESS they give one to the biggest bullshit artist ever,in our WH
Sooooo....you are justifying and defending a serial liar....you sick bast*a rd....

Whatever it takes to destroy the left is fine by me.

I guess you don't like having at least 2 strong political parties in our democratic republic nation.

You don't realize that you're advocating for a one party dictatorship for our nation. Which shows that everything you and people like you say about being patriotic, loving America, loving freedom is just a bunch of garbage as I personally have known since the 80s. What you want isn't democracy or freedom or anything close to what the founders of our nation wanted and what most Americans now want.

I guess you don't realize that most of America doesn't feel that way and that includes a lot of republicans.

While you may love being lied to and making a fool of yourself to everyone by repeating those lies and trying to defend them, it's causing other republicans to run in horror from the republican party. They get tired of the lies and hate from people like you and would rather cut off their arm before they voted for liars. I personally know many who are now former republicans because of all the lies from the republicans and people like you.

Some people get tired of being lied to. When that happens they stop voting republican.

Keep up the lies. Keep up your hate for your fellow American. You're doing a very fantastic job of turning republicans into democrats.

Another thing is that what comes around. Goes around. You can't spend your whole life hating total strangers and not have that hate come back to you. That's on top of the fact that hate kills your soul.

It all shows in every one of your posts. The hate has pretty much killed your soul. Only soulless people say such things as what you posted above.

What part of DESTROY THE LEFT didn't you understand? We have had enough of leftist tyranny, they got too uppity now they must be destroyed and erased from history. You know how Egyptians chiseled off the faces of their despot rulers, well there you go.

So I'm disgusted that you actually have no shame in the fact that you want to destroy your fellow Americans and want to only have one political party in our nation.

That's not democracy. That's dictatorship. You fit in very well in putin's russia.

You show with every post that you don't believe or like freedom, democracy and liberty. You want to destroy people just because they have a different view from yours.

Yes, that hate has killed your soul. I feel sorry for those who have to endure you on a daily basis.

:puhleeze: do you deny the left hate conservatives? They hate our guts and have tried to force their world view on us for decades. They picked this fight, we finally got fed up with them and kicked their ass. Tissue?
I deny that. It may be true for some, but for the most part, the left does not hate the right. Pity, baffled, amazed ... that’s how many on the left view the right. I see far more on the right seething with hatred for the left. I don’t see many on the left wishing for the complete eradication of conservatism as I do see those on the right hoping for that of the left. Almost all those I see calling for civil war are those on the right. Between those saying, “I hate Liberals” versus “I hate conservatives,” it’s almost all coming from the right.

You idiots have won control of the House, the Senate and the Executive branch and look at you— you’re still miserable, you’re still filled with unabashed hatred, you’re still pissed, and you’re still stupid.

I don’t hate you for that. I feel sorry for you. What a fucked up way to meander through life.
Whatever it takes to destroy the left is fine by me.

I guess you don't like having at least 2 strong political parties in our democratic republic nation.

You don't realize that you're advocating for a one party dictatorship for our nation. Which shows that everything you and people like you say about being patriotic, loving America, loving freedom is just a bunch of garbage as I personally have known since the 80s. What you want isn't democracy or freedom or anything close to what the founders of our nation wanted and what most Americans now want.

I guess you don't realize that most of America doesn't feel that way and that includes a lot of republicans.

While you may love being lied to and making a fool of yourself to everyone by repeating those lies and trying to defend them, it's causing other republicans to run in horror from the republican party. They get tired of the lies and hate from people like you and would rather cut off their arm before they voted for liars. I personally know many who are now former republicans because of all the lies from the republicans and people like you.

Some people get tired of being lied to. When that happens they stop voting republican.

Keep up the lies. Keep up your hate for your fellow American. You're doing a very fantastic job of turning republicans into democrats.

Another thing is that what comes around. Goes around. You can't spend your whole life hating total strangers and not have that hate come back to you. That's on top of the fact that hate kills your soul.

It all shows in every one of your posts. The hate has pretty much killed your soul. Only soulless people say such things as what you posted above.

What part of DESTROY THE LEFT didn't you understand? We have had enough of leftist tyranny, they got too uppity now they must be destroyed and erased from history. You know how Egyptians chiseled off the faces of their despot rulers, well there you go.

So I'm disgusted that you actually have no shame in the fact that you want to destroy your fellow Americans and want to only have one political party in our nation.

That's not democracy. That's dictatorship. You fit in very well in putin's russia.

You show with every post that you don't believe or like freedom, democracy and liberty. You want to destroy people just because they have a different view from yours.

Yes, that hate has killed your soul. I feel sorry for those who have to endure you on a daily basis.

:puhleeze: do you deny the left hate conservatives? They hate our guts and have tried to force their world view on us for decades. They picked this fight, we finally got fed up with them and kicked their ass. Tissue?
I deny that. It may be true for some, but for the most part, the left does not hate the right. Pity, baffled, amazed ... that’s how many on the left view the right. I see far more on the right seething with hatred for the left. I don’t see many on the left wishing for the complete eradication of conservatism as I do see those on the right hoping for that of the left. Almost all those I see calling for civil war are those on the right. Between those saying, “I hate Liberals” versus “I hate conservatives,” it’s almost all coming from the right.

You idiots have won control of the House, the Senate and the Executive branch and look at you— you’re still miserable, you’re still filled with unabashed hatred, you’re still pissed, and you’re still stupid.

I don’t hate you for that. I feel sorry for you. What a fucked up way to meander through life.
And the really sad thing is that some one once said "stupid is forever"
Whatever it takes to destroy the left is fine by me.

I guess you don't like having at least 2 strong political parties in our democratic republic nation.

You don't realize that you're advocating for a one party dictatorship for our nation. Which shows that everything you and people like you say about being patriotic, loving America, loving freedom is just a bunch of garbage as I personally have known since the 80s. What you want isn't democracy or freedom or anything close to what the founders of our nation wanted and what most Americans now want.

I guess you don't realize that most of America doesn't feel that way and that includes a lot of republicans.

While you may love being lied to and making a fool of yourself to everyone by repeating those lies and trying to defend them, it's causing other republicans to run in horror from the republican party. They get tired of the lies and hate from people like you and would rather cut off their arm before they voted for liars. I personally know many who are now former republicans because of all the lies from the republicans and people like you.

Some people get tired of being lied to. When that happens they stop voting republican.

Keep up the lies. Keep up your hate for your fellow American. You're doing a very fantastic job of turning republicans into democrats.

Another thing is that what comes around. Goes around. You can't spend your whole life hating total strangers and not have that hate come back to you. That's on top of the fact that hate kills your soul.

It all shows in every one of your posts. The hate has pretty much killed your soul. Only soulless people say such things as what you posted above.

What part of DESTROY THE LEFT didn't you understand? We have had enough of leftist tyranny, they got too uppity now they must be destroyed and erased from history. You know how Egyptians chiseled off the faces of their despot rulers, well there you go.

So I'm disgusted that you actually have no shame in the fact that you want to destroy your fellow Americans and want to only have one political party in our nation.

That's not democracy. That's dictatorship. You fit in very well in putin's russia.

You show with every post that you don't believe or like freedom, democracy and liberty. You want to destroy people just because they have a different view from yours.

Yes, that hate has killed your soul. I feel sorry for those who have to endure you on a daily basis.

:puhleeze: do you deny the left hate conservatives? They hate our guts and have tried to force their world view on us for decades. They picked this fight, we finally got fed up with them and kicked their ass. Tissue?
I deny that. It may be true for some, but for the most part, the left does not hate the right. Pity, baffled, amazed ... that’s how many on the left view the right. I see far more on the right seething with hatred for the left. I don’t see many on the left wishing for the complete eradication of conservatism as I do see those on the right hoping for that of the left. Almost all those I see calling for civil war are those on the right. Between those saying, “I hate Liberals” versus “I hate conservatives,” it’s almost all coming from the right.

You idiots have won control of the House, the Senate and the Executive branch and look at you— you’re still miserable, you’re still filled with unabashed hatred, you’re still pissed, and you’re still stupid.

I don’t hate you for that. I feel sorry for you. What a fucked up way to meander through life.

So true....and why the Republican party has abandoned so many of it's long held positions just to defend a perverted Charlatan....is just totally baffling....I can't understand it.

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