January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

I hate them because they are Traitors, Insurrectionists and want to destroy American Demoracy. I fucking hate them.
BREAKING: The Department of Justice drops a bomb on the MAGA world, reveals that many more police officers were injured during the January 6th insurrection than officially reported.

This destroys the insane MAGA myth that the Capitol riot was just some kind of peaceful protest....

According to U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves for the District of Columbia, the Capitol siege was "the largest single-day, mass assault of law enforcement officers in our nation’s history."

That is worth reading again. Donald Trump's followers were so violent, so deeply unhinged in their fascism that day, that they made history.

“One hundred and forty officers guarding the Capitol that day reported physical injury," Graves went on. "But we know from talking to the hundreds of officers guarding the Capitol that day that this 140 number undercounts the number of officers who were physically injured, let alone those who have suffered trauma as a result of the day’s events."

Graves made the remarks at a press conference commemorating the third anniversary of the deadly insurrection.

He went on to explain that numerous officers were injured so badly that they had to leave their jobs and are still, to this day, unable to serve.

Since the attack, nearly 900 people have been convicted for crimes committed during the insurrection. 149 of them have been convicted of assaulting, resisting, or impeding the police or employees.

41 have been convicted of using a deadly or dangerous weapon to cause bodily harm to an officer. Weapons used included guns, tasers, flag poles, knives, baseball bat, and other objects.

"What the events of Jan. 6, 2021, reveal is that our democracy is fragile. The fact that we have existed with peaceful transitions of power for over 200 years is not a guarantee of our future. Nothing is assured,” stated Graves.

Over 80 people are still wanted and need to be identified for their treasonous violence.

Importantly, Graves stated that the "public's help is still needed" to catch and prosecute the remaining insurrectionists who have so far slipped through the cracks. The statute of limitations for January 6th crimes expires on January 5th, 2026.

There is still time to catch them all.

May be an image of 2 people, the Oval Office and text

Liar. Nobody has been charged with insurrection.
And? Irrelevant. It was insurrection. Period. That's what the whole day was about.
There were several people charged with seditious conspiracy. The rest were charged with an assortment of offenses, most getting off light for what was supposed to be the end result of that day.

Again..own it...and move on.
BREAKING: The Department of Justice drops a bomb on the MAGA world, reveals that many more police officers were injured during the January 6th insurrection than officially reported.

This destroys the insane MAGA myth that the Capitol riot was just some kind of peaceful protest....

According to U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves for the District of Columbia, the Capitol siege was "the largest single-day, mass assault of law enforcement officers in our nation’s history."

That is worth reading again. Donald Trump's followers were so violent, so deeply unhinged in their fascism that day, that they made history.

“One hundred and forty officers guarding the Capitol that day reported physical injury," Graves went on. "But we know from talking to the hundreds of officers guarding the Capitol that day that this 140 number undercounts the number of officers who were physically injured, let alone those who have suffered trauma as a result of the day’s events."

Graves made the remarks at a press conference commemorating the third anniversary of the deadly insurrection.

He went on to explain that numerous officers were injured so badly that they had to leave their jobs and are still, to this day, unable to serve.

Since the attack, nearly 900 people have been convicted for crimes committed during the insurrection. 149 of them have been convicted of assaulting, resisting, or impeding the police or employees.

41 have been convicted of using a deadly or dangerous weapon to cause bodily harm to an officer. Weapons used included guns, tasers, flag poles, knives, baseball bat, and other objects.

"What the events of Jan. 6, 2021, reveal is that our democracy is fragile. The fact that we have existed with peaceful transitions of power for over 200 years is not a guarantee of our future. Nothing is assured,” stated Graves.

Over 80 people are still wanted and need to be identified for their treasonous violence.

Importantly, Graves stated that the "public's help is still needed" to catch and prosecute the remaining insurrectionists who have so far slipped through the cracks. The statute of limitations for January 6th crimes expires on January 5th, 2026.

There is still time to catch them all.

May be an image of 2 people, the Oval Office and text
That is a fucking lie.

First of all if the filthy ass bastards had been hurt then Potatohead administration would have been screaming and yelling about it two years years ago.

The person that was hurt the most because she was murdered by a hateful Negro thug was an unarmed veteran Patriot White woman.

That is a fucking lie.

First of all if the filthy ass bastards had been hurt then Potatohead administration would have been screaming and yelling about it two years years ago.

The person that was hurt the most because she was murdered was an unarmed veteran Patriot woman.

It has come to light that this Byrd cop is a class A screwup. Ashley's family is suing, and this will all come out in public knowledge. Apparently he once had his car stolen and opened fired at the vehicle as it drove away. Again, this Byrd clown will be revealed as the clown he is........ He should have lost his ability to own a gun long before he murdered that young lady and that will become obvious to anyone following the civil trial.
Ashli was a gullible first class screw up who believed Trumps lies and led an attack on the Congressional Chambers occupied by 60 members of Congress

Byrd ordered Babbit and her followers to stop or be shot.
Babbit chose being shot
Which given:
  • The violence that day,
  • Reports over the radio of the violence,
  • The fact that she broke through the last law enforcement barricade prior to gaining access to the house chamber,
  • The fact she was carrying a backpack that could easily have contained an explosive device (check pictures on the Boston Backpack Bombings)
  • Given the extensive video documenting her actions
  • Given that Lt. Byrd's actions were reviewed by BOTH the Capital Police and the Department of Justice and the action justified based on her presenting a clear and present danger of death or bodily injury to members of Congress, Law Enforcement, civilians, and Congressional Staff.

They won't have to try very hard.

Now try proving she was an imminent threat when not ONE other officer right there saw that. Not one other officer was a coward who fired without warning, then ran away. Byrd has other incidents on his record, including leaving his gun in a bathroom. No, it’s won’t be hard to prove Byrd was a murderer and acted irresponsibly.
Did you think it was a complement when POS45 said "I love the poorly educated!"
Intelligent people understand that Trump was mocking Hillary's anti-working class insult
Remember Ashli Babbitt, never forgive those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a thug. MAGA2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Babbitt when you vote.

Go find it yourself.

I know where to find it, you know where to find it. But if you have actually lived under a rock for the last 3 years, have one of your buddies find you a link. I'm not here for your sealioning.

So you have nothing you lying sack of shit. Not surprising since you’re propping up a cowardly murderer named Byrd.
Oh yeah, that was the night that Trump ran to his bunker like the little bitch pussy he is. :auiqs.jpg:....when no one was anywhere near being able to breach the doors of the White House.
No one tried to storm the White House. And didn't he order Lafayette Square cleaned out that day so he could march to a church and hold up the bible of a religion he doesn't believe in? :)
Lying again you little pussy bitch. News flash. When you assholes started burning DC, the Secret Service decided to move the President and Vice President to the bunker. You don’t get a choice once they decide that. They’d physically carry you there if you didn’t want to go.

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