January 6th Committee Urges Trump Prosecution With Four Criminal Referrals.

This is all just partisan nonsense. The DOJ can’t indict Trump over this stuff. It would set a horrible precedent. Every time there is a president of the opposite party in the majority in congress he will be charged criminally over policy differences.
When a committee comprised entirely of individuals who absolutely hate the former president, tries to act as though they are an unbiased body seeking justice, they do no more than demonstrate that they are akin to a kangaroo court from a banana republic.

For that reason, Congress has no power to recommend prosecution. Constitution has provisions against "bills of anger", that prevents parliamentary indictments against unpopular people by name. The Constitution has two clauses (Article I, Section 9 and 10) that prohibit "ex post facto" laws:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

The intention of these clauses are separation of powers, and if we had DOJ that is doing their job, they should reprimand Congress for instructing DOJ whom they should prosecute. Unfortunately, guy in charge of DOJ is a butthurt asshole on a personal payback mission. This country feels like 1930's Germany with Democrats going after everyone who is opposing them politically, and Democrats are playing it straight out of Nacional Socialist playbook.

The only thing you obliterated was an irony meter. Your posts are mind numbingly stupid and detached from reality. I can literally sit here and do nothing and let you embarrass yourself.
Yeah.....keep talking, spongelips. The truth is THIS is all this rubbish is about.....spelled out in detail in this video:

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WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Jan. 6 committee urged the Justice Department on Monday to bring criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, delivering what it called a “roadmap to justice” in response to the violent 2021 Capitol insurrection.

After one of the most exhaustive and aggressive congressional probes in memory, the panel’s seven Democrats and two Republicans are recommending criminal charges against Trump and associates who helped him launch a wide-ranging pressure campaign to try to overturn his 2020 election loss. The panel also released a lengthy summary of its final report, with findings that Trump engaged in a “multi-part conspiracy” to thwart the will of voters.

At a final meeting Monday, the committee alleged violations of four criminal statutes by Trump, in both the run-up to the riot and during the insurrection itself, as it recommended the former president for prosecution to the Justice Department. Among the charges they recommend for prosecution is aiding an insurrection — an effort to hold him directly accountable for his supporters who stormed the Capitol that day.

Liz Cheney Throws a Tantrum After January 6 Panel Chairman Bennie Thompson Rules out Trump Criminal Referral​


Yes EvilEyeFleegle, the US Constitution is fake and funny thing, especially when you know nothing about it.

What would be even funnier is if you could refute anything from my post. If you could, you would.
We haven't had a Congressional sham like J6 this since the Joseph McCarthy days. This is the political theater that the Democrats have been putting on for years while we slowly lose our country.
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Yes EvilEyeFleegle, the US Constitution is fake and funny thing, especially when you know nothing about it.

What would be even funnier is if you could refute anything from my post. If you could, you would.
Well dufus, here's the thing, while what you said about the Constitution is correct, for the most part..the idea that any of what you quoted has anything to do at all with Trump's current predicament is not. Thus your attempt to conflate the two is a fail. Congress passed no bill--a committee made a non-binding recommendation.
The DOJ will consider that..and charge or won't charge, based on the merits.
We're losing our country and all you Trump haters do is squeal about Trump all day long.
I dunno about 'we'. I'm losing nothing..as far as I can tell. Maybe even gaining--as we vomit out the sickness that is the Far Right. Our country is in flux..and absurdities abound. But the destination is cool. I get that it might not be YOUR destination--but that's not my problem~
I dunno about 'we'. I'm losing nothing..as far as I can tell. Maybe even gaining--as we vomit out the sickness that is the Far Right. Our country is in flux..and absurdities abound. But the destination is cool. I get that it might not be YOUR destination--but that's not my problem~

All this focus on the "far right" (probably anyone to the right of Mitt Romney) and the progressive left gets a free pass to mold the country into the form it wants....

NeverTrumpers are the definition of biting off ones nose to spite ones face.
For the last 6 years your Chinacratic Party

if you are referring to the (D) party - here's an FYI...

i am not a (D).

has made a mockery of our Constitution and Congressional processes. They are facilitating the destruction of this country.

^^^ fake news ^^^

Non-thinking minions like you post stupid memes

blah blah blah.gif

and obsess about Trump all day long.

obsess? neh'eh... but since he just won't stfu & the fact that he is a criminal - he's gonna be discussed.

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