Japanese abandon six nuclear reactors

A third of the USA has already been hit by worse nuclear fallout than Japan from 1951 to 1958 when the U.S. government conducted 90 nuclear bomb tests in the Nevada desert, sending particles contaminated with radioactive iodine-131 across much of the country.

My grandmother was pregnant & living in North East Missouri at that time. She went outside to get the clothes of of the clothe line because it was starting to rain. She said the rain drops were making dirty water spots on the white sheets that she was pulling off the line. She imediatly fell ill, was taken to the nearest hospital miscarried & hemoraged for over a week. There where a bunch of others that arrived at the same time with similar sudden illness. The majority of them came from the drive-in theater where a muddy rain fell on them during the movie.

The radioactive iodine was carried by winds and fell on pastures where it was eaten by cows, contaminating their milk. Smaller amounts contaminated other dairy products and leafy vegetables. Children of that era (people ranging in age from late 40s to mid 60s now) are at higher risk for a couple reasons. Children generally drink more milk than adults & Children have smaller thyroids.

Therefore, with children, more radioactive Iodine-131 would have built up in a smaller amount of tissue. Furthermore if children in areas such consumed fresh milk directly from the cow, their exposure to radiation would have been even greater. Fresh milk from backyard or farm cows usually contained more I-131 than store-bought milk because processing and shipping milk allowed more time for the radioactive iodine to break down.

The National Cancer Institute estimates that exposure to fallout from the bomb tests could produce over 200,000 excess cases of thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer is a very slow growing cancer and accounts for only 1 percent of all cancers in the United States. An estimated 16,100 cases will be diagnosed this year with 1,230 being fatal. It is a highly curable cancer with the five-year survival rate at 95 percent.

Exactly my point..........all this hysteria from people who need a beer and a plan...........

Who couldnt see Ravi and Chris....... 10 years from now............ perpetuating this thread..............

"Hey......there was a brush fire near reactor #3!!!"

When you spend more than half of your life at the fcukking computer, trust me, you need a beer and a plan!!! Try to tell me that people like Chris and Old Rocks dont wake up thinking about how somebody might be getting the one up on them in the global warming forum!!!!!!! Go check the k00ks posts over the last week since the tsunami...........you'd think the earth saw the second BIG BANG happen!!!

You're a fucking idiot if you don't realize the gravity of this situation. :cuckoo:


listen s0n.........unless you plan on going sightseeing to see the reactors, Id advise to stay away from plans to build your own bomb shelter!!!!!:coffee::coffee::coffee:

( geez......I thought they dispelled the existence of the refrigerator mother theory 30 years ago!!! Clearly however, some grew up with sublime levels of stimulation at birth and spend their whole lives searching for it!!!)
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You're a fucking idiot if you don't realize the gravity of this situation. :cuckoo:

I know the gravity of this situation better than most people, and it is actually worse than I first thought, mostly because I had no idea how many fuel rods were being stored onsite and inside the reactor buildings. Putting them on the 4th floor is not the best design I have ever seen.

That said, if is actually a lot less grave than the media was painting it. They seem to have toned it down since the reactors did not actually melt down, and they now have a shiny new war to talk about, so they are more interested in their new toy than the old news in Japan.

The grave situation is not the nuclear accident, it is the tsunami that wiped out the northeast coast. The good thing about it is that that area is sparsely settled, by Japanese standards, yet it still impacted 2 million people, and killed thousands. Keep some perspective.
LMAO..........once again..........SKOOKS pwns the k00ks!!!

Hey Rocks........Zoom........Ravi..........Chris..............how are those home-made bomb shelters coming?

Oh........and hope you can get a return on those anti-radioactive space suits you all bought!!!

Good luck...............
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A third of the USA has already been hit by worse nuclear fallout than Japan from 1951 to 1958 when the U.S. government conducted 90 nuclear bomb tests in the Nevada desert, sending particles contaminated with radioactive iodine-131 across much of the country.

My grandmother was pregnant & living in North East Missouri at that time. She went outside to get the clothes of of the clothe line because it was starting to rain. She said the rain drops were making dirty water spots on the white sheets that she was pulling off the line. She imediatly fell ill, was taken to the nearest hospital miscarried & hemoraged for over a week. There where a bunch of others that arrived at the same time with similar sudden illness. The majority of them came from the drive-in theater where a muddy rain fell on them during the movie.

The radioactive iodine was carried by winds and fell on pastures where it was eaten by cows, contaminating their milk. Smaller amounts contaminated other dairy products and leafy vegetables. Children of that era (people ranging in age from late 40s to mid 60s now) are at higher risk for a couple reasons. Children generally drink more milk than adults & Children have smaller thyroids.

Therefore, with children, more radioactive Iodine-131 would have built up in a smaller amount of tissue. Furthermore if children in areas such consumed fresh milk directly from the cow, their exposure to radiation would have been even greater. Fresh milk from backyard or farm cows usually contained more I-131 than store-bought milk because processing and shipping milk allowed more time for the radioactive iodine to break down.

The National Cancer Institute estimates that exposure to fallout from the bomb tests could produce over 200,000 excess cases of thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer is a very slow growing cancer and accounts for only 1 percent of all cancers in the United States. An estimated 16,100 cases will be diagnosed this year with 1,230 being fatal. It is a highly curable cancer with the five-year survival rate at 95 percent.

Exactly my point..........all this hysteria from people who need a beer and a plan...........

Who couldnt see Ravi and Chris....... 10 years from now............ perpetuating this thread..............

"Hey......there was a brush fire near reactor #3!!!"


When you spend more than half of your life at the fcukking computer, trust me, you need a beer and a plan!!! Try to tell me that people like Chris and Old Rocks dont wake up thinking about how somebody might be getting the one up on them in the global warming forum!!!!!!! Go check the k00ks posts over the last week since the tsunami...........you'd think the earth saw the second BIG BANG happen!!!


Actually I haven't posted on this thread for days.

You are the one perpetuating it.

A third of the USA has already been hit by worse nuclear fallout than Japan from 1951 to 1958 when the U.S. government conducted 90 nuclear bomb tests in the Nevada desert, sending particles contaminated with radioactive iodine-131 across much of the country.

My grandmother was pregnant & living in North East Missouri at that time. She went outside to get the clothes of of the clothe line because it was starting to rain. She said the rain drops were making dirty water spots on the white sheets that she was pulling off the line. She imediatly fell ill, was taken to the nearest hospital miscarried & hemoraged for over a week. There where a bunch of others that arrived at the same time with similar sudden illness. The majority of them came from the drive-in theater where a muddy rain fell on them during the movie.

The radioactive iodine was carried by winds and fell on pastures where it was eaten by cows, contaminating their milk. Smaller amounts contaminated other dairy products and leafy vegetables. Children of that era (people ranging in age from late 40s to mid 60s now) are at higher risk for a couple reasons. Children generally drink more milk than adults & Children have smaller thyroids.

Therefore, with children, more radioactive Iodine-131 would have built up in a smaller amount of tissue. Furthermore if children in areas such consumed fresh milk directly from the cow, their exposure to radiation would have been even greater. Fresh milk from backyard or farm cows usually contained more I-131 than store-bought milk because processing and shipping milk allowed more time for the radioactive iodine to break down.

The National Cancer Institute estimates that exposure to fallout from the bomb tests could produce over 200,000 excess cases of thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer is a very slow growing cancer and accounts for only 1 percent of all cancers in the United States. An estimated 16,100 cases will be diagnosed this year with 1,230 being fatal. It is a highly curable cancer with the five-year survival rate at 95 percent.

Exactly my point..........all this hysteria from people who need a beer and a plan...........

Who couldnt see Ravi and Chris....... 10 years from now............ perpetuating this thread..............

"Hey......there was a brush fire near reactor #3!!!"


When you spend more than half of your life at the fcukking computer, trust me, you need a beer and a plan!!! Try to tell me that people like Chris and Old Rocks dont wake up thinking about how somebody might be getting the one up on them in the global warming forum!!!!!!! Go check the k00ks posts over the last week since the tsunami...........you'd think the earth saw the second BIG BANG happen!!!


Actually I haven't posted on this thread for days.

You are the one perpetuating it.


s0n.....you're a k00k. All you have to do is take a gandor over to your signature and check out the link. Are you some kind of modern day Rip Van-Winkle??!!!!!!!!
You're a fucking idiot if you don't realize the gravity of this situation. :cuckoo:

I know the gravity of this situation better than most people, and it is actually worse than I first thought, mostly because I had no idea how many fuel rods were being stored onsite and inside the reactor buildings. Putting them on the 4th floor is not the best design I have ever seen.

That said, if is actually a lot less grave than the media was painting it. They seem to have toned it down since the reactors did not actually melt down, and they now have a shiny new war to talk about, so they are more interested in their new toy than the old news in Japan.

The grave situation is not the nuclear accident, it is the tsunami that wiped out the northeast coast. The good thing about it is that that area is sparsely settled, by Japanese standards, yet it still impacted 2 million people, and killed thousands. Keep some perspective.

I've got plenty of perspective. The reactor situation for the Japanese folks is very serious at this point but not as doomsday as the media had been hyping . . which is what I've said all along. I don't think anyone would argue that the situation is serious . . . well, except for skooker. He seems to think it's humorous. Wtf?
You're a fucking idiot if you don't realize the gravity of this situation. :cuckoo:

I know the gravity of this situation better than most people, and it is actually worse than I first thought, mostly because I had no idea how many fuel rods were being stored onsite and inside the reactor buildings. Putting them on the 4th floor is not the best design I have ever seen.

That said, if is actually a lot less grave than the media was painting it. They seem to have toned it down since the reactors did not actually melt down, and they now have a shiny new war to talk about, so they are more interested in their new toy than the old news in Japan.

The grave situation is not the nuclear accident, it is the tsunami that wiped out the northeast coast. The good thing about it is that that area is sparsely settled, by Japanese standards, yet it still impacted 2 million people, and killed thousands. Keep some perspective.

I've got plenty of perspective. The reactor situation for the Japanese folks is very serious at this point but not as doomsday as the media had been hyping . . which is what I've said all along. I don't think anyone would argue that the situation is serious . . . well, except for skooker. He seems to think it's humorous. Wtf?

Hey....what can I say..........at least I wasnt on here jumping on the bandwagon of Mr and Mrs Hysterical who were predicting high death rates........as in the order of millions!!! Never quite got that........but as I said, some who linger in here seek hysterical in large quantities.

fcukked up s0n............
You're a fucking idiot if you don't realize the gravity of this situation. :cuckoo:

I know the gravity of this situation better than most people, and it is actually worse than I first thought, mostly because I had no idea how many fuel rods were being stored onsite and inside the reactor buildings. Putting them on the 4th floor is not the best design I have ever seen.

That said, if is actually a lot less grave than the media was painting it. They seem to have toned it down since the reactors did not actually melt down, and they now have a shiny new war to talk about, so they are more interested in their new toy than the old news in Japan.

The grave situation is not the nuclear accident, it is the tsunami that wiped out the northeast coast. The good thing about it is that that area is sparsely settled, by Japanese standards, yet it still impacted 2 million people, and killed thousands. Keep some perspective.

I've got plenty of perspective. The reactor situation for the Japanese folks is very serious at this point but not as doomsday as the media had been hyping . . which is what I've said all along. I don't think anyone would argue that the situation is serious . . . well, except for skooker. He seems to think it's humorous. Wtf?

C'mon bro.........buckle up your chinstrap and admit when you've pwned yourself. You were heading to the Army /Navy store any day now!!!:boobies::up:
You're a fucking idiot if you don't realize the gravity of this situation. :cuckoo:

I know the gravity of this situation better than most people, and it is actually worse than I first thought, mostly because I had no idea how many fuel rods were being stored onsite and inside the reactor buildings. Putting them on the 4th floor is not the best design I have ever seen.

That said, if is actually a lot less grave than the media was painting it. They seem to have toned it down since the reactors did not actually melt down, and they now have a shiny new war to talk about, so they are more interested in their new toy than the old news in Japan.

The grave situation is not the nuclear accident, it is the tsunami that wiped out the northeast coast. The good thing about it is that that area is sparsely settled, by Japanese standards, yet it still impacted 2 million people, and killed thousands. Keep some perspective.
Please make up your mind. Either the media is hyping it or they are ignoring it...what a mental midget you turned out to be.
No point to arguing the effects from the nuclear power plants discharges. Time will make it perfectly obvious whether it was no big deal or the worst accident of all time. I'd be lining up a bunch of concrete contractors about now.
You're a fucking idiot if you don't realize the gravity of this situation. :cuckoo:

I know the gravity of this situation better than most people, and it is actually worse than I first thought, mostly because I had no idea how many fuel rods were being stored onsite and inside the reactor buildings. Putting them on the 4th floor is not the best design I have ever seen.

That said, if is actually a lot less grave than the media was painting it. They seem to have toned it down since the reactors did not actually melt down, and they now have a shiny new war to talk about, so they are more interested in their new toy than the old news in Japan.

The grave situation is not the nuclear accident, it is the tsunami that wiped out the northeast coast. The good thing about it is that that area is sparsely settled, by Japanese standards, yet it still impacted 2 million people, and killed thousands. Keep some perspective.
Please make up your mind. Either the media is hyping it or they are ignoring it...what a mental midget you turned out to be.

They were hyping it, and now they are more concerned about the shiny new war in Libya. How is their attention deficit disorder in any way indicative of my intelligence, or lack thereof?
I know the gravity of this situation better than most people, and it is actually worse than I first thought, mostly because I had no idea how many fuel rods were being stored onsite and inside the reactor buildings. Putting them on the 4th floor is not the best design I have ever seen.

That said, if is actually a lot less grave than the media was painting it. They seem to have toned it down since the reactors did not actually melt down, and they now have a shiny new war to talk about, so they are more interested in their new toy than the old news in Japan.

The grave situation is not the nuclear accident, it is the tsunami that wiped out the northeast coast. The good thing about it is that that area is sparsely settled, by Japanese standards, yet it still impacted 2 million people, and killed thousands. Keep some perspective.
Please make up your mind. Either the media is hyping it or they are ignoring it...what a mental midget you turned out to be.

They were hyping it, and now they are more concerned about the shiny new war in Libya. How is their attention deficit disorder in any way indicative of my intelligence, or lack thereof?

Quantum FTW...........bullseye.

Japan is barely on the DRUDGE radar this am..............

Gotta remember though........a good chunk of the population are easily duped and drawn to whatever the media is embellishing during a given emerging story.........the environmental mental cases even more so by a factor of ten.

Hey Quantum.............check this out. Its a video of this nut Chris getting a call from a buddy updating him on the Japan reactor situation.......its a pefect illustration of these environmental idiots coming off the hook for anything............

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No point to arguing the effects from the nuclear power plants discharges. Time will make it perfectly obvious whether it was no big deal or the worst accident of all time. I'd be lining up a bunch of concrete contractors about now.
I doubt anyone will ever think that it was no big deal.
No point to arguing the effects from the nuclear power plants discharges. Time will make it perfectly obvious whether it was no big deal or the worst accident of all time. I'd be lining up a bunch of concrete contractors about now.
I doubt anyone will ever think that it was no big deal.


Now its gone from an "epic disaster" to a "concern" for the k00ks:blowup:

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Honey.......check this out and Im not kidding!!! Im in the field.........every effective for halting the rumination of thoughts. Opens up new worlds for people spinning their tires...........in other words, highly effective for OCD conditions........
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You're a fucking idiot if you don't realize the gravity of this situation. :cuckoo:

I know the gravity of this situation better than most people, and it is actually worse than I first thought, mostly because I had no idea how many fuel rods were being stored onsite and inside the reactor buildings. Putting them on the 4th floor is not the best design I have ever seen.

That said, if is actually a lot less grave than the media was painting it. They seem to have toned it down since the reactors did not actually melt down, and they now have a shiny new war to talk about, so they are more interested in their new toy than the old news in Japan.

The grave situation is not the nuclear accident, it is the tsunami that wiped out the northeast coast. The good thing about it is that that area is sparsely settled, by Japanese standards, yet it still impacted 2 million people, and killed thousands. Keep some perspective.
Please make up your mind. Either the media is hyping it or they are ignoring it...what a mental midget you turned out to be.

...although, he certainly has the 'Windbag' part down cold.
I know the gravity of this situation better than most people, and it is actually worse than I first thought, mostly because I had no idea how many fuel rods were being stored onsite and inside the reactor buildings. Putting them on the 4th floor is not the best design I have ever seen.

That said, if is actually a lot less grave than the media was painting it. They seem to have toned it down since the reactors did not actually melt down, and they now have a shiny new war to talk about, so they are more interested in their new toy than the old news in Japan.

The grave situation is not the nuclear accident, it is the tsunami that wiped out the northeast coast. The good thing about it is that that area is sparsely settled, by Japanese standards, yet it still impacted 2 million people, and killed thousands. Keep some perspective.

I've got plenty of perspective. The reactor situation for the Japanese folks is very serious at this point but not as doomsday as the media had been hyping . . which is what I've said all along. I don't think anyone would argue that the situation is serious . . . well, except for skooker. He seems to think it's humorous. Wtf?

C'mon bro.........buckle up your chinstrap and admit when you've pwned yourself. You were heading to the Army /Navy store any day now!!!:boobies::up:

"The reactor situation for the Japanese folks is very serious at this point but not as doomsday as the media had been hyping . . which is what I've said all along. "

I've pwned myself? How so? Your reading comprehension needs work.

So you're of the opinion that the reactor situation in Japan isn't serious? At all? It's just another day?

You're a lost cause.

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