January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

Lying again you little pussy bitch. News flash. When you assholes started burning DC, the Secret Service decided to move the President and Vice President to the bunker. You don’t get a choice once they decide that. They’d physically carry you there if you didn’t want to go.
The coward in the bunker. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Lying again you little pussy bitch. News flash. When you assholes started burning DC, the Secret Service decided to move the President and Vice President to the bunker. You don’t get a choice once they decide that. They’d physically carry you there if you didn’t want to go.
Trump ran to his bunker like the little bitch he is. Big, tough, law and order President. :auiqs.jpg:Burning down DC?? Hmm, remarkably, I was there in the fall of 2020 and I didn't see any of it burned down. :) Curious.
Trump ran to his bunker like the little bitch he is. Big, tough, law and order President. :auiqs.jpg:Burning down DC?? Hmm, remarkably, I was there in the fall of 2020 and I didn't see any of it burned down. :) Curious.
Still lying you little pussy bitch. When the Secret Service says go to the bunker, there is no discussion. Of course you don’t see the violence your side commits daily...
Still lying you little pussy bitch. When the Secret Service says go to the bunker, there is no discussion. Of course you don’t see the violence your side commits daily...
Cowardly orange jesus....


In the chaotic minutes before he shot and killed Ashli Babbitt during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, Lt. Michael Byrd focused his attention on the glass doors leading into the lobby of the House of Representatives chamber.

About 60 to 80 House members and staffers were holed up inside, and it was Byrd’s job to protect them.
So he shot one protestor out of hundreds? Pahleese....he's a nutless coward.
The MAGAts were the nutless cowards there....Were you there too?
Righhhhht....they were stupid to be there at all. I don't have sympathy for them. You just don't do that. I don't care if the haters were opened for them.
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Now try proving she was an imminent threat when not ONE other officer right there saw that. Not one other officer was a coward who fired without warning, then ran away. Byrd has other incidents on his record, including leaving his gun in a bathroom. No, it’s won’t be hard to prove Byrd was a murderer and acted irresponsibly.
Every Capitol Police Officer testified that the Republican Mob was a threat. 140 officers were injured.
Babbit led a violent mob in breaching the Congressional Chamber

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