January Smashed Another Global Temperature Record

Good thing for you the world began in 1890. Means we skipped the whole 2nd American Revolution, Slavery, etc. right?

Back your graph up to extremely recent global temperature history. Only the last 40-50 million years, just an eye blink.

Then show us what it looks like.
Back to reality, silly ass. Homo Sap has only existed for the last 200,000 years, and our modern civilization less than a tenth of that. And we have seen what a rapid change of temperature can do in the Younger Dryas.

This is reality. And I was the one who pointed it out...remember? Also that man played no part in the change that resulted in the events time has recorded in the Younger Dryas, or many of the other such events through global history. At best man's influence can be described as microscopic.

At least you've gotten to 200,000 years being part of the discussion. You only have 99.6% of the way to go....to get to the last 50 million years. And then another 99% from there.

So you have a looooong way to go.
Damn ,that old global warming myth, right now it's twenty degrees warmer than usual and the wind is blowing Mariah. Warmer and dryer for years now. It is hard for me to take these global warming deniers seriously.
well if you want cold, you should move to the northeast or nearer the arctic or antarctic. Go get a hut and live your life in zero weather. Seems that's what you prefer. Go for it girl.

BTW, the southwest has always been warm and is why they have deserts in case you didn't know that.
BTW, I grew up and still live in the Midwest, and its always been semi-arid but seasonal. Summer used to bring mild rain every 4 days or so. Now we go 3 weeks and either get pounded, or sprinkles. And the winters back 40 years ago, snow every couple of weeks or so, cold temps from October to March. Now we get weird HUGE snowstorms once, and dry and warm the rest of the time, or it's warmer than usual and little snow at all...with an occasional EXTREEMLY cold snap with NO snow. Things weather wise have really have gotten abnormal and weird. And it's getting to be the norm.
My Great Grandfather settled in the John Day Valley of Eastern Oregon in the 1860's. From that time to just after WW1, winters were long, cold, with deep snow at Prairie City. After WW1, they were a bit warmer, with less snow. After WW2, things warmed again, and then stabalized for about 30 years. Now, far less snow on the mountains in the winter, and much warmer summers. Serious drought for the last two years, looks like this year will be better.

Fires have burned much of the forest in the mountains there, burned 2/3 of the Strawberry Wilderness Area, and threatened the towns of Canyon City, John Day, and Prairie City. Now I am 72, and observed much of the change since WW2, both living there, and visiting when possible.

I have talked to many differant people in many parts of the nation, and those that did not have a political axe to grind all have made the same observations that you have, Mary.

What was the seasonal norm 1.3 million years ago? 22.5 million years ago? Heck even 2000 years ago.

Someone's definitely grinding a political axe here. And it's not me. I'm not the one extorting wealth from others to prop up their agenda.

You are.
The cause of the Younger Dryas was most likely a vast amount of fresh water changing ocean currents. Today, the burning of fossil fuels has increased the the primary atmospheric GHG by over 43%. That is man caused. And we are seeing the result in land and ocean temperatures. And, also, in the cryosphere. Almost all of the scientists studying the affects are warning us that we are not going to like the results. But people like you, with virtually no scientific knowledge, state they are wrong, in on a worldwide conspriracy, and don't know anything anyway.

Yet everything you touch in this modern life has been created for you by those very scientists.
The cause of the Younger Dryas was most likely a vast amount of fresh water changing ocean currents. Today, the burning of fossil fuels has increased the the primary atmospheric GHG by over 43%. That is man caused. And we are seeing the result in land and ocean temperatures. And, also, in the cryosphere. Almost all of the scientists studying the affects are warning us that we are not going to like the results. But people like you, with virtually no scientific knowledge, state they are wrong, in on a worldwide conspriracy, and don't know anything anyway.

Yet everything you touch in this modern life has been created for you by those very scientists.
Based on two facts,
1. No scientific validation of how hot 120 PPM of CO2.
2. You act like we don't do research other scientists who dispute and we actually use them as our rationale.

Learn something is what I ask of you.
The cause of the Younger Dryas was most likely a vast amount of fresh water changing ocean currents. Today, the burning of fossil fuels has increased the the primary atmospheric GHG by over 43%. That is man caused. And we are seeing the result in land and ocean temperatures. And, also, in the cryosphere. Almost all of the scientists studying the affects are warning us that we are not going to like the results. But people like you, with virtually no scientific knowledge, state they are wrong, in on a worldwide conspriracy, and don't know anything anyway.

Yet everything you touch in this modern life has been created for you by those very scientists.

And what caused the change in the ocean current changes? Glaciation advances as I recall from some of the stuff I've seen/read about it.

It's laughable to proclaim man is the cause of almost half of the GHG. The people proclaiming this lack the ability to understand the effect on the various levels of the atmosphere from actions taken by man versus the myriad actions the planet effects upon itself and how those are neutralized by other forces.

Maybe in a few hundred years they'll have a better understanding, but as of today it's WAG territory. This is repeatedly demonstrated by the numbers of your warmer enthusiasts whose models and projects are far off the reality of observable data. Hell you can't take them to even agree with each other.

The very definition of a WAG.
Then you recall very poorly. Either a rapid drainage of a vast interior glacial lake in Canada, or an impact on the continental glacier in the same location are the present hypothesis.

What Caused the Younger Dryas Cold Event?

Cold Event.

The most common means of slowing AMOC involves the reduction of oceanic surface water density via an increase in freshwater discharge to the North Atlantic. The originally hypothesized source of freshwater was the eastward routing of Glacial Lake Agassiz from the Mississippi River to the St. Lawrence River, as the Laurentide Ice Sheet retreated northward out of the Great Lakes (Johnson and McClure, 1976; Rooth, 1982; Broecker, 2006). A clear Younger Dryas freshwater signal in the St. Lawrence Estuary (Keigwin and Jones, 1995; deVernal et al., 1996) only becomes apparent after accounting for other competing effects on commonly used freshwater proxies, in agreement with three other independent runoff proxies (Carlson et al., 2007). Lake Agassiz's eastern outlet history also presents an issue, as the most recent study suggested that the outlet remained closed until well after the start of the Younger Dryas, with the lake having no outlet for much of the Younger Dryas (Lowell et al., 2009). In contrast, a simple consideration of Lake Agassiz's water budget requires an outlet for the lake during the Younger Dryas (Carlson et al., 2009). This ongoing debate over the ultimate cause of the Younger Dryas has led to a search for other potential forcing mechanisms, such as an abrupt discharge of meltwater to the Arctic Ocean (Tarasov and Peltier, 2005) and a bolide impact (Firestone et al., 2007).

On page 355 of this issue of Geology, Melott et al. (2010) present a quantitative assessment of the effect a comet would have on atmospheric nitrate, as well as estimates of its consequence for atmospheric ammonium, providing a test for the occurrence of a bolide at the onset of the Younger Dryas. Accordingly, comets break down N2 in the atmosphere to nitrate (NOx), increasing nitrate concentration. The authors use a two-dimensional atmospheric model to simulate the nitrate and ozone changes associated with the A.D. 1908 Tunguska event where a bolide airburst occurred over Siberia, Russia. The model performs well for the Tunguska event, accurately simulating the nitrate increase of ∼160 ppb observed in the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice core record from Summit Greenland. Scaling the predicted nitrate changes upward by six orders of magnitude to the suggested Younger Dryas–size bolide implies a very large increase in nitrate concentration (i.e., 106 times larger than the Tunguska increase) that should be recorded in Greenland ice at the start of the Younger Dryas (Fig. 1A).
#1, You said what?
#2, OK, show that research.

I am busy everyday learning things. Perhaps you should take your own advice.
#1. I knew you didn't and, the lack of any, proves no scientific evidence exists for the man made warming claim. Baddaboom
#1, You said what?
#2, OK, show that research.

I am busy everyday learning things. Perhaps you should take your own advice.
And #3. The IPCC AR5 report confirmed the pause, and confirmation of any pause is evidence that adding man made CO2 doesn't add warming. DOH
This is fucking climate, dipshit.

No you idiot moron..

CO2 - 500 million years.JPG


Note that the climactic changes are seen in these graphs and lined out, not the lie you just posted that doesn't show anything but half a dot on the real lines... pure fantasy conjecture is all you got..
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You call instrumental data from 100 years ago "fantasy", claim that an temperature record of 130 years is of inadequate length to show "climate" but that proxy estimates from a BILLION years ago with a resolution of over a million years are "real".

Good - fucking - god - are - you - stupid. And a liar.
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