January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

It has come to light that this Byrd cop is a class A screwup. Ashley's family is suing, and this will all come out in public knowledge. Apparently he once had his car stolen and opened fired at the vehicle as it drove away. Again, this Byrd clown will be revealed as the clown he is........ He should have lost his ability to own a gun long before he murdered that young lady and that will become obvious to anyone following the civil trial.

He fired as a last resort. She was ordered stop and she failed. She got what her Insurrectionist bitchy ass deserved.
It has come to light that this Byrd cop is a class A screwup. Ashley's family is suing, and this will all come out in public knowledge. Apparently he once had his car stolen and opened fired at the vehicle as it drove away. Again, this Byrd clown will be revealed as the clown he is........ He should have lost his ability to own a gun long before he murdered that young lady and that will become obvious to anyone following the civil trial.
You mean he'll be outed as a -- (gasp!) dimocrap scumbag?!?!
Cowardly piece of shit pulled the trigger.
And he was justified in doing so. One person shot in a sea of violent insurrectionists.
I'm surprised she was the only one. There was a lot of behavior that day that certainly justified the use of force.
But the police kept their powder dry. :)

Mighty white of them, wouldn't you say?
Regarding the crap that she was not warned...

Babbitt, wearing a Trump flag as a cape, was among several dozen rioters who approached the doors to the Speaker's Lobby, adjacent to the House chambers.[5][55] Three uniformed officers were posted outside the Lobby where they were threatened by the crowd. One member of the mob yelled, "Fuck the Blue" (blue being a reference to the police). One officer guarding the doors told the others "They're ready to roll", and the three officers moved away from the barricaded doors leading to the Speaker's Lobby.[5] No longer impeded by police, one rioter, Zachary Jordan Alam, smashed a glass window beside the doors.[12][56] On the other side of those doors, many lawmakers and staff were being evacuated by Capitol Police,[8] but some were trapped in the House balcony.[57]

After "he's got a gun" was yelled several times when Lieutenant Michael Byrd aimed his weapon,[58] Babbitt, hoisted by two men,[18] began to climb through the shattered window. She was then shot in the left shoulder[9] by Lieutenant Byrd[10][8] and fell back among the other protesters.[18] Babbitt had been warned not to proceed through the window: one witness recalled that "A number of police and Secret Service were saying 'Get back! Get down! Get out of the way!'; [Babbitt] didn't heed the call."
Many rioters immediately began to leave the scene, making room for a Capitol Police emergency response team to get in and administer aid, and Babbitt was transported to Washington Hospital Center where she later died. She was 35 years old.[8] Some media reports described Babbitt as "unarmed" at the time of the shooting;[60][61] according to a January 11, 2021 crime scene examination report by the D.C. Department of Forensic Sciences, the police "recovered a 'Para Force' folding knife in Ms. Babbitt's pants pocket" after she was shot.[62][63][64][65][66]

U.S. Representative Markwayne Mullin (R-OK), a witness to Babbitt's attempted breach, said that Lieutenant Byrd "didn't have a choice" but to shoot, and that his action "saved people's lives".[50][67]

The shooting was recorded on several cameras, and footage was widely circulated.[68] John Earle Sullivan, among those who recorded footage of the shooting, was arrested for his role in the attack.[69] Zachary Alam was also arrested for his role in the attack.[70]
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Within one minute AFTER the shooting, Byrd made the following radio call...."We got shots fired in the lobby. Shots are being fired at us and we're prepared to fire back". I will state again, this clown is going to be exposed very soon.
See when an adult human body goes through a jagged broken glass window they don’t land in the inside full erect on two feet. You end up sliding in and land on all fours. She was attempting to get to her feet when murdered.

Rendered deceased unarmed and no imminent threat and on her hands and knees

How many other fake stories will you create.

Babbitt was on the Floor.
Babbitt was on her hands and knees.

Which is it?

FACTS are:

She was in the window, one leap/step away from entry to the other side.
She was told to STOP. She didn't.
I agree, remember the man that influenced her to attack the capital and try to force her way into where the Congress was meeting to fullfil their constitutional duty.

Remember how she broke through the final law enforcement barricade to get though to the House chamber, carrying a backpack. You know, like the one the Boston Bombers used at the marathon. Remember she presented a clear and present danger to law enforcement, members of Congress, civilians and staff.

Never forget that he actions were her own, but she was influenced by someone that should never get close to the Oval Office again.

Where was the necessary security? Why wasn’t more security there at that point?
Why would our government allow a mob of people to get to that point?
That is malfeasance.
You are trying to equate J6th with the protests of the summer of 2020. They happened for different reasons.
Babbitt was at the Capitol because she believed the lie...and died because of it.
She was protesting. No one has been charged with insurrection. Just a lie made up by you loons.
Within one minute AFTER the shooting, Byrd made the following radio call...."We got shots fired in the lobby. Shots are being fired at us and we're prepared to fire back". I will state again, this clown is going to be exposed very soon.

He fired because he had no choice. Suck shit Babbitt was order to stop and she did not. She died fucking traitor to the country she served. Fuck her.
This same clown left his loaded Glock in a public restroom. He just left it there! It was discovered hours later...... After he ran up and shot Ashley in the face he was promoted to Captain and labelled a hero.
If someone is shot by a cop because they are doing something that threatens to harm either the cop or another person, it is justified.

Being part of a mob trying that had already been violent, injured officers, and broken into a building then climbing through a window against police warnings to stop to get to an area where members of congress were being protected is a good shooting.
So what's your thought on Rittenhouse?

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