January Smashed Another Global Temperature Record

Damn ,that old global warming myth, right now it's twenty degrees warmer than usual and the wind is blowing Mariah. Warmer and dryer for years now. It is hard for me to take these global warming deniers seriously.
well if you want cold, you should move to the northeast or nearer the arctic or antarctic. Go get a hut and live your life in zero weather. Seems that's what you prefer. Go for it girl.

BTW, the southwest has always been warm and is why they have deserts in case you didn't know that.
This is fucking climate, dipshit.

Good thing for you the world began in 1890. Means we skipped the whole 2nd American Revolution, Slavery, etc. right?

Back your graph up to extremely recent global temperature history. Only the last 40-50 million years, just an eye blink.

Then show us what it looks like.
Good stations show less warming than poor ones. Even the bad stations show less warming than the homogenized data.

Poor Ian, reduced to parroting WUWT red herring nonsense.

That's the normal progression of hardcore conspiracy cultists, falling ever deeper into conspiracy mania. There's literally no evidence that can change the minds of the denier cultists now, as they simply auto-define any evidence debunking their conspiracy as being part of the conspiracy.

NOAA said 1997 was actually 4 degrees warmer than 2016



NOAA, and everyone else keeping records. has adjusted that downwards. You folks have been claiming that those records had been adjusted upwards. Make up your minds, eh.
Damn ,that old global warming myth, right now it's twenty degrees warmer than usual and the wind is blowing Mariah. Warmer and dryer for years now. It is hard for me to take these global warming deniers seriously.
well if you want cold, you should move to the northeast or nearer the arctic or antarctic. Go get a hut and live your life in zero weather. Seems that's what you prefer. Go for it girl.

BTW, the southwest has always been warm and is why they have deserts in case you didn't know that.
BTW, I grew up and still live in the Midwest, and its always been semi-arid but seasonal. Summer used to bring mild rain every 4 days or so. Now we go 3 weeks and either get pounded, or sprinkles. And the winters back 40 years ago, snow every couple of weeks or so, cold temps from October to March. Now we get weird HUGE snowstorms once, and dry and warm the rest of the time, or it's warmer than usual and little snow at all...with an occasional EXTREEMLY cold snap with NO snow. Things weather wise have really have gotten abnormal and weird. And it's getting to be the norm.
Damn ,that old global warming myth, right now it's twenty degrees warmer than usual and the wind is blowing Mariah. Warmer and dryer for years now. It is hard for me to take these global warming deniers seriously.
well if you want cold, you should move to the northeast or nearer the arctic or antarctic. Go get a hut and live your life in zero weather. Seems that's what you prefer. Go for it girl.

BTW, the southwest has always been warm and is why they have deserts in case you didn't know that.
BTW, I grew up and still live in the Midwest, and its always been semi-arid but seasonal. Summer used to bring mild rain every 4 days or so. Now we go 3 weeks and either get pounded, or sprinkles. And the winters back 40 years ago, snow every couple of weeks or so, cold temps from October to March. Now we get weird HUGE snowstorms once, and dry and warm the rest of the time, or it's warmer than usual and little snow at all...with an occasional EXTREEMLY cold snap with NO snow. Things weather wise have really have gotten abnormal and weird. And it's getting to be the norm.

You say this as if this has never happened before. It is not a new development.
This week in Amarillo TX, the temps have been in the 70's and 80's. Yesterday it was 85 here, and in the middle of Feb even.
Damn ,that old global warming myth, right now it's twenty degrees warmer than usual and the wind is blowing Mariah. Warmer and dryer for years now. It is hard for me to take these global warming deniers seriously.
well if you want cold, you should move to the northeast or nearer the arctic or antarctic. Go get a hut and live your life in zero weather. Seems that's what you prefer. Go for it girl.

BTW, the southwest has always been warm and is why they have deserts in case you didn't know that.
BTW, I grew up and still live in the Midwest, and its always been semi-arid but seasonal. Summer used to bring mild rain every 4 days or so. Now we go 3 weeks and either get pounded, or sprinkles. And the winters back 40 years ago, snow every couple of weeks or so, cold temps from October to March. Now we get weird HUGE snowstorms once, and dry and warm the rest of the time, or it's warmer than usual and little snow at all...with an occasional EXTREEMLY cold snap with NO snow. Things weather wise have really have gotten abnormal and weird. And it's getting to be the norm.

You say this as if this has never happened before. It is not a new development.
In my lifetime, the climate changed. I never said this has never happened. I must emphasize that prior climate changes were gradual over a period of over a thousand years or so. This was as if someone flicked on a switch. 20 years or so, and that's the scary part.
Damn ,that old global warming myth, right now it's twenty degrees warmer than usual and the wind is blowing Mariah. Warmer and dryer for years now. It is hard for me to take these global warming deniers seriously.
well if you want cold, you should move to the northeast or nearer the arctic or antarctic. Go get a hut and live your life in zero weather. Seems that's what you prefer. Go for it girl.

BTW, the southwest has always been warm and is why they have deserts in case you didn't know that.
BTW, I grew up and still live in the Midwest, and its always been semi-arid but seasonal. Summer used to bring mild rain every 4 days or so. Now we go 3 weeks and either get pounded, or sprinkles. And the winters back 40 years ago, snow every couple of weeks or so, cold temps from October to March. Now we get weird HUGE snowstorms once, and dry and warm the rest of the time, or it's warmer than usual and little snow at all...with an occasional EXTREEMLY cold snap with NO snow. Things weather wise have really have gotten abnormal and weird. And it's getting to be the norm.

You say this as if this has never happened before. It is not a new development.
In my lifetime, the climate changed. I never said this has never happened. I must emphasize that prior climate changes were gradual over a period of over a thousand years or so. This was as if someone flicked on a switch. 20 years or so, and that's the scary part.

As I said...not a new development. Where you, and the warming cult fails is they don't seem to realize history goes back further than that.
Damn ,that old global warming myth, right now it's twenty degrees warmer than usual and the wind is blowing Mariah. Warmer and dryer for years now. It is hard for me to take these global warming deniers seriously.
well if you want cold, you should move to the northeast or nearer the arctic or antarctic. Go get a hut and live your life in zero weather. Seems that's what you prefer. Go for it girl.

BTW, the southwest has always been warm and is why they have deserts in case you didn't know that.
BTW, I grew up and still live in the Midwest, and its always been semi-arid but seasonal. Summer used to bring mild rain every 4 days or so. Now we go 3 weeks and either get pounded, or sprinkles. And the winters back 40 years ago, snow every couple of weeks or so, cold temps from October to March. Now we get weird HUGE snowstorms once, and dry and warm the rest of the time, or it's warmer than usual and little snow at all...with an occasional EXTREEMLY cold snap with NO snow. Things weather wise have really have gotten abnormal and weird. And it's getting to be the norm.

You say this as if this has never happened before. It is not a new development.
In my lifetime, the climate changed. I never said this has never happened. I must emphasize that prior climate changes were gradual over a period of over a thousand years or so. This was as if someone flicked on a switch. 20 years or so, and that's the scary part.

As I said...not a new development. Where you, and the warming cult fails is they don't seem to realize history goes back further than that.
I read you loud and clear. I think I understand history here. And who is deluded.
well if you want cold, you should move to the northeast or nearer the arctic or antarctic. Go get a hut and live your life in zero weather. Seems that's what you prefer. Go for it girl.

BTW, the southwest has always been warm and is why they have deserts in case you didn't know that.
BTW, I grew up and still live in the Midwest, and its always been semi-arid but seasonal. Summer used to bring mild rain every 4 days or so. Now we go 3 weeks and either get pounded, or sprinkles. And the winters back 40 years ago, snow every couple of weeks or so, cold temps from October to March. Now we get weird HUGE snowstorms once, and dry and warm the rest of the time, or it's warmer than usual and little snow at all...with an occasional EXTREEMLY cold snap with NO snow. Things weather wise have really have gotten abnormal and weird. And it's getting to be the norm.

You say this as if this has never happened before. It is not a new development.
In my lifetime, the climate changed. I never said this has never happened. I must emphasize that prior climate changes were gradual over a period of over a thousand years or so. This was as if someone flicked on a switch. 20 years or so, and that's the scary part.

As I said...not a new development. Where you, and the warming cult fails is they don't seem to realize history goes back further than that.
I read you loud and clear. I think I understand history here. And who is deluded.

Yes, you.

Apparently you never heard of something called the Younger Dryas. On both sides of it the changes were much more extreme that what you're seeing, and happened very quickly.

There have been MANY sudden changes in the climate history of this planet. Here's an illustration of just a few of them in very recent history.

global temperature history - Bing images
Good thing for you the world began in 1890. Means we skipped the whole 2nd American Revolution, Slavery, etc. right?

Back your graph up to extremely recent global temperature history. Only the last 40-50 million years, just an eye blink.

Then show us what it looks like.
Back to reality, silly ass. Homo Sap has only existed for the last 200,000 years, and our modern civilization less than a tenth of that. And we have seen what a rapid change of temperature can do in the Younger Dryas.
Quaternary extinction event - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Late Pleistocene extinction event saw the extinction of many mammals weighing more than 40 kg.

The extinctions occurred at the change going into the Younger Dryas, and coming out of the Younger Dryas. These are animals that survived through several prior ice ages and interglacials. But we have no record of a period like the Younger Dryas in these prior periods. So it looks like a very rapid climate change is not a good thing for life during the changes.
Damn ,that old global warming myth, right now it's twenty degrees warmer than usual and the wind is blowing Mariah. Warmer and dryer for years now. It is hard for me to take these global warming deniers seriously.
well if you want cold, you should move to the northeast or nearer the arctic or antarctic. Go get a hut and live your life in zero weather. Seems that's what you prefer. Go for it girl.

BTW, the southwest has always been warm and is why they have deserts in case you didn't know that.
BTW, I grew up and still live in the Midwest, and its always been semi-arid but seasonal. Summer used to bring mild rain every 4 days or so. Now we go 3 weeks and either get pounded, or sprinkles. And the winters back 40 years ago, snow every couple of weeks or so, cold temps from October to March. Now we get weird HUGE snowstorms once, and dry and warm the rest of the time, or it's warmer than usual and little snow at all...with an occasional EXTREEMLY cold snap with NO snow. Things weather wise have really have gotten abnormal and weird. And it's getting to be the norm.
My Great Grandfather settled in the John Day Valley of Eastern Oregon in the 1860's. From that time to just after WW1, winters were long, cold, with deep snow at Prairie City. After WW1, they were a bit warmer, with less snow. After WW2, things warmed again, and then stabalized for about 30 years. Now, far less snow on the mountains in the winter, and much warmer summers. Serious drought for the last two years, looks like this year will be better.

Fires have burned much of the forest in the mountains there, burned 2/3 of the Strawberry Wilderness Area, and threatened the towns of Canyon City, John Day, and Prairie City. Now I am 72, and observed much of the change since WW2, both living there, and visiting when possible.

I have talked to many differant people in many parts of the nation, and those that did not have a political axe to grind all have made the same observations that you have, Mary.
Damn ,that old global warming myth, right now it's twenty degrees warmer than usual and the wind is blowing Mariah. Warmer and dryer for years now. It is hard for me to take these global warming deniers seriously.
well if you want cold, you should move to the northeast or nearer the arctic or antarctic. Go get a hut and live your life in zero weather. Seems that's what you prefer. Go for it girl.

BTW, the southwest has always been warm and is why they have deserts in case you didn't know that.
BTW, I grew up and still live in the Midwest, and its always been semi-arid but seasonal. Summer used to bring mild rain every 4 days or so. Now we go 3 weeks and either get pounded, or sprinkles. And the winters back 40 years ago, snow every couple of weeks or so, cold temps from October to March. Now we get weird HUGE snowstorms once, and dry and warm the rest of the time, or it's warmer than usual and little snow at all...with an occasional EXTREEMLY cold snap with NO snow. Things weather wise have really have gotten abnormal and weird. And it's getting to be the norm.
My Great Grandfather settled in the John Day Valley of Eastern Oregon in the 1860's. From that time to just after WW1, winters were long, cold, with deep snow at Prairie City. After WW1, they were a bit warmer, with less snow. After WW2, things warmed again, and then stabalized for about 30 years. Now, far less snow on the mountains in the winter, and much warmer summers. Serious drought for the last two years, looks like this year will be better.

Fires have burned much of the forest in the mountains there, burned 2/3 of the Strawberry Wilderness Area, and threatened the towns of Canyon City, John Day, and Prairie City. Now I am 72, and observed much of the change since WW2, both living there, and visiting when possible.

I have talked to many differant people in many parts of the nation, and those that did not have a political axe to grind all have made the same observations that you have, Mary.
Liar, where are your links proving all you assert.
Quaternary extinction event - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Late Pleistocene extinction event saw the extinction of many mammals weighing more than 40 kg.

The extinctions occurred at the change going into the Younger Dryas, and coming out of the Younger Dryas. These are animals that survived through several prior ice ages and interglacials. But we have no record of a period like the Younger Dryas in these prior periods. So it looks like a very rapid climate change is not a good thing for life during the changes.
wikipedia is not a source old crock, nor is google, climate is not defined as you state, where is your links.
Good thing for you the world began in 1890. Means we skipped the whole 2nd American Revolution, Slavery, etc. right?

Back your graph up to extremely recent global temperature history. Only the last 40-50 million years, just an eye blink.

Then show us what it looks like.
Back to reality, silly ass. Homo Sap has only existed for the last 200,000 years, and our modern civilization less than a tenth of that. And we have seen what a rapid change of temperature can do in the Younger Dryas.
still no links?

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