Jan Brewer may face recall election

The impeachment as a tool was almost immediately perverted by Jefferson to try and get Federalist judges removed. So has the recall. The recall has been used for a long, long time. That's why it was passed in the legislatures so long ago.

If we were voting today on Brewer, I would vote for her; if it were Walker, I would vote against him, in part because he is a born again liar. Don't need that type.

And I would vote for keeping both. I guess that's why its an election, and not a fundraiser? Anyway, my "I could be wrong" statement was about civil war, not the recall. I think we're headed there, and sooner than most care to entertain. It is getting VERY chippy lately, and it is getting worse, not better.

There is no chance for civil war in the U.S. Any who rise against the government will be put down by their neighbors before LEO or national guard have to get involved. The neighbors are armed, too.

You mean the anti-gun left would kill their neighbors if they rose up against the totalitarian government the left is trying to impose on us all? Interesting. Goes a long way in explaining why they are so hot to disarm their neighbors then, huh. But you obviously have a major gap in your critical thinking skills dear. If they pick up arms to kill their neighbors because they have risen up against the government-that IS civil war! Duh.

Your signature line is stupid. Our Declaration of Independence acknowledges that all people have these rights. THAT is not and never has been an issue for Americans who from the beginning have said ALL of mankind have these rights -not just Americans!

But the difference between us and Egyptians is that WE claimed them AND acknowledged they are God-given which means no man has the right to take them away from us! What God has given us no man may legitimately take away! It is an announcement that draws a line in the sand for OUR government and those who would govern us -a line that says no man and no government may cross that line without suffering potentially dire consequences. WE didn't deprive Egyptians of these rights -their own rulers and government did. The Egyptians have not CLAIMED those rights for themselves and WE can't force them to do so. RIGHTS are not given by other people -they are given by God and must be CLAIMED. I can't GIVE rights to Egyptians because they aren't mine to give and I didn't deprive them of their rights either. We cannot claim them on their behalf either. Egyptians must CLAIM their own rights. Just like we did. And for the same reasons -to insure those who would govern over them realize that is a line they may not cross without potentially suffering dire consequences. It isn't for other nations and has nothing to do with other nations. It is a line in the sand and warning to those who would govern over them! Cross the line and the people have the inherent right to take down their government and install another one of their choice and THAT is the contract WE THE PEOPLE have made with our own government, one that other people must claim and make with their own as well.

Rights are CLAIMED, not "granted" by others and until they are CLAIMED by a people, how can THEY possibly announce to those who would govern them that these are God-given rights and insist their own government has no legitimate right to take from them and their own leaders have no legitimate right to take from them? WE can't do it for them and they have not claimed these rights for themselves. We can only ENCOURAGE them to claim their God-given rights. But we cannot claim the rights of another people FOR them and we certainly cannot GIVE what is not ours to give in the first place. We can only claim our own -and we have - and then lead by example encouraging others to do so as well. If the rest of mankind were to do the same and claim their God-given rights and announce those who would govern may not legitimately take from them - it would be a hell of a lot nicer planet.

So maybe you thought you were making some important statement with that signature line -if so you are seriously mistaken. Americans are the only people on the planet who have said these specific rights were given by God to all mankind in the first place. Not just Americans but to all of mankind! The people who really need to see your signature line and comprehend it are NOT Americans whatsoever -but the people whose own governments made sure they can't see it.
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What does the State Law say of recall? Any clue there? Each State has thier own as stated in their charters...

Actually I tried to find AZ's statutes on recall elections, but came up dry. Either way, I'm not criticizing the state law. More expressing my opinion of recall in general. If a recall initiative arose in my state, it would take an extremely high burden to convince me to support it. But each individual has to make that decision for him or her self.

Good for you for looking, and thinking critically.
You are wrong. The recall is a 100 years old. If a CEO screws up, he can be fired. Why not elected officials?

Within the terms of his contract. Shouldn't a similar principle apply when electing officials? We elect them on a temporary basis, to a defined term of office. Shouldn't we honor the same by allowing an official to serve their term (impeachable offenses notwithstanding) and either re-elect them or not based on their job performance?

Why give them time to injure the system if the prove incompetent or false?

The system is already critically injured by those that rule themselves upon emotion, rather than LAW...thinking *WE* are a Democracy, and those whom applaud the elites circumventing LAW, The Constitution(s) of this Nation, and the Several States.

Son? You have alot of catching up to do. So far? You seem to side with those that circumvent...with NO reference...just platitudes.
This is going to come as a shock to you, but the world's history didn't start in 1776.

I have to ask....

Where do you live?

Many on these boards think history started the day they were born...

Arrogance, and ignorance.

Jake's evidently runoft.

But I was especially amused by his "neighbors will put down any rebellion" comment.

I live in Alabama.

I'm going to have to travel 4 States before I find the enemy, and by then, we will be an Army.

I have a feeling Jake has no clue how many guns there are in how many houses he drives by every day.

On my street alone, every house has at least a shotgun and a handgun. EVERY house. I know this because I sold them to them....at cost.

Which of them is going to "put me down?"

The mainstream in Alabama. You are not mainstream. That is both your delusion and your eventual downfall. Everybody who is gathered under your cloak or whatever going mumble mumble mumble are not mainstream. I know: a real shocker to you.
Many on these boards think history started the day they were born...

Arrogance, and ignorance.

Jake's evidently runoft.

But I was especially amused by his "neighbors will put down any rebellion" comment.

I live in Alabama.

I'm going to have to travel 4 States before I find the enemy, and by then, we will be an Army.

I have a feeling Jake has no clue how many guns there are in how many houses he drives by every day.

On my street alone, every house has at least a shotgun and a handgun. EVERY house. I know this because I sold them to them....at cost.

Which of them is going to "put me down?"

The mainstream in Alabama. You are not mainstream. That is both your delusion and your eventual downfall. Everybody who is gathered under your cloak or whatever going mumble mumble mumble are not mainstream. I know: a real shocker to you.

Here we go with the horseshit attacks on MIN14...because he's from Alabama with no backing.

Jokey? You realize that you're looking rather turdish right now?
Many on these boards think history started the day they were born...

Arrogance, and ignorance.

Jake's evidently runoft.

But I was especially amused by his "neighbors will put down any rebellion" comment.

I live in Alabama.

I'm going to have to travel 4 States before I find the enemy, and by then, we will be an Army.

I have a feeling Jake has no clue how many guns there are in how many houses he drives by every day.

On my street alone, every house has at least a shotgun and a handgun. EVERY house. I know this because I sold them to them....at cost.

Which of them is going to "put me down?"

The mainstream in Alabama. You are not mainstream. That is both your delusion and your eventual downfall. Everybody who is gathered under your cloak or whatever going mumble mumble mumble are not mainstream. I know: a real shocker to you.
so jokey, hows that weather in Beaumont tonight?
And I would vote for keeping both. I guess that's why its an election, and not a fundraiser? Anyway, my "I could be wrong" statement was about civil war, not the recall. I think we're headed there, and sooner than most care to entertain. It is getting VERY chippy lately, and it is getting worse, not better.

There is no chance for civil war in the U.S. Any who rise against the government will be put down by their neighbors before LEO or national guard have to get involved. The neighbors are armed, too.

You mean the anti-gun left would kill their neighbors if they rose up against the totalitarian government the left is trying to impose on us all? Interesting. Goes a long way in explaining why they are so hot to disarm their neighbors then, huh. But you obviously have a major gap in your critical thinking skills dear. If they pick up arms to kill their neighbors because they have risen up against the government-that IS civil war! Duh.

Your signature line is stupid. Our Declaration of Independence acknowledges that all people have these rights. THAT is not and never has been an issue for Americans who from the beginning have said ALL of mankind have these rights -not just Americans!

But the difference between us and Egyptians is that WE claimed them AND acknowledged they are God-given which means no man has the right to take them away from us! What God has given us no man may legitimately take away! It is an announcement that draws a line in the sand for OUR government and those who would govern us -a line that says no man and no government may cross that line without suffering potentially dire consequences. WE didn't deprive Egyptians of these rights -their own rulers and government did. The Egyptians have not CLAIMED those rights for themselves and WE can't force them to do so. RIGHTS are not given by other people -they are given by God and must be CLAIMED. I can't GIVE rights to Egyptians because they aren't mine to give and I didn't deprive them of their rights either. We cannot claim them on their behalf either. Egyptians must CLAIM their own rights. Just like we did. And for the same reasons -to insure those who would govern over them realize that is a line they may not cross without potentially suffering dire consequences. It isn't for other nations and has nothing to do with other nations. It is a line in the sand and warning to those who would govern over them! Cross the line and the people have the inherent right to take down their government and install another one of their choice and THAT is the contract WE THE PEOPLE have made with our own government, one that other people must claim and make with their own as well.

Rights are CLAIMED, not "granted" by others and until they are CLAIMED by a people, how can THEY possibly announce to those who would govern them that these are God-given rights and insist their own government has no legitimate right to take from them and their own leaders have no legitimate right to take from them? WE can't do it for them and they have not claimed these rights for themselves. We can only ENCOURAGE them to claim their God-given rights. But we cannot claim the rights of another people FOR them and we certainly cannot GIVE what is not ours to give in the first place. We can only claim our own -and we have - and then lead by example encouraging others to do so as well. If the rest of mankind were to do the same and claim their God-given rights and announce those who would govern may not legitimately take from them - it would be a hell of a lot nicer planet.

So maybe you thought you were making some important statement with that signature line -if so you are seriously mistaken. Americans are the only people on the planet who have said these specific rights were given by God to all mankind in the first place. Not just Americans but to all of mankind! The people who really need to see your signature line and comprehend it are NOT Americans whatsoever -but the people whose own governments made sure they can't see it.

frazzledgear, you are as silly as the rest of the militia wannabees. Your responsible conservative, centrist, and liberal neighbors will put you down if you try a revolt. They will call in the LEO and the NG who already know who you are. They know who the folks you believe are infiltrators in LEO and NG, and one out of every five of you is already a mainstream infiltrator of your weird organizations. You are finished before you begin.
I love it when you far right guys try to intimidate me. Shows how little power you have. Carry on.
Arrogance, and ignorance.

Jake's evidently runoft.

But I was especially amused by his "neighbors will put down any rebellion" comment.

I live in Alabama.

I'm going to have to travel 4 States before I find the enemy, and by then, we will be an Army.

I have a feeling Jake has no clue how many guns there are in how many houses he drives by every day.

On my street alone, every house has at least a shotgun and a handgun. EVERY house. I know this because I sold them to them....at cost.

Which of them is going to "put me down?"

The mainstream in Alabama. You are not mainstream. That is both your delusion and your eventual downfall. Everybody who is gathered under your cloak or whatever going mumble mumble mumble are not mainstream. I know: a real shocker to you.
so jokey, hows that weather in Beaumont tonight?
If I am attacked by your kind, T, then I have all the cred I need to be a member of the mainstream.
If by your definition I am a clown, dive, then I am of the mainstream.
I bet I have been a Republican longer than you have been alive, T. I am not concerned too much about whether you think I belong.

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