Ocasio-Cortez, Raskin to introduce legislation to ‘rein in a fundamentally unaccountable and rogue’ Supreme Court

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The flag deal is a different issue. I've commented on that.

Fixing things after one gets caught is not OK.
Like turning over classified documents stolen out of the SCIF once youve been caught?
That has nothing to do with that. Thomas and Alito are unable to be impartial. And Congress does have the authority to force SCOTUS to follow more ethical standards.

But that's fucked for unethical people such as yourself.
/——-/ Speaking of overstepping authority, Dementia Joe gets smacked down. Federal judge blocks Biden Title IX rule in 4 states: 'Abuse of power'
He’s a far-left Jew who is on the side of the antisemites. Their liberalism trumps their Judaism.
/——/ There are many self hating Jews, Catholics too.
McTreason's diabolical, unprecedented treachery. What else can I help you with.
/——-/ Try posting one positive thing about Dementia Joe once a week, to balance out the non stop Orange Man Bad rants.
Try it. You can do it.
View attachment 961639
Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said Tuesday they will introduce legislation in response to the increased ethics concerns related to the Supreme Court.

“Congressman Raskin and myself will be introducing forthcoming legislation to even have the Supreme Court be subject to the same $50 gift rule that he and I are subject to, as everyone else who are members of Congress,” AOC added later.

"Does the new legislation say anything about bad about obtaining gold bars to Congressmen?" asked Congressman Bob Menendez.

"No, of course not" said AOC. "Don't be silly. Gold good, money bad."

"Am I going to have to give up making money in the stock market?" asked Nancy Pelosi.

"Sheer insanity!" screamed AOC. "Just because you are the world's best stock picker is not a crime. In fact, I have made millions of dollars after being elected as well and deserved them, unlike those in the Supreme Court. What makes them so supreme anyway? Do they are just a court. It's not like they are a branch of the Federal government like we are?."

The least intelligent and least ethical members of the House.

How inspiring.
Communist pieces of shit are so corrupt.

How is the Supreme Court unaccountable and rogue more than any other Supreme Court EVER?

I bet these scumbags would be saying this if the majority was flipped.

Get fucked Dems.
The radical left Democrats could not muster the votes in Congress to cram through their leftist policies, so Dems began RIGGING the courts with liberal judges who would legislate from the bench. Doing an end run around congress and the people's representatives. The 6-3 SCOTUS has thrown a giant monkey wrench into this Dem scheme.

Almost all of the political wins for the left in my lifetime have come from leftist rulings from the bench by activists.
AOC and Raskin's bill is going nowhere.

Senate Republicans block Democrats' Supreme Court ethics bill

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a Democratic-sponsored bill that would require Supreme Court justices to adopt a binding code of conduct.

“The highest court in the land cannot and should not have the lowest ethical standards,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said in a floor speech before the motion.

Durbin took to the Senate floor Wednesday and sought to pass the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (SCERT) Act by “unanimous consent,” which immediately faced Republican opposition.

As he promised to do Tuesday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., led a group of GOP senators in blocking the Democratic request, effectively stalling the legislation.

Repubs don't want to stop Harlan Crow's largesse from flowing to Clarence.

Weird that as long as the SCOTUS was rubber stamping your insane positions they were pristine, yes?
This is a good thing! Fuck SCOTUS! A piece of shit organization of fucked up conservative judges. Fuck Alito and Thomas! I hope both of them commit suicide!
That has nothing to do with that. Thomas and Alito are unable to be impartial. And Congress does have the authority to force SCOTUS to follow more ethical standards.

But that's fucked for unethical people such as yourself.

That's just a stupid opinion.
I remember when the court overruling executive policy was not only acceptable but funny and necessary to/for white liberals. I said then they/we would come to regret this, now the most liberal are acting like republicans.
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