When they tell you who they are

Have You Hugged Your Tree Today?

Go lumber or go numb and number. Those who worship trees can't get wood. An un-logged forest is nothing but vermin and vegetation.
I'm for sustainable logging, like the Menominee's do here in Wisconsin.

Logger's Creed (true) "We're not here to make the forest look pretty."

Well on the first day he open all goverment land for drilling. If a company signs a lease, they will have to lower their price of oil when they sign the lease. Not when they start drilling. He is also going to make manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers lower their prices when their cost go down. So then all prices and inflation start to go down for all Americans, it's great for us. So I know you're going to hate it.
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And how is tRump killing Ukrainians, sucking up to fascists, and giving freebees to his wealthy buddy gonna do that for her?
?? He said they are going to stop your CULT from cheating. What did your TDS degenerated brain hear?
A... He said "we will do it again" in reference to 01/06/2021

B.. you said the "C" word.


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