Japan's Earthquake Leads To Falling Oil Prices On Fears Of Decreased Demand

Obama sendin' help on the way...
US Rushes Aid to Quake-Struck Japan
March 11, 2011 - The United States is directing major military resources in the western Pacific Ocean to help provide emergency relief to victims of the Japanese earthquake.
President Barack Obama told reporters Friday in Washington that he has spoken to Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan and offered him whatever assistance is needed. He said one aircraft carrier is already in Japan along with other military resources, and another carrier is on its way. The U.S. military newspaper Stars & Stripes quoted 7th Fleet spokesman Cmdr. Jeff Davis saying a carrier group led by the USS Ronald Reagan has been diverted to Japan to help. The group had been sailing to South Korea to take part in a major joint military exercise.

The U.S. military said earlier that Japan has requested U.S. assistance and that several navy ships in the region have been loading up with relief supplies. At his press conference, Obama offered U.S. condolences to the Japanese people and said the images of destruction in Japan are "simply heartbreaking." Earlier, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States offered to provide coolant needed for a nuclear power plant in the earthquake zone to prevent a possible disaster.

Japan declared a state of emergency around the Fukushima power plant, and ordered citizens in the region to evacuate the area. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the world is "shocked and saddened" by the images of destruction, which showed whole communities being washed away by the tsunami and another community in flames. He said the United Nations will do "anything and everything" it can to help. World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick also expressed "deepest sympathies" to the people of Japan and said his organization "stands ready to help the government and the people of Japan" in the recovery efforts.

The International Federation of the Red Cross says it is monitoring the situation closely with the Japanese Red Cross and other local organizations. Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao also expressed deep sympathy for the Japanese government and people. The director of China's Earthquake Administration told Xinhua news agency that rescuers are prepared to go to Japan to help with relief efforts. The South Korean government has initial plans to send 40 rescuers. South Korea's Yonhap news agency reports about 910,000 South Koreans live in Japan. Russian President Dmitri Medvedev also said his country is ready to provide humanitarian aid to Japan.


See also:

Quake is Japan's Worst Natural Disaster in Nearly 100 Years
March 11, 2011 - Japanese geologists have long forecasted a huge earthquake in Japan, and the country has been preparing for the "big one" for decades.
But the 8.9 magnitude quake that struck Friday off the coast of Honshu was far bigger than anticipated.

VOA's Bureau Chief in Seoul, Steve Herman, lived and reported for years from Japan. He told VOA's Victor Beattie that Friday's quake is the worst natural disaster to hit Japan in nearly 100 years.

"It's almost unbelievable to see what has been happening to Japan's northern pacific coast today. It is the worst disaster Japan has faced since World War II. What has happened is that the big quake that Japan has been bracing for many, many decades has hit. Not only was it a huge quake in shallow waters, but it also generated a tsunami. And these waves that have hit so far have been as high as 10 meters. And what this has done, the waves have gone into the coast in cities such as Sendai and they have carried back out to sea buildings, cars, trucks, homes and other structures. There is certain to be a fairly significant death toll. We're also going to be talking about damage to facilities in the billions of dollars."

This seems counter intuitive, and short term.
Probably but in all likelihood the Arab protests will burn out in about the same amount of time and oil will recede in price.

not trying to be adversarial, but not since WWII has the fabric of society been so frazzled on a global scale.

We are all gonna be a whole lot easier to pacify once we become grateful to merely be eating and being able to buy our ration of gasoline for only $12/gallon without waiting in long lines. IOW I believe that tptb are ripping the social fabric on purpose. They never liked the idea of sharing power with proles anyway. And the social fabric clashes with their class scheme.
This seems counter intuitive, and short term.
Probably but in all likelihood the Arab protests will burn out in about the same amount of time and oil will recede in price.

not trying to be adversarial, but not since WWII has the fabric of society been so frazzled on a global scale.

We are all gonna be a whole lot easier to pacify once we become grateful to merely be eating and being able to buy our ration of gasoline for only $12/gallon without waiting in long lines. IOW I believe that tptb are ripping the social fabric on purpose. They never liked the idea of sharing power with proles anyway. And the social fabric clashes with their class scheme.
A difference of opinion, I tend to think that the powers that be are attempting to do what you say but are totally clueless about how the post-post-industrial world works.

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