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January 6 Was Not A Coup

Iā€™ve heard people say ā€œkill the ump,ā€ too. Saying it isnā€™t the same as meaning it.
Saying it, in a mob situation, where they are all fired up against Pence is different. Mobs can kill. Same mentality as a lynch mob.

I am not forgetting any of it. You seem to forget that nobody in that fired up mob who got inside the Capitol had a gun.
See that is what drives me nuts about this. The idea that you have to have a gun to be lethal or dangerous.

Rather than claiming that you know what they wanted to do based on an angry chant (idiotic though it may have been), Iā€™d submit it is more logical to base that determination on what they were prepared to do. Being unarmed, they werenā€™t prepared to do much more than they did do: trespass, property damage and some assaults.

Being unarmed was a deliberate choice by many, based on guidance passed around that guns would bring much harsher penalties. Instead they came armed with pepper spray, mace, baseball bats, iron polls, tazers.

ā€some assaultsā€ is a gross minimalization of an event that led to over 150 police injured.

Humans arenā€™t much different than dogs. A dog pack is dangerous wher as the individuals, on their own, are not. Same with a human mob. I have no doubt, given how the injured police, that they would have killed Pence if they had gotten hold of him. You donā€™t need guns to kill.
Saying it, in a mob situation, where they are all fired up against Pence is different. Mobs can kill. Same mentality as a lynch mob.
Unarmed mobs (especially of so relatively few people) against lots of armed law enforcement and protection agents canā€™t do much of anything.
See that is what drives me nuts about this. The idea that you have to have a gun to be lethal or dangerous.
So? Go nuts. But the facts donā€™t change. A large mob failed to injure young Kyle because he was armed and did open fire.
Being unarmed was a deliberate choice by many, based on guidance passed around that guns would bring much harsher penalties. Instead they came armed with pepper spray, mace, baseball bats, iron polls, tazers.
To do what? To overcome armed federal agents? Please. Get real.
ā€some assaultsā€ is a gross minimalization of an event that led to over 150 police injured.
Some assaults means more than one or two. And some of those were inflicted on people outside of the Capitol building. I also doubt the accuracy of the claimed number of injuries. But even if itā€™s accurate, Iā€™m not defending the behavior of that portion of the crowd. As I have repeatedly said, Iā€™m fine with prosecuting law breakers ā€” but the prosecutions should be for the crimes actually committed.
Humans arenā€™t much different than dogs. A dog pack is dangerous wher as the individuals, on their own, are not. Same with a human mob. I have no doubt, given how the injured police, that they would have killed Pence if they had gotten hold of him. You donā€™t need guns to kill.

I have no doubt that armed Secret Service Agents and armed Capitol police would shoot to kill anybody getting too close to the Vice President under those circumstances.
I remember leftists like you telling us that the mob chanting in the streets of NYC "Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon" and "What do we want?!" "Dead cops!!" "When do we want em?!" "now!" was not death threats to police....Hypocrite.
Oh? Got a link? Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever said that.
Wrong. A review of pleadings isnā€™t a substantive hearing. I assume you donā€™t know any better. But donā€™t be so quick to make shit up. Youā€™ll get called on it and expose yourself more fully as the twit yuh are.

Youā€™re not hilarious. Your just plodding and unpersuasive.

For all your nonsense, however, the highlighted fact shines out starkly: no factual hearings or decisions on the merits have been had.
Plaintiffsā€™ pleadings do not persuade this Court that they are likely to prevail on the merits for several reasons.
Except that is judges making the DECISION that the pleadings DON'T have merit.

If I make a plea, giving a signed affidavit that I saw a Leprechaun steal a car, with just that affidavit as evidence for that claim, and the judge dismisses the plea out of hand. Does that plea suddenly gain merit because I haven't been granted a full hearing?
Ashli Babbitt did not have a gun, did not threaten anyone, did not destroy any property, but she was murdered by a capital cop, who has walked free.

is that justice, dems?
Except that is judges making the DECISION that the pleadings DON'T have merit.

If I make a plea, giving a signed affidavit that I saw a Leprechaun steal a car, with just that affidavit as evidence for that claim, and the judge dismisses the plea out of hand. Does that plea suddenly gain merit because I haven't been granted a full hearing?
Yes. It is usually the case that it is a judge making that preliminary determination. And again, the determinations may have even been legally correct. Of course, thatā€™s still not the point, forky.

The point is simple: it is precisely because the cases got tossed that they didnā€™t get as far as an evidentiary hearing.
Yes. It is usually the case that it is a judge making that preliminary determination. And again, the determinations may have even been legally correct. Of course, thatā€™s still not the point, forky.

The point is simple: it is precisely because the cases got tossed that they didnā€™t get as far as an evidentiary hearing.
So the point isn't that the evidence was so bad that a judge tossed it? But that a judge didn't want to waste the court's time and resources on a case that wasn't supported by evidence and therefore you think there's room for doubt?

And by the way, they ALL had evidentiary hearings. That's why judges felt qualified to toss the cases on the merit of the evidence.

So again, they all had hearings.
So the point isn't that the evidence was so bad that a judge tossed it? But that a judge didn't want to waste the court's time and resources on a case that wasn't supported by evidence and therefore you think there's room for doubt?

And by the way, they ALL had evidentiary hearings. That's why judges felt qualified to toss the cases on the merit of the evidence.

So again, they all had hearings.
None of them had evidentiary hearings. Your lies fail because youā€™re too stupid to even try to lie intelligently.

Itā€™s very difficult to teach a dope like you who is classically and unquestionably educably mentally retarded. A judge can review pleadings for legal sufficiency and standing, etc., without conducting a hearing. You imbecile.
None of them had evidentiary hearings. Your lies fail because youā€™re too stupid to even try to lie intelligently.

Itā€™s very difficult to teach a dope like you who is classically and unquestionably educably mentally retarded. A judge can review pleadings for legal sufficiency and standing, etc., without conducting a hearing. You imbecile.
You OBVIOUSLY don't know what an evidentiary hearing is, and you are equally obviously too chicken shit to even attempt to educate yourself. I provided a link explaining what an evidentiary hearing is. Here. evidentiary hearing - Search or here. What Happens During an Evidentiary Hearing? here. What the heck is an Evidentiary Hearing?! | Zarin Law Firm

Take your pick. If you have even a shred of intellectual honesty?
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Over eight hundred of the Trump goons have been identified, apprehended, and prosecuted.
Many of Trump's collaborators who desperately sought pardons in advance are still resisting coming clean before
the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol
Bottom line, there was no insurrection, no coup, or attempted coupā€¦.Just a relatively small group of idiots that broke the law...
Trump bum-kissing lickspittles are incapable of refuting the sworn testimony of so many conservative Republican officeholders and insiders with intimate knowledge of the Cry Baby Loser's goon attack on the Capitol and failed scheme to thwart the democratic process. Their corroborative accounts stand unchallenged.

Kudos to courageous, young Republican Cassidy Hutchinson, an American patriot.

Screen Shot 2022-06-28 at 3.55.48 PM.png

Trump goons who threatened the lives of Republican officeholders and poll workers and their families will be targeting Ms Hutchinson for speaking truth.

View attachment 663419
Over eight hundred of the Trump goons have been identified, apprehended, and prosecuted.
Many of Trump's collaborators who desperately sought pardons in advance are still resisting coming clean before
the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol

Trump bum-kissing lickspittles are incapable of refuting the sworn testimony of so many conservative Republican officeholders and insiders with intimate knowledge of the Cry Baby Loser's goon attack on the Capitol and failed scheme to thwart the democratic process. Their corroborative accounts stand unchallenged.

Kudos to courageous, young Republican Cassidy Hutchinson, an American patriot.

Trump goons who threatened the lives of Republican officeholders and poll workers and their families will be targeting Ms Hutchinson for speaking truth.
Do you need a tissue?
The idea that you have to have a gun to be lethal or dangerous.

To be fair, this is an idea that your side has thrown in our faces, constantly from Trayvon Martin to Antifa rioters for years.

It is quite annoying how you libs CONSTANTLY expect to have one set of rules for you people and another for your enemies.

And it turns out they WERE armed

Oh? Now they were armed? Wow. HOw could that have been missed until today?

Answer, it could nto have been. Someone ran a line of jive past you and you swallowed it like a champ.
Oh? Now they were armed? Wow. HOw could that have been missed until today?

Answer, it could nto have been. Someone ran a line of jive past you and you swallowed it like a champ.
How would it have been CAUGHT?

How many rioters were searched on Jan 6?

They played Secret Service radio calls noting weapons found at the rally.
How would it have been CAUGHT?

How many rioters were searched on Jan 6?

They played Secret Service radio calls noting weapons found at the rally.

That the secret service didn't tell anyone about until now?

You really wil believe ANYTHING, if it lets you talk shit, won't you?


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