Jaw dropping Mexican official threatens to unleash cartels, flood U.S. with drugs and narcotics


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Jaw Dropping – Mexican Official Threatens to Unleash Cartels, Flood U.S. With Drugs and Narcotics….

Anybody who knows about the Mexican Government realizes how dirty they are. Their Federal police are paid off criminals, they are all crooked. If we think our Government is bad go down to Mexico as these same sob's want to come here and turn the US into the very bs they ran from.
All I can say is the Trump admin is serious about illegal immigrants.
Sounds like Mexico could use a few drone bombings.

My bet is that trumpery will do just that. And just like ISIL, he will make no attempt to actually hit an enemy. Luckily, for the RWNJ Pootarians, dead kids work just as well, right? I mean, that IS what cheez whiz prez said.
Sounds like Mexico could use a few drone bombings.

My bet is that trumpery will do just that. And just like ISIL, he will make no attempt to actually hit an enemy. Luckily, for the RWNJ Pootarians, dead kids work just as well, right? I mean, that IS what cheez whiz prez said.

You guys all sing the same retarded tune, just in a different key.
I've been to Mexico many times, and they are as crooked as the day is long. Why do you think all their people want to come here?
I've been to Mexico many times, and they are as crooked as the day is long. Why do you think all their people want to come here?

Nope. Just like every other place on the planet, most are good, decent, hard working human beings.

IOW, not at all like the despicable RWNJ traitors on this board.
Pretty outrageous but really an empty threat. They see their gravy train about to end and they don't know what to do about it except bitch and moan and make threats like that. Mexico is a shithole of crime and corruption and they've been dragging us down long enough. President Trump is about to lower the boom on the bastards and there's not a damn thing they can do to stop it.
aw dropping Mexican official threatens to unleash cartels, flood U.S. with drugs and narcotics

whats new

this has been what they have been doing for a long time

we need to get serious with these bastards
Honestly, Mexico could literally bring our economy and this country to its knee's if it wanted and playing with fire, with a neighbor so close is just assinine on Trumps part...but this is what happens when you elect A BUSINESS MAN WHO IMPORTS HIS WOMEN, EXPORTS HIS JOBS, LOSES A BILLION IN ONE YEAR AND HAS THE CHARACTER OF DISEASED MAGGOT!!
Pretty outrageous but really an empty threat. They see their gravy train about to end and they don't know what to do about it except bitch and moan and make threats like that. Mexico is a shithole of crime and corruption and they've been dragging us down long enough. President Trump is about to lower the boom on the bastards and there's not a damn thing they can do to stop it.
Dude, you are insane. Do me a favor, look up the word tarriff and then come back here and bow to me!! Also find a history book and read up on what Cuba did back in the day, when we opened our borders to the oppressed....got every gotdamn crook in the country!!

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