January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

Misspelling your name? Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha who gives a shit moron! Stop your whining

No, you idiot. Saying I misspelled my name when I clearly didn't. And then blaming your device for your own stupidity. :cuckoo:
The report says no such thing.


It also lists other medical conditions. And details drugs found in his system but nowhere does it indicate they contributed to his death.

My mistake, various experts have commented about his prior conditions. Experts: Floyd’s health issues don’t affect homicide ruling

Now, the experts take the stance that it was still a homicide, but they also mention his health conditions and drug use were contributing factors. In other words, had Floyd been healthy and not a habitual drug user, he probably would not have died from the technique.
My mistake, various experts have commented about his prior conditions. Experts: Floyd’s health issues don’t affect homicide ruling

Now, the experts take the stance that it was still a homicide, but they also mention his health conditions and drug use were contributing factors. In other words, had Floyd been healthy and not a habitual drug user, he probably would not have died from the technique.

Actually, that article says ...

“People who use it [fentanyl] regularly or chronically develop tolerance to it,” and the amount reported in the autopsy could kill someone who has not used the drug in the past, Goldberger said.

However, “we don’t know what Mr. Floyd’s use of fentanyl was,” he stressed.

“I believe that the presence of these substances is not relevant,” Goldberger said. “We know his death is not due to toxicological means” because of the video of the circumstances, he said.

“I don’t believe that these drugs played a significant role in causing Mr. Floyd to become unresponsive while being restrained by law enforcement officers.”
Actually, that article says ...

“People who use it [fentanyl] regularly or chronically develop tolerance to it,” and the amount reported in the autopsy could kill someone who has not used the drug in the past, Goldberger said.
However, “we don’t know what Mr. Floyd’s use of fentanyl was,” he stressed.
“I believe that the presence of these substances is not relevant,” Goldberger said. “We know his death is not due to toxicological means” because of the video of the circumstances, he said.
“I don’t believe that these drugs played a significant role in causing Mr. Floyd to become unresponsive while being restrained by law enforcement officers.”
It also says:

“He has some underlying conditions” that made it more likely he would not fare well under stress, said Dr. Gregory Davis, medical examiner for Jefferson County, Alabama, and a pathology professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. But the circumstances of Floyd’s May 25 death are not ignored in Wednesday’s report, which said “restraint and neck compression are part of why he died,” Davis said.

Dr. Stephen Nelson, chairman of Florida’s medical examiners commission, agreed. Even if someone with severe heart disease died of a heart attack during a purse-snatching, “we’d still call it a homicide,” he said.

“Is this stress associated with his interaction with law enforcement enough to put him over the edge? Yes, it is,” Nelson said.
The Floyd protests were based on multiple lies. First, police brutality is not a racial issue. White suspects are actually more likely to face lethal use of force by police than blacks, as shown by Roland Fryer's study.

Another lie was that Floyd suffocated from a knee to the neck. He had been suffering from a drug overdose and complained of breathing difficulties before that technique was applied. Most of the reason for Chauvin's conviction came down to jury intimidation that was enabled in part by the media not being discreet with juror details and by legitimate fears by the jurors of what would happen if conviction didn't happen.

Of course, that case is far from being the only racially charged case with jury intimidation.
Stupid racist wankier.
Stupid racist wankier.
What the heck is a wankier? Anyway, I always find it funny how the BLM types tend to focus on the least compelling police abuses.

Eric Garner's situation was a far clearer case of police brutality, yet they didn't seize on that one. It may come as a surprise to some, but plenty of conservatives distrust police and want to reform how they handle things. I'm against qualified immunity, for example. If the left would realize this isn't about race and is instead about government tyranny, we could actually come together to reduce police involvement and abuse.

Too rich.

Reuters is wrong, but an unsourced meme that someone made up is legit?

I would challenge you to post the page number that quote appears on; but since everyone, especially you, knows you can't since it's made up and doesn't actually appear in the book, you'll just post more retarded memes because you're incapable of thinking for yourself.
Hahaha you act as if somebody cares what you think. You are really just a propagandist, a lying dishonest Democrat. Why should anybody pay attention to anything that you put up here. Especially at this point in our conversation I've already proved you a liar several times, defeated you a couple of other times in your errant thinking. You're just a government cuck, probably being paid to be on here.
It also says:

“He has some underlying conditions” that made it more likely he would not fare well under stress, said Dr. Gregory Davis, medical examiner for Jefferson County, Alabama, and a pathology professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. But the circumstances of Floyd’s May 25 death are not ignored in Wednesday’s report, which said “restraint and neck compression are part of why he died,” Davis said.

Dr. Stephen Nelson, chairman of Florida’s medical examiners commission, agreed. Even if someone with severe heart disease died of a heart attack during a purse-snatching, “we’d still call it a homicide,” he said.

“Is this stress associated with his interaction with law enforcement enough to put him over the edge? Yes, it is,” Nelson said.

But you said...

Another lie was that Floyd suffocated from a knee to the neck. He had been suffering from a drug overdose and complained of breathing difficulties before that technique was applied.

Then you said...

The report says that asphyxiation was made more likely by the drugs in his system, along with his prior health issues.

Then you said...

...but they also mention his health conditions and drug use were contributing factors.

[emphasis mine]

But there's no evidence drugs played a role in his death. Not in either medical report or even by the article you linked. That's just a reason many made up to excuse Chauvin.

And while the experts in that article state his heart disease could have contributed to his death, we'll never know if it did. And those experts did not examine him. Whereas the pathologist who did examine Floyd concluded manner of his death was "homicide," not "natural."

And again, Chauvin was not trained to implement that technique in the manner he did. His own training guide shows the knee goes on the upper back, not the neck. And it shows the officer is supposed to lean back to reduce the body weight on the suspect. Chauvin was straight up, putting much of his body weight on Floyd. And when MRT is performed, the officer has to monitor the suspect's health and place them into the recovery position should they become unconscious. Chauvin never did any of that. Instead, he remained on Floyd for something like 2 minutes AFTER Floyd died.

Guilty as charged
But you said...

Another lie was that Floyd suffocated from a knee to the neck. He had been suffering from a drug overdose and complained of breathing difficulties before that technique was applied.

Then you said...

The report says that asphyxiation was made more likely by the drugs in his system, along with his prior health issues.

Then you said...

...but they also mention his health conditions and drug use were contributing factors.

[emphasis mine]

But there's no evidence drugs played a role in his death. Not in either medical report or even by the article you linked. That's just a reason many made up to excuse Chauvin.

And while the experts in that article state his heart disease could have contributed to his death, we'll never know if it did. And those experts did not examine him. Whereas the pathologist who did examine Floyd concluded manner of his death was "homicide," not "natural."

And again, Chauvin was not trained to implement that technique in the manner he did. His own training guide shows the knee goes on the upper back, not the neck. And it shows the officer is supposed to lean back to reduce the body weight on the suspect. Chauvin was straight up, putting much of his body weight on Floyd. And when MRT is performed, the officer has to monitor the suspect's health and place them into the recovery position should they become unconscious. Chauvin never did any of that. Instead, he remained on Floyd for something like 2 minutes AFTER Floyd died.

Guilty as charged
It's kind of hard to check on the perp when you're surrounded by an angry mob that was also blocking first responders for a while.
Hahaha you act as if somebody cares what you think. You are really just a propagandist, a lying dishonest Democrat. Why should anybody pay attention to anything that you put up here. Especially at this point in our conversation I've already proved you a liar several times, defeated you a couple of other times in your errant thinking. You're just a government cuck, probably being paid to be on here.

Retard, I didn't post what I think. I posted a news article which was about how they scanned a digital version of that book and no part of that quote exists in it.

It's a fake quote and you're a dupe for falling for it.
It's kind of hard to check on the perp when you're surrounded by an angry mob that was also blocking first responders for a while.

Given all it takes is putting his fingers on Floyd's neck to feel for a pulse, that excuse doesn't fly. Furthermore, despite being angry, no one in that mob encroached on the police.
Given all it takes is putting his fingers on Floyd's neck to feel for a pulse, that excuse doesn't fly. Furthermore, despite being angry, no one in that mob encroached on the police.
I guess we define "encroach" a little differently. Also, if you've ever dealt with an angry mob, you'll know that "tunnel vision" typically occurs. In a situation where you fear for your safety, you're going to focus on staying alert to surrounding threats over anything else, including a suspect under you.

I'm not saying that Chauvin should've gotten off scot free, but third degree murder is more appropriate than second degree murder in this case. He was convicted of both, which is rather excessive, but it's clear that the media generated hysteria played a part.
Retard, I didn't post what I think. I posted a news article which was about how they scanned a digital version of that book and no part of that quote exists in it.

It's a fake quote and you're a dupe for falling for it.
Now you think I'm somebody else. You're losing it. Couldn't happen to a nicer communist hahaha

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