Jamie Dimon 2020: A Wealthy New York Billionaire who actually earned his money, & yes i am comparing him to Trump. he turned JP into the biggest bank!

That Microsoft keyboard was the best ever!

chemical 1.jpg

The evolution of the stock was Chemical (where I worked one summer - Water Street, which is just past Wall Street!) to Chase Manhattan to J. P. Morgan Chase. My Dad was Controller of Chemical back in the day (how do you think I got the job!) and they gave him a share so he would get the Annual Report each year, out of respect for how he helped the bank.
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captains of finance like Dimon downplay their educational pursuits. it was good for someone to attend college, but not necessary. it was best to talk about practical things and leave the world of art and boos to those who cant handle the hurly burly of business.

Elbert Hubbard called it "the school of hard knocks". everyday experience and common sense are accepted as superior to book learning. this belief affirmed an American sense of equality and the increasingly popular idea that the accumalation of wealth, not knowledge, makes one a success in life.

by that measure, Jamie Dimon is a success, my friends!
money is the way to keep score in life, my friends, and President Dimon would make America the wealthiest country in the history of the world!
go get 'em Jamie!

he's already been planning to run for a while. don't count him out!

At this point who ins't smarter than Trump?
Dimon turned his nerve and hard work into wealth, and he should be rewarded for that, my friends!
Bill Gates recently resigned from the board of Microsoft to focus full time on philanthropy. It’s a perfect time to remember: billionaire-funded philanthropy is a public-relations scam
"this country wasn't built by Wall Street, it was built by middle class workers!" - Biden just now in a special livestream with him and Bernie

all the more reason for Dimon to run against him!

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