Japanese abandon six nuclear reactors

I've got plenty of perspective. The reactor situation for the Japanese folks is very serious at this point but not as doomsday as the media had been hyping . . which is what I've said all along. I don't think anyone would argue that the situation is serious . . . well, except for skooker. He seems to think it's humorous. Wtf?

C'mon bro.........buckle up your chinstrap and admit when you've pwned yourself. You were heading to the Army /Navy store any day now!!!:boobies::up:

"The reactor situation for the Japanese folks is very serious at this point but not as doomsday as the media had been hyping . . which is what I've said all along. "

I've pwned myself? How so? Your reading comprehension needs work.

So you're of the opinion that the reactor situation in Japan isn't serious? At all? It's just another day?

You're a lost cause.

I stand corrected bro........you're right, pwned myself.......kinda scanned the post and lumped you in with the fcukking k00ks!!!

The fcukking k00ks however would have you thinking the last week that we were witnessing the end of days. All over the country, there have been runs on Army/Navy stores and people purchasing iodine tabs and radioactive suits. Dollar to a stale donut Chris and Rocks have one on a hanger in their living rooms as we speak!!

Yo Chris..........hows the fit on that mask??
Japan NHK News: Nuclear agency: No. 3 reactor may be leaking

Radiation levels are rising in major cities in Japan. Here are some Live Real Time Links to Geiger-Counter Nuclear Radiation Monitors in Japan

Tokyo, Japan Live Geiger-Counter Link

Chiba, Japan Live Geiger-Counter Link


Breach in reactor suspected at Japanese nuke plant
A suspected breach in the core of a reactor at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant could mean more serious radioactive contamination, Japanese officials revealed Friday, as the prime minister called the country's ongoing fight to stabilize the plant "very grave and serious."

A somber Prime Minister Naoto Kan sounded a pessimistic note at a briefing hours after nuclear safety officials announced what could be a major setback in the urgent mission to stop the plant from leaking radiation, two weeks after a devastating earthquake and tsunami disabled it.

"The situation today at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant is still very grave and serious. We must remain vigilant," Kan said. "We are not in a position where we can be optimistic. We must treat every development with the utmost care."

The uncertain situation halted work at the nuclear complex, where dozens had been trying feverishly to stop the overheated plant from leaking dangerous radiation. The plant has leaked some low levels of radiation, but a breach could mean a much larger release of contaminants.

The possible breach in Unit 3 might be a crack or a hole in the stainless steel chamber of the reactor core or in the spent fuel pool that's lined with several feet of reinforced concrete. The temperature and pressure inside the core, which holds the fuel rods, remained stable and was far lower than would further melt the core.

Suspicions of a possible breach were raised when two workers waded into water 10,000 times more radioactive than levels normally found in water in or around a reactor and suffered skin burns, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said.

Kan apologized to farmers and business owners for the toll the radiation has had on their livelihoods: Several countries have halted some food imports from areas near the plant after milk and produce were found to contain elevated levels of radiation.
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^^^ this is not a good sign. This reactor is the Plutonium article and the worst for long term contamination. Every day the news gets worse, I'm thinking the authorities either don't know hour to hour wants happening or they are spoon feeding the public.

This could signal the end of Japan as we know it and the ramifications for America are economically catastrophic. Where will I get parts for my Toyota?

Oh, did I mention the sky is also falling?

Regards, see you in the next life.
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Maybe we should forget about Libya and take over Japan. It seems kind of obvious that they don't know what the hell they are doing.
This does not look good at all

Japan: PM Says Fukushima Still Very Grave; Leak At Reactor 3 | Real Time Market News | Need to Know News

Updates With PM Kan's Comments At Press Conference
TOKYO (MNI) - The situation at the crisis-hit Fukushima nuclear power plant is "still very grave and serious" and so requires the Japanese government to remain "vigilant," Prime Minister Naoto Kan said at a press conference here Friday night.
"We are trying to prevent a deterioration of the situation," Kan said, according an English translation of the press conference carried live by NHK television. "We are still not in a position to be optimistic," he said. Kan's comments came after Japan's nuclear safety agency announced earlier Friday that there was a "good chance" that the reactor vessel of Reactor 3 at the Fukushima plant has been damaged and that high levels of radiation have leaked out.
"Reactor 3 seems to have retained some containment functions, but there is a good chance that the reactor has been damaged somewhere," Hidehiko Nishiyama, spokesman for the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, told a news conference.
All that radiation is gonna get up to the jetstream and go all over the earth. It'll take a while to bio-accumulate but in a few years (after this is all forgotten) cancer rates will rise wherever it accumulates.

Especially in the areas around the reactors. Who's gonna' make the connection? No one.
No one has died

I doubt it is going to get worst...Japan has control of the fucking thing...Why? If it was going to occur then it would of a week ago...I'm sick of this fucking nuclear reactor shit.:cuckoo:


You're being sarcastic, right? No one could be this ignorant in all seriousness. You can't control overheated U235 or P239 period, you can TRY to contain it, but control, lmfao.
Since you're on the West Coast, it should concern you a little it it does get worse. It's not getting better at this point.

If you're sick of it, and it's of no harm, get your dumb fucking ass right over there and do something, go right in and cool it down dip-shit. Try pissing on it.
This is not looking good at all. One of the containment vessels is almost surely breached.

Radiation Surges at Reactor as Tests for Plutonium Ordered - Businessweek

March 27 (Bloomberg) -- Radiation in water at Japan’s earthquake-damaged nuclear plant reached potentially lethal levels, hampering work to cool reactors.

As the worst atomic accident since Chernobyl entered its third week, the government said soil near the Fukushima plant would be tested for plutonium contamination. The radioactive metal was used in one of the reactors and its presence outside the plant would suggest the fuel rods were damaged.

Water in the Fukushima Dai-Ichi No. 2 reactor’s turbine building was measured at more than 1,000 millisieverts per hour, Japan’s nuclear safety agency said today. That’s higher than the dose that would cause vomiting, hair loss and diarrhoea, according to the World Nuclear Association. The radiation is 10 million times the plant’s normal level, broadcaster NHK said.

“They’re finding quite high levels of radiation fields, which is impeding their progress dealing with the situation,” said Richard Wakeford, an expert in radiation epidemiology at the U.K.’s Dalton Nuclear Institute in Manchester. At reactor 2, “you’d have a lot of difficulty putting anyone in there
Somehow, this announcement is less than reassuring.

Radiation Inside Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Plant Rises Sharply

On Sunday night, though, plant operators said that while the water was contaminated with radiation, the extremely high reading was a mistake.
"The number is not credible," said Tokyo Electric Power Co. spokesman Takashi Kurita. "We are very sorry."

He said officials were taking another sample to get accurate levels, but did not know when the results would be announced.

The situation came as officials acknowledged there was radioactive water in all four of the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex's most troubled reactors, and as airborne radiation in Unit 2 measured 1,000 millisieverts per hour -- four times the limit deemed safe by the government, Kurita said.

Officials say they still don't know where the radioactive water is coming from, though government spokesman Yukio Edano has said some is "almost certainly" seeping from a cracked reactor core in one of the units.
TOKYO—Japan's nuclear regulator has amassed power while growing closer to the industry it regulates, according to former regulators and industry critics who blame the trend for lapses that may have contributed to the Fukushima Daiichi accident.

Bucking the global standard, Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has two distinct and often competing roles: regulating the nuclear power industry, and promoting Japanese nuclear technology at home and abroad.

Nuclear Regulator Tied to Industry - WSJ.com

Bucking the global standard, huh.

Sounds like the US.
Somehow, this announcement is less than reassuring.

Radiation Inside Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Plant Rises Sharply

On Sunday night, though, plant operators said that while the water was contaminated with radiation, the extremely high reading was a mistake.
"The number is not credible," said Tokyo Electric Power Co. spokesman Takashi Kurita. "We are very sorry."

He said officials were taking another sample to get accurate levels, but did not know when the results would be announced.

The situation came as officials acknowledged there was radioactive water in all four of the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex's most troubled reactors, and as airborne radiation in Unit 2 measured 1,000 millisieverts per hour -- four times the limit deemed safe by the government, Kurita said.

Officials say they still don't know where the radioactive water is coming from, though government spokesman Yukio Edano has said some is "almost certainly" seeping from a cracked reactor core in one of the units.

Another sample to get accurate levels? I like how it takes time to get the results. You take a gieger counter and look at the output number. It takes all of two seconds. My guess the accurate reading comes in a few days when everyone has to leave the plants for the last time.
This does not look good at all

Japan: PM Says Fukushima Still Very Grave; Leak At Reactor 3 | Real Time Market News | Need to Know News

Updates With PM Kan's Comments At Press Conference
TOKYO (MNI) - The situation at the crisis-hit Fukushima nuclear power plant is "still very grave and serious" and so requires the Japanese government to remain "vigilant," Prime Minister Naoto Kan said at a press conference here Friday night.
"We are trying to prevent a deterioration of the situation," Kan said, according an English translation of the press conference carried live by NHK television. "We are still not in a position to be optimistic," he said. Kan's comments came after Japan's nuclear safety agency announced earlier Friday that there was a "good chance" that the reactor vessel of Reactor 3 at the Fukushima plant has been damaged and that high levels of radiation have leaked out.
"Reactor 3 seems to have retained some containment functions, but there is a good chance that the reactor has been damaged somewhere," Hidehiko Nishiyama, spokesman for the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, told a news conference.

I noticed when information of the real high radiation reading came out of Japan that the live readings from the links in my previous post to Tokyo & Chiba Geiger counters had climbed rapidly. Shortly after that these live links stopped being broadcast.

So when I read this news of mistaken readings I suddenly am thinking the cover-up & dis-information propaganda campaign is on. The honorable Japanese leaders falling on the sword is passé. Now days everybody employs CYA.
Here's some more media hype for you all.

The radioactive water is outside of the reactor, flowing toward the ocean. But Japan says there is no health concern because no one is allowed to fish in a twelve mile radius around the nuclear plant.

Here's some more media hype for you all.

The radioactive water is outside of the reactor, flowing toward the ocean. But Japan says there is no health concern because no one is allowed to fish in a twelve mile radius around the nuclear plant.


That makes PERFECTLY good sense. For, as we all know, water will STAY where it's told to stay.

This doesn't sound good, either.

Officials say evidence of highly radioactive plutonium has been detected in the soil in five locations around Japan's earthquake-disabled nuclear reactor.

Operators of the Fukushima nuclear plant quoted by Japan's Kyodo news agency said Monday they believed the plutonium was seeping out from the nuclear fuel in the damaged reactors.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) that runs the plant said they did not believe the levels were high enough to be considered a risk to human health.

Radioactive Plutonium Found in Soil Around Damaged Japanese Nuclear Plant | Asia | English

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