Jan 6 "Committee" refuses to say if they are even trying to confirm Cassidy Hutchinson's stories.

I don't think the Dems have any say anymore either. Events have taken on a life of their own. The situation is quite out of control.

The Dems are trapped now, they "have to" indict Trump, and they're screwed if they do and screwed if they don't.

Well, Chief House Loon Pelosi handpicked the assemblage of Lesser Loons for the committee.
They put her out there knowing the agents said this wasn't true.....

Yep. IOW, they suborned perjury.

And come January 2023 those on the committee still in the House need to be removed. Meet fire with fire or the Dems will just continue pulling this crap next time they get the majority.

Suborning perjury is also a felony. And come 2025 they need to be indicted by the Republican AG.
The committee suborned perjury.

I don't know if the story Ms. Hutchinson was "perjury" or not, but it certainly wasn't vetted.

After all, Hutchinson's testimony was hearsay, and someone could have easily said this untrue statement and the chick may have heard it.

A lot of times guys will tell dames tales to impress them or make them laugh, so they can fuck the chick.

Hutchinson seems to be an attractive enough broad that his explanation seems plausible.
I don't know if the story Ms. Hutchinson was "perjury" or not, but it certainly wasn't vetted.

After all, Hutchinson's testimony was hearsay, and someone could have easily said this untrue statement and the chick may have heard it.

A lot of times guys will tell dames tales to impress them or make them laugh, so they can fuck the chick.

Hutchinson seems to be an attractive enough broad that his explanation seems plausible.

They interviewed her at least 4-times in private and knew that her stories weren't true as they were disputed by first-hand testimony.

Then they still called her to testify in public. That is suborning perjury.
They have declared it confirmed because she swore she listened diligently to what someone else told her.
I still have no answer from board Dimwingers as to why Schifferbrains called and EMERGENCY session to present BLOCKBUSTERS when all he had was hearsay and didn't take the time to try to confirm anything Gossip Girl said.

".....could have made it up for the fun of being able to do it."

You know, DH, I don't know about that.

I mean, the gal didn't come across as a fibber. Her demeanor was steady and controlled. No rhetorical flourishes. No broad facial expressions. No Melissa Carone, this gal. In fact, she reminded me of Sergeant Friday's famous delivery of...... "Just the facts, Ma'am". She was reluctant on several occasions to expand her descriptions, even under questioning....on video and live before the Committee.

And too, the trajectory of her career hardly argues for the suggestion that she would make up anything "just for fun". Remember she worked for a prominent House Republican, Steve Scalise. Then moved up the ladder to work for a famous Republican Senator, Ted Cruz. Then moved up the ladder to work for the White House legal counsel. Then moved up the ladder to work directly for the Chief of Staff to the President of the United States.

This may just be me, but.......but I kind of think the fabricators, liars, braggarts, don't have that kind of trajectory in those circles. At least female Administrative aides don't. The fakes and phonies get weeded out long before then.

And then this whirling & twirling over what Hutchinson said as being 'hearsay'. (to be clear, poster DH didn't make that claim, but plenty of others have)....anyway, 'hearsay' is this:

Hearsay-----A statement made out of court that is offered in court as evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted.

What Hutchinson did was 'report' or describe what was told to her. She didn't assert it in the courts. Nor has it been presented to any court (that I'm aware of.).

Hence, it ain't this much worn "hearsay" boogeyman so many want to parade around on a stick. It is a description of what was told to her by another individual in a non-court setting. Communications of that character happen every day between people in all kinds of settings.

I'm mildly sure most every single poster hear knows that to be true.

You know, DH, I don't know about that.

I mean, the gal didn't come across as a fibber. Her demeanor was steady and controlled. No rhetorical flourishes. No broad facial expressions. No Melissa Carone, this gal. In fact, she reminded me of Sergeant Friday's famous delivery of...... "Just the facts, Ma'am". She was reluctant on several occasions to expand her descriptions, even under questioning....on video and live before the Committee.

And too, the trajectory of her career hardly argues for the suggestion that she would make up anything "just for fun". Remember she worked for a prominent House Republican, Steve Scalise. Then moved up the ladder to work for a famous Republican Senator, Ted Cruz. Then moved up the ladder to work for the White House legal counsel. Then moved up the ladder to work directly for the Chief of Staff to the President of the United States.

This may just be me, but.......but I kind of think the fabricators, liars, braggarts, don't have that kind of trajectory in those circles. At least female Administrative aides don't. The fakes and phonies get weeded out long before then.

And then this whirling & twirling over what Hutchinson said as being 'hearsay'. (to be clear, poster DH didn't make that claim, but plenty of others have)....anyway, 'hearsay' is this:

Hearsay-----A statement made out of court that is offered in court as evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted.

What Hutchinson did was 'report' or describe what was told to her. She didn't assert it in the courts. Nor has it been presented to any court (that I'm aware of.).

Hence, it ain't this much worn "hearsay" boogeyman so many want to parade around on a stick. It is a description of what was told to her by another individual in a non-court setting. Communications of that character happen every day between people in all kinds of settings.

I'm mildly sure most every single poster hear knows that to be true.
Yes, I think she's entirely credible too. I wasn't suggesting that she made up the entire thing. She smiled and laughed from time to time and that said to me that she was totally confident in herself. I don't think the bad guys will try to kill her stories.
The part about the steering wheel can be easily counterspun to Trump's advantage if he wants to say he tried to lead his patsies.
Link us up to where the rules of the DOJ state they ignore crimes if they think people will be upset of you prosecute them.
You've completely misunderstood what I said. Read it again. I won't be repeating it for you.
Gee, I wonder why? Looks like they know she was lying and are hoping it will all just go away.

Of course they're not. They know she's lying, but since there's no one there to represent the other side, who cares?

That's why this "hearing" is just a reality show for idiots.
I don't think the bad guys will try to kill her stories.
I demur.
I think the 'bad guys' are doing exactly that......'trying' to kill her stories.
But the gal, as you say, and I agree......has credibility.

Cassidy Hutchinson is NOT the quality of gal, of say, a Melissa Carone, like Don Trump chose to represent his 'Election Denier' argument in Lansing, MI.



They know she's lying, but since there's no one there to represent the other side, who cares?
And you have a point, there is no one there to represent the other side.

Why didn't Don Trump's acolytes and enablers come before the Committee to defend his actions and his statements?
They had the opportunity. Plenty of opportunities. Hell, some were even subpoenaed to represent his side.
Yet, they have chosen, time and time again, not to defend him.
What's up with that? Do they think he is indefensible?

I dunno.
Just askin'.
I demur.
I think the 'bad guys' are doing exactly that......'trying' to kill her stories.
But the gal, as you say, and I agree......has credibility.

Cassidy Hutchinson is NOT the quality of gal, of say, a Melissa Carone, like Don Trump chose to represent his 'Election Denier' argument in Lansing, MI.

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And you have a point, there is no one there to represent the other side.

Why didn't Don Trump's acolytes and enablers come before the Committee to defend his actions and his statements?
They had the opportunity. Plenty of opportunities. Hell, some were even subpoenaed to represent his side.
Yet, they have chosen, time and time again, not to defend him.
What's up with that? Do they think he is indefensible?

I dunno.
Just askin'.
Nothing Gossip Girl said has been corroborated by anyone else.
All the dems ever have are LIES!!
that's the trump motto.
established circa 1970.
I'm here, one hearsay story, that she repeated stating she wasn't there.
Did she ever say said was in the SUV?
Prove it.
Nothing Gossip Girl said has been corroborated by anyone else.
Because trump humpers always take the 5th. Afraid to answer under Oath.
Why is that?

When they testify against trump by telling the truth, you call them traitors.
RW memo #1,299

Nostra strike out again.
Inning over.
You're running out of game.

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