Jane Fonda tells veterans boycotting her movie 'The Butler' to 'get a life'

Jane Fonda betrayed American prisoners of war and is directly responsible for their subsequent torture and deaths due to that act of betrayal. Facts are stubborn things. They don't go away. - Jeri
If Jane Fonda is a born again Christian she missed the first step. Repentance and restitution. She owes the American people AND the Americans who fought in the Vietnam war a huge apology but first she will have to admit she did something wrong.

Get a life doesn't quite cut it. - Jeri
I am a veteran of the the Vietnam War and Jane Fonda doesn't owe me an apology. .:cool:
I am sure that Jane will consider your opinion on her very carefully, before she makes another personal career decision.

Oh...don't worry her motives are very clear on this. She said it herself.

In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, Fonda said of her casting: “If it creates hoopla, it will cause more people to see the movie… I figured it would tweak the right. Who cares?”

She is all about riding this Vietnam controversy to the end. Apparently the Vets arent the only ones who need to "get a Life". ;)

yes Reagan fans are up in arms about this - so they need a life to

This is where Hollywood is out of touch. If they actually made an accurate non activist movie about Ronald Reagan's life,the lines would be out the door and the cash would flow. Instead... the public gets handed this straight to video crappola that only attracts the uber lefty moonbats.
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If Jane Fonda is a born again Christian she missed the first step. Repentance and restitution. She owes the American people AND the Americans who fought in the Vietnam war a huge apology but first she will have to admit she did something wrong.

Get a life doesn't quite cut it. - Jeri
I am a veteran of the the Vietnam War and Jane Fonda doesn't owe me an apology. .:cool:

From reading your writings on this board I wouldn't expect you to, Sunni. I am speaking about American veterans who condemn communism and hold dear American values such as freedom, 2nd amendment rights, freedom of speech, the United States Constitution.
Wow that people still care about Jane Fonda is unbelievable.

Anyone still obsessing over her should get a life.

Hollywood should "get a life" since they are obsessed with constantly making/scoring political points. Why exactly would this woman want to play Nancy Reagan ?? I can think of only one...for the publicity it would bring with the veterans.

Why would any actor want to portray Adolf Hitler? Or any historical figure? Or any character?

Because that's the gig.
Jane Fonda betrayed American prisoners of war and is directly responsible for their subsequent torture and deaths due to that act of betrayal. Facts are stubborn things. They don't go away. - Jeri

She didn't betray anyone..and has apologized profusely for exercising rights that the Constitution has given her.
Wow that people still care about Jane Fonda is unbelievable.

Anyone still obsessing over her should get a life.

Hollywood should "get a life" since they are obsessed with constantly making/scoring political points. Why exactly would this woman want to play Nancy Reagan ?? I can think of only one...for the publicity it would bring with the veterans.

Why would any actor want to portray Adolf Hitler? Or any historical figure? Or any character?

Because that's the gig.

Or in Fonda's case... just because it's controversial.

Sad testament to society when we become enamored and willingly lend validity to a group of individuals whose entire contribution to society is nothing more than fantasy and portrayal of what they are not.
Jane Fonda betrayed American prisoners of war and is directly responsible for their subsequent torture and deaths due to that act of betrayal. Facts are stubborn things. They don't go away. - Jeri

She didn't betray anyone..and has apologized profusely for exercising rights that the Constitution has given her.

She was right in protesting an unjustified war......just wrong in how she did it

She broke no laws
Still fighting Hanoi Jane?

We should be boycotting those who were involved in getting us into that stupid excuse for a war
And therein lies the tale.

The fact that government couldn't find a way to prosecute Fonda for what they chose to call "fraternizing with the enemy" is unimpeachable evidence of our wrongfully aggressive presence in Vietnam. Those North Vietnamese soldiers were not our enemy. We were their enemy. Our corrupt and incompetent government sent our troops against them with no justifiable cause, much in the way of our unjustifiable invasion of Iraq, and it cost the lives of 58,000 of our sons and brothers, and the maiming of tens of thousands more.

Jane Fonda's actions in Vietnam were a challenge to our government to prosecute her, which could not be done without revealing the truth about that shameful waste. So this woman should not be vilified as she often is. She should be celebrated.
If Jane Fonda is a born again Christian she missed the first step. Repentance and restitution. She owes the American people AND the Americans who fought in the Vietnam war a huge apology but first she will have to admit she did something wrong.

Get a life doesn't quite cut it. - Jeri
I am a veteran of the the Vietnam War and Jane Fonda doesn't owe me an apology. .:cool:

From reading your writings on this board I wouldn't expect you to, Sunni. I am speaking about American veterans who condemn communism and hold dear American values such as freedom, 2nd amendment rights, freedom of speech, the United States Constitution.
Incorrect nitwit.

I am totally opposed to communism and fully support the 2nd Amendment, free speech, and the US Constitution. .. :cool:
Jane Fonda betrayed American prisoners of war and is directly responsible for their subsequent torture and deaths due to that act of betrayal. Facts are stubborn things. They don't go away. - Jeri

She didn't betray anyone..and has apologized profusely for exercising rights that the Constitution has given her.

She was right in protesting an unjustified war......just wrong in how she did it

She broke no laws
In view of the purpose of her action I won't say what she did was wrong. Rather, it was extreme. In hindsight it might appear to be wrong, but at the time it was a radical effort to call attention to and awaken Americans at home to the truth.

In the simplest terms, what Jane Fonda did took a great deal of courage. And it's caused her much pain.
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If Jane Fonda is a born again Christian she missed the first step. Repentance and restitution. She owes the American people AND the Americans who fought in the Vietnam war a huge apology but first she will have to admit she did something wrong.

Get a life doesn't quite cut it. - Jeri
I believe it is you, and many others who remain blind to the truth about how our government wastes the lives of our sons and brothers, who owe Jane Fonda an apology for your willful blindness. The tragedy of it is how so many of you simply refuse to look at the glaring evidence of how wrong our actions in Vietnam were.

There are none so blind as they who will not see!
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I find it interesting that the Christian Right joins in on the bashing of Jane Fonda, in spite of the fact that Jane is now, and has been for several years, a "born again Christian". Aparantly, Christ's teachings do not apply to those with a history of "incorrect politics".

What in Christ's teachings say that Jane was not a traitor to this country? Yes, we are suppose to forgive, but that doesn't mean we forget, or that the guilty are never punished. When your child does something wrong to you just forgive and forget? Or do you punish your child and then forgive and forget? Jane was never ever punished for her actions. I can forgive them, but I can't forget them and it's difficult to forgive when she's never ever been punished. If she were really truly contrite it would be a different matter but it's obvious she feels no shame and her apology wasn't sincere. Not when she says "get a life" to those who want to boycott her. What she should be saying is, "I'm sorry to have put you through that and it won't ever happen again." And she should say that each and every time a Vietnam vet speaks out against her.

Well, she has been apologizing since about 1980. Do you suppose that you can find it in your Christian heart to forgive her when that reaches 40 years?
So you'd prefer to believe the american prisoners of war all lied when they say they handed her those little pieces of paper - to inform her of their being tortured - a plea for help & she responded by handing those little pieces of white paper to their captors, eh?

I believe the prisoners of war. They had no reason to lie and later the stories of that torture came out for the entire world to hear about. It validates their claim about Jane. I believe them.
Do you also believe the fable about returning GIs being spit on by protesters? That's another propaganda gem, enhanced by Stallone's performance as Rambo, the one-man super-trooper who kills platoons of enemies with his bare hands but tearfully laments being spat on.
Jane Fonda betrayed American prisoners of war and is directly responsible for their subsequent torture and deaths due to that act of betrayal. Facts are stubborn things. They don't go away. - Jeri

She didn't betray anyone..and has apologized profusely for exercising rights that the Constitution has given her.

"Get a life" is not apologizing profusely. Do you know the meaning of the word "profusely?"
Wow that people still care about Jane Fonda is unbelievable.

Anyone still obsessing over her should get a life.

No shit! How long ago did Fonda her Hanoi Jane routine? It's been something like 40 plus years ago. At this point it would be classified by mental health experts as an unhealthy obsession. :cuckoo: The woman has rightfully stated she regrets that point in her life
You're right. She has expressed regret for that episode. But only because it failed to produce the desired effect, which was to bring an end to the Vietnam debacle.

Too few of those who reflexively despise her actions in Vietnam make any effort to push aside the veil and look more closely at her motive in doing what she did. They content themselves with hating her -- because that emphasizes their melodramatic sense of patriotism.
Jane Fonda betrayed American prisoners of war and is directly responsible for their subsequent torture and deaths due to that act of betrayal. Facts are stubborn things. They don't go away. - Jeri

She didn't betray anyone..and has apologized profusely for exercising rights that the Constitution has given her.

She was right in protesting an unjustified war......just wrong in how she did it

She broke no laws

She went to the enemy and shot propaganda photos, she did radio shows while in enemy Territory, she was VERY wrong in how she protested. She was wrong to the point of committing treason.
I find it interesting that the Christian Right joins in on the bashing of Jane Fonda, in spite of the fact that Jane is now, and has been for several years, a "born again Christian". Aparantly, Christ's teachings do not apply to those with a history of "incorrect politics".

What in Christ's teachings say that Jane was not a traitor to this country? Yes, we are suppose to forgive, but that doesn't mean we forget, or that the guilty are never punished. When your child does something wrong to you just forgive and forget? Or do you punish your child and then forgive and forget? Jane was never ever punished for her actions. I can forgive them, but I can't forget them and it's difficult to forgive when she's never ever been punished. If she were really truly contrite it would be a different matter but it's obvious she feels no shame and her apology wasn't sincere. Not when she says "get a life" to those who want to boycott her. What she should be saying is, "I'm sorry to have put you through that and it won't ever happen again." And she should say that each and every time a Vietnam vet speaks out against her.

Well, she has been apologizing since about 1980. Do you suppose that you can find it in your Christian heart to forgive her when that reaches 40 years?

I can forgive her now, but each time she pops up with something like "get a life" to a Vietnam veteran who complains about her behavior, it's a whole new ballgame.

She doesn't seem to realize that she need to repent all the time, not just once to a few soldiers and then make hateful remarks at anybody else who mentions what she did.
It is sad to hear you say that the testimonies of the POW soldiers are not credible in your opinion. That you prefer to take the word of a communist over our own men who were over there defending your freedom of speech to now accuse them as liars. Oh the irony of that one. Is there an ignore button here? - Jeremiah

Show us proof of the testimonies.
There is no proof of that. Just as there is no proof that any returning GI was ever spat on. Both tales are carefully cultivated propaganda items.

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