Jan 6 "Committee" refuses to say if they are even trying to confirm Cassidy Hutchinson's stories.

that's the trump motto.
established circa 1970.

I'm here, one hearsay story, that she repeated stating she wasn't there.
Did she ever say said was in the SUV?
Prove it.

Because trump humpers always take the 5th. Afraid to answer under Oath.
Why is that?

When they testify against trump by telling the truth, you call them traitors.
RW memo #1,299

Nostra strike out again.
Inning over.
You're running out of game.
How did I strike out when you admit nothing Gossip Girl said has been corroborated, Moron? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
How did I strike out when you admit nothing Gossip Girl said has been corroborated, Moron? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Because you insist she must have been lying, since Orange Man is NOT bad to you.
Any testimony against trump is construed to be a LIE in your world.
Mr trump is no innocent truth teller, you know that, right?

Have the SS and anyone else in the vehicle take the stand Under Oath, and let's see what they have to say. (Pelosi NEVER said they couldn't testify, PROVE she did)
Because you insist she must have been lying, since Orange Man is NOT bad to you.
Any testimony against trump is construed to be a LIE in your world.
Mr trump is no innocent truth teller, you know that, right?

Have the SS and anyone else in the vehicle take the stand Under Oath, and let's see what they have to say. (Pelosi NEVER said they couldn't testify, PROVE she did)
People involved in her Gossip stories have refuted her account, like her claim to have written a letter to Trump that was actually written by her boss.

Apparently both SS agents have already testified under oath, and the SS has said they are available to do so again whenever Nazi Piglosy wants.

For some reason she has kept their testimony secret, and has failed to call them to testify publicly. Why is that?
Gee, I wonder why? Looks like they know she was lying and are hoping it will all just go away.

Why hasn't Nazi Piglosi invited these agents to testify?

What is she afraid of?
It's sort of a non-issue on whether she was lying or telling the truth.
Trump either tried to lead his coup attempt by being there.
Trump deserted his faithful at the most critical time and now most of them are rotting in jails.

The truth should now be exposed by Trump himself, but neither of his options are good for him.
It's sort of a non-issue on whether she was lying or telling the truth.
Trump either tried to lead his coup attempt by being there.
Trump deserted his faithful at the most critical time and now most of them are rotting in jails.

The truth should now be exposed by Trump himself, but neither of his options are good for him.

So it's no big deal this woman lied under oath about the President's actions on Jan 6?

You are a clown.
So it's no big deal this woman lied under oath about the President's actions on Jan 6?
I'm saying that there's no obvious advantage gained by either side in her lying. Does it seem likely to you that the Dems would want to make it look like Trump attempted to lead. Or is it more likely they would want to make Trump out as a coward who deserted his faithful, which landed them in jail.
You are a clown.
Grow up for christ sake. You bozos can't even figure out whether or not non-biased outsider are opposing your psycho hero or not.
I'm saying that there's no obvious advantage gained by either side in her lying. Does it seem likely to you that the Dems would want to make it look like Trump attempted to lead. Or is it more likely they would want to make Trump out as a coward who deserted his faithful, which landed them in jail.

Grow up for christ sake. You bozos can't even figure out whether or not non-biased outsider are opposing your psycho hero or not.
I'm saying that there's no obvious advantage gained by either side in her lying.

What a crock of shit. Nazi Piglosy wouldn't have her testify is she didn't think it benefited her and the Dimwingers.

And there is no doubt she lied, under oath.
I'm saying that there's no obvious advantage gained by either side in her lying. Does it seem likely to you that the Dems would want to make it look like Trump attempted to lead. Or is it more likely they would want to make Trump out as a coward who deserted his faithful, which landed them in jail.

Grow up for christ sake. You bozos can't even figure out whether or not non-biased outsider are opposing your psycho hero or not.

I'd forgotten about your insane conspiracy theory that Trump carjacked the Secret Service! Thanks for the laugh, cultist!
Nah I'm good. Reading your insane conspiracy theories are all the entertainment I need right now.

Tell me again how you believe Trump carjacked the Secret Service! What a badass, right?
Hutchinson just got a few facts wrong.............Trump tried to hijack "The Beast" to go to Mickey D's for a Big Mac and Marble Slab for 2 scoops of ice cream.

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