Jay Carney Berates Insurance Companies For Complying With Obamacare

An administration chock full of latent morons. Our nation has been a joke 6 years running.
They need to be called out on this. They force insurance companies to comply with their guidelines (which results in people losing their plans), then blames them for it.

When pressed on the issue of millions losing individual insurance plans they wanted to keep, Carney said it is five percent of the population being affected by insurance loss. That five percent adds up to 14 million people.

"We're talking about 5% of the country," Carney said after justifying losses and referring to the individual marketplace as a "wild west" that needed more regulation.

Now that the Obama administration is taking heat from all sides on the loss of insurance, the White House is pivoting back to blaming insurance companies for the loss of those plans, not Obamacare itself, which makes millions of plans illegal.
Wait until the Progressives pass a law requiring doctors to see Obiecare patients. Itsa comin'.
Pass the buck, blame somebody else, it's Bush's fault, it's Congress' fault, it's the insurance companies fault. Blah, blah, blah.

Jay Carney Berates Insurance Companies For Complying With Obamacare - Katie Pavlich

Valerie Jarrett must have been a busy girl last night writing the talking points for the Liberal media today...

Ed Shultz today on his radio show said insurance companies dropped people because now they have an opportunity to charge people more for their policies.....

Not much said about Obama saying over and over again if you like your policy you can keep it period...

People are being dropped because their current policies don't meet the Obama Care standard so they can't be grandfathered in.... and the insurance companies were forced to drop them...
Bait and switch.
Obama is now saying it's better that people were dropped because now thanks to him they will have
better coverage....

This is turning out to be the scam of the century...
Bait and switch.
Obama is now saying it's better that people were dropped because now thanks to him they will have
better coverage....

This is turning out to be the scam of the century...

Oh goodie.......now that I am a 60 yr. old male, I get to have maternity coverage.
Bait and switch.
Obama is now saying it's better that people were dropped because now thanks to him they will have
better coverage....

This is turning out to be the scam of the century...

Arguably they will have better coverage. Men will finally have maternity coverage. They never had that before.
Yet another wingnutty bitchfest thread ... Blah, blah, blah.
Mess with people's Health Care and they will mess with you at the polls.

The way this abortion is unfolding, 2014 may prove to be the single biggest gain for the Pubs in both Houses in quite some time.

Which, if it does materialize, will probably result in a de-funding of The Beast, and this time it will probably stick.

To the accompaniment of cheering crowds on Main Street and the ringing of church bells nationwide.

It's dying already.

Who'da thunk it?

Socialist Community Organizing Charles Dickens Christmas Carol Tiny Tim Everything for Everybody Mindset Gone Wild.

That ought to take care of Socialism and the notion of Nationalized Healthcare in this country for a generation or so.
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