James McGovern (D) asks Members of the Freedom Conference if they Will Sign a Continuing Resolution. Gets Schooled

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

His exact words:

Given the reality that we're dealing with, and the moment of time we're in, are all of you going to vote for a continuing resolution?

One by one they explain patiently to him why they will not roll over and bow to their will of big spending Democrats and Republicans to effectively make spending increases infinite, permanent,and subject to no reasonable limitations.

McGovern is left stuttering, and saying "but the da-ate!" and praising the bi-partisan big spending of the past.
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Democrats will just save the day and give these hacks a big giant tax break and a few subsidies for the Koch brothers and a few hedge fund speculators, and magically a enough GOP votes will pop up to pass anything. It always does. Big HMO's, Walmart, and a lot of 'private sector' employees make Big Bux off Social Security and food stamps, especially Big Pharma and Big Ag.

His exact words:

Given the reality that we're dealing with, and the moment of time we're in, are all of you going to vote for a continuing resolution?

One by one they explain patiently to him why they will not roll over and bow to their will of big spending Democrats and Republicans to effectively make spending increases infinite, permanent,and subject to no reasonable limitations.

McGovern is left stuttering, and saying "but the da-ate!" and praising the bi-partisan big spending of the past.

And then you Repubs will try to blame the Dems for the shutdown!

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And then you Repubs will try to blame the Dems for the shutdown!

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Clearly, you did not watch the video. The Freedom Caucus blamed no one but Republicans.

They've drawn a line in the sand: no CR. I see no incentive for them to back down on that. Worst case for them is borrow and spend Republicans recruit kindred Democrats to join with them in passing a CR.

If so, some Never Trump Reps have written retirement advice they might want to look at.

The single subject funding bills make sense. Why haven't we been using them all along?

McCarthy should be working on getting them up for a vote instead of trying to appease Dems.
They've drawn a line in the sand: no CR. I see no incentive for them to back down on that.

This is a great line in the sand had they done it when they should have

The problem is they should have started debating the spending bills months ago and not waited till there was 5 days left to do them all.

But now, they are guaranteeing a shutdown for at least a little while due to their own incompetence.

McCarthy should be working on getting them up for a vote instead of trying to appease Dems.

The Repubs themselves are not even able to agree on the rules to start the debate, let alone a vote.

His exact words:

Given the reality that we're dealing with, and the moment of time we're in, are all of you going to vote for a continuing resolution?

One by one they explain patiently to him why they will not roll over and bow to their will of big spending Democrats and Republicans to effectively make spending increases infinite, permanent,and subject to no reasonable limitations.

McGovern is left stuttering, and saying "but the da-ate!" and praising the bi-partisan big spending of the past.

I say shut it down. The first thing I’d cut as unnecessary is electrical power to Congress and the offices. The founders got by with candles. So can they.
The single subject funding bills make sense. Why haven't we been using them all along?
Another phrase for "single subject funding" is Priority Based Funding, which the Democrats hate with a passion because of all the worthless crap they are spending money on they know would not be a very high priority.

For instance, why should we borrow money from China to subsidize EV charging stations? Why don't the people that drive EVs pay for their own charging stations?

By the way, most business in America and around the world will do Priority Based Funding. Our government is too fiscally irresponsible to do the the right things.

The Democrats are the main culprits but unfortunately too many Republicans go along with it because they don't have the courage to do the right thing and just say no.
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This is a great line in the sand had they done it when they should have

The problem is they should have started debating the spending bills months ago and not waited till there was 5 days left to do them all.
Nobody wants to negotiate until the last minute. If McCarthy had offered concessions for a CR months ago, the FC would have negotiated. This is the way McCarthy wanted it.
But now, they are guaranteeing a shutdown for at least a little while due to their own incompetence.
There will almost certainly be a phony shutdown.

So what?

Wait, I know: the border will be wide open, controlled only by narco-gangs. The sidewalks of our once-great cities will be filled with homeless and littered with their makeshift shelters, their used needles and condoms, and their feces. Retailers will shutdown due to lack of law enforcement creating a free for all!

Oh, wait . . .
The Repubs themselves are not even able to agree on the rules to start the debate, let alone a vote.
We need a new Speaker.
Nobody wants to negotiate until the last minute.

That is part of the problem

If McCarthy had offered concessions for a CR months ago, the FC would have negotiated. This is the way McCarthy wanted it.

No they would not have. This is the way they want it. This is how they get you followers to vote for them again.

There will almost certainly be a phony shutdown.

So what?

So, people suffer during a shutdown for no reason at all. Right now even the military will not get paid. Why are you ok with that? Should they all be free to refuse to work?

We need a new Speaker.

Why? They will have the same problem, a small group of children that just want to make a mess.
Another phrase for "single subject funding" is Priority Based Funding, which the Democrats hate with a passion because of all the worthless crap they are spending money on they know would not be a very high priority.

For instance, why should we borrow money from China to subsidize EV charging stations? Why don't the people that drive EVs pay for their own charging stations?

By the way, most business in America and around the world will do Priority Based Funding. Our government is too fiscally irresponsible to do the the right things.

The Democrats are the main culprits but unfortunately too many Republicans go along with it because they don't have the courage to do the right thing and just say no.

Actually. The Republicans want that other funding too. Wyoming has the first Electronic Medical Record company. So what do you know. A new requirement that all Doctors use Electronic Medical Records. And to help get this off the ground the Feds will spend millions getting it started.

Who would want the Navy to have a ship they didn’t want or need? Powerful Republicans would.

The Republicans want the money too. Going to various projects and programs in their states. So they can tell the Voters that these politicians deserve reelection. They got Federal Funding to rebuild the worlds second largest ball of yarn.

So thanks to Republicans hackers can lock the Doctors out of the records and keep patients from getting the care they need until a ransom is paid. Thanks guys. That is way better than handwritten notes on a piece of paper.
No they would not have. This is the way they want it. This is how they get you followers to vote for them again.
Why would they want it? They know they'll be attacked by the Cult of Borrow and Spend.
So, people suffer during a shutdown for no reason at all. Right now even the military will not get paid. Why are you ok with that? Should they all be free to refuse to work?
Remember that shutdown in which the military did not get paid? Me neither. So, not sure what you mean by that. Maybe a rephrase?
Why? They will have the same problem, a small group of children that just want to make a mess.
If that's how McCarthy views Republicans who don't want to continue the Pelosi Budget indefinitely, he has an easy fix: recruit Democrats to vote for his dirty CR.

Hell, he doesn't even have recruit them. Just put the Pelosi-McCarthy Continuing Resolution up for a vote. Why wouldnt every Dem vote for it?

Maybe they could do a two year CR, which would make sure the federal work (at home) force have their non-essential jobs fully funded until the next Congress, which will more mature.

Mature enough to keep building ruinous debt.
Actually. The Republicans want that other funding too. Wyoming has the first Electronic Medical Record company. So what do you know. A new requirement that all Doctors use Electronic Medical Records. And to help get this off the ground the Feds will spend millions getting it started.

Who would want the Navy to have a ship they didn’t want or need? Powerful Republicans would.

The Republicans want the money too. Going to various projects and programs in their states. So they can tell the Voters that these politicians deserve reelection. They got Federal Funding to rebuild the worlds second largest ball of yarn.

So thanks to Republicans hackers can lock the Doctors out of the records and keep patients from getting the care they need until a ransom is paid. Thanks guys. That is way better than handwritten notes on a piece of paper.
There is really not two parties in this country. There is only one party and it is the Party of Big Government.

The Democrats are the bat shit branch and the Republicans are the more moderate branch.

Both branches fuck the Americans people with worthless spending.

The Freedom Caucus is the only sector that gives a shit about the enormous size of government, the disastrous $33 trillion in debt and the corruption that big government brings to the table.

However, don't you worry your little Moon Bats head about it. McCarthy and the other RINOs will give the Democrat scum everything they want with a non binding promise to cut back spending a piddly amount some time in the future, maybe.
Remember that shutdown in which the military did not get paid? Me neither. So, not sure what you mean by that. Maybe a rephrase?

I do actually. and as of right now they will not. Your beloved GOP has not passed a bill funding them yet. they could not even agree on the rules for debating said bill.
I do actually. and as of right now they will not. Your beloved GOP has not passed a bill funding them yet. they could not even agree on the rules for debating said bill.

Which shutdown is this that the military service people did not get paid?

If true, they needed only tell Top that they were out of money and need to move into the narracks, and eat in the mess hall for a while.

Yes your beloved Republicans prefer to wait until the last minute and then present a dirty CR as an emergency requirement.

This time a few of them said "enough is enough." If their voters don't like it they'll pay the price.

What's wrong with Democrats joining the Pelosi Republicans to pass the CR and then another bloated omnibus spending bill?

Why the desperation for the complicity of Loeren Boebert and the others?
There is really not two parties in this country. There is only one party and it is the Party of Big Government.

The Democrats are the bat shit branch and the Republicans are the more moderate branch.

Both branches fuck the Americans people with worthless spending.

The Freedom Caucus is the only sector that gives a shit about the enormous size of government, the disastrous $33 trillion in debt and the corruption that big government brings to the table.

However, don't you worry your little Moon Bats head about it. McCarthy and the other RINOs will give the Democrat scum everything they want with a non binding promise to cut back spending a piddly amount some time in the future, maybe.

Oh don’t kid yourself. The so called Freedom Caucus doesn’t give a flying fuck about 98% of the money. They get their freedom panties in a wad over one little thing. For several of them the outrageous is the funding for Jack Smith’s prosecution of Trump. They could care less if Biden funded Welfare to 150% of budget needs. Just don’t let Smith prosecute Trump.

Don’t blow smoke yo my ass about how they care. I’ve had more than enough of that. Hell I could probably fart smoke rings for a week as it is.
Oh don’t kid yourself. The so called Freedom Caucus doesn’t give a flying fuck about 98% of the money. They get their freedom panties in a wad over one little thing. For several of them the outrageous is the funding for Jack Smith’s prosecution of Trump. They could care less if Biden funded Welfare to 150% of budget needs. Just don’t let Smith prosecute Trump.

Don’t blow smoke yo my ass about how they care. I’ve had more than enough of that. Hell I could probably fart smoke rings for a week as it is.
You are confused Moon Bat and you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

It remains to be seen if they are effective or not but for now The Freedom Caucus is absolutely the only impediment to the Party of Big Government and their desire to fuck this country. Democrats and RINOs don't give a shit about debt or doing the right thing. Only about staying in power. If they did give a shit we wouldn't be $33 trillion in debt and giving money away to everybody and their Little Brown Dog.

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