January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

What chamber? She was nowhere near the chamber where Congress was who were evacuated by then anyway. Murder for political gain is terrorism. Add that to traitor and there you are.

In the chaotic minutes before he shot and killed Ashli Babbitt during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, Lt. Michael Byrd focused his attention on the glass doors leading into the lobby of the House of Representatives chamber.

About 60 to 80 House members and staffers were holed up inside, and it was Byrd’s job to protect them.
A 5 foot two woman turns into the Hulk, right? What a stupid dickhead.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Not unless she was on some as of yet unknown steroid, you apologist, alt-right feeb.

But she did possess two arms and two hands which could have been used to unlock doors.
You don't need to be The Hulk to do that. :auiqs.jpg:
She depended on an agreement that was made for both sides to not shoot.
That's the reason why it was so conspicuously startling to see her crawl straight into certain death. She should have thought about what was going on in the mind of a black police officer that was being handed the opportunity of his life.

That's my opinion.
Any of the protestors who thought it was OK to tresspass on federal property were just plain brainless. I don't like what's happening but it's hard for me to have sympathy.
Doesn't matter if she was 2 feet...the shooter was as coward. Shoot an unarmed woman!
I agree. The fact she was So Far Away will vacate “imminent threat” come verdict time
The media created the fake insurrection tag and despite every investigative and law enforcement entity taking the pains to not identify it as an insurrection
But the media snd addled TDS lib loons America haters have continued the illicit charade.
When the trial is concluded the new label for 1/6 will be Murderection
Using patriotic Americans to locate Traitors and Insurrectionists. Get over it.
Using Americans to 'prevent voter fraud', in other words, interfering with citizens legally exercising their right to vote, is okay.

Americans identifying perps who engaged in lawbreaking and violence, to subvert/obstruct/prevent a Constitutionally required process for the peaceful transition of power to the winner of an election, just so they could keep their idol, Tangerine Turd in power, is not.

^^ 'Logic' from "conservatives"
A 5 foot two woman turns into the Hulk, right? What a stupid dickhead.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Do you think there was a sign that says…..You must be under this tall to pass through these chambers

What chamber? She was nowhere near the chamber where Congress was who were evacuated by then anyway. Murder for political gain is terrorism. Add that to traitor and there you are.
Screenshot 2024-01-06 at 11.17.03 AM.png

She was a football field length away from the chamber doors with several other fully secured doors to pass through first.
You can clearly see Congress members in the hallway.

I thought Babbit was 5'2.
Why is she so far above the others near the door?
Oh wait.....she was in the window, NOT on the floor, one step away from total breach and opening the door for the cult.

Yeah, try letting her breach the windows to YOUR HOUSE with the angry mob behind her. Yea, you'd shoot her too.
Remember Ashli Babbitt, never forgive those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a thug. MAGA2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Babbitt when you vote.

Happy Patriot’s Day!






Remember Ashli Babbitt, never forgive those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a thug. MAGA2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Babbitt when you vote.

It has come to light that this Byrd cop is a class A screwup. Ashley's family is suing, and this will all come out in public knowledge. Apparently he once had his car stolen and opened fired at the vehicle as it drove away. Again, this Byrd clown will be revealed as the clown he is........ He should have lost his ability to own a gun long before he murdered that young lady and that will become obvious to anyone following the civil trial.
Doesn't matter if she was 2 feet...the shooter was as coward. Shoot an unarmed woman!
That's all dimocrap scum are brave enough to do.

Or riot and find their courage in a crowd. Back-stabbers, traitors, overall scum. All of them.

While most Conservatives will admit that the Floyd Cops should have been prosecuted or, at least, barred from Law Enforcement forever. Note that none of our resident dimocrap scum will speak up in defense of an unarmed woman being blind-sided and shot in the neck by a coward.

And she was doing nothing really wrong! Whereas Floyd was trying to pass counterfeit money, had Fentanyl in his system, resisted arrest With Violence and was a known criminal with a long rap sheet.

Ashlie Babbitt was guilty of Being a patriot in the wrong place while a coward was given a gun. Real bad-ass, huh? Her Rap Sheet was -- Serving her Country. Shooting a little girl in the head/neck? No warning, no, "HALT OR I'LL SHOOT!!" The scumbag wasn't in Uniform, didn't try to use Less-Than-Deadly-Force. Just another dimocrap coward.

Bottom line here, people -- dimocraps are scum. ALL of them. Every single one of them. In DC, in here -- Everywhere every time. All of them all of the time.

In the chaotic minutes before he shot and killed Ashli Babbitt during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, Lt. Michael Byrd focused his attention on the glass doors leading into the lobby of the House of Representatives chamber.

About 60 to 80 House members and staffers were holed up inside, and it was Byrd’s job to protect them.
Total bullshit. Murder.

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