Health insurance companies are a big problem in this country. My friend just had to shell out $130 out of pocket for his mom’s medicine.

You are not entitled to other people's money they earned. It's also not their responsibility to pay YOUR bills. If you want everyone to have an equal share then muster the votes to amend the U.S. Constitution, good luck with that.
Wow you've hooked a giant idiot fish here....what bait did you use??
They go off on a tangent because they don't have an answer, way i look at it the measure of a civilised society is how they treat their old and young, quite a few have shown they really are not civilised.

It isn't rocket science, stop waging wars all over the place and feeding the industrial military complex, spend the money on your own people and look after those who need help.

I understood the words you said, loser, I don't know why you are saying them to me, MAGA man
Winston: No, kaz, I'm a communist and I'm a fucking moron who thinks Cuba has better healthcare than we do, so you are the one who needs to go to Cuba

Democrats are just the dumbest people. All roads lead to stupid

And that I say that's crap tells you ... I ... should go to Cuba? You're a stupid idiot. What a douche bag, you make no sense, moron, zero at all.

Write when you get work in Cuba. I'd say go to hell, but you apparently have that covered
Here is the problem Kaz. You are a flippin liar. You are on Medicare, rather it is traditional Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan. The government IS paying for your health care. And yeah, you asked for it when you accepted that Medicare card.

Sure, the health care system in the United States looks pretty good to you. The Mayo Clinic, at least five strokes, all kinds of health issues. And damn near all those expenses covered by the federal government. But to the Native American living in poverty on an Indian reservation, it don't look so good. For the pregnant black woman living in the hood, it don't look so good. I mean have you seen the maternal mortality rate for those women?

See, despite what you might think, the "effectiveness" of the American health care system is not based on YOU. But no surprise, you think the entire world revolves around your sorry ass. And I like how you refuse to answer how many ablation procedures you have had done. You are the consummate succubus, sucking up massive resources for inefficient therapies. And hell, I don't blame you for that. But it takes a special kind of stupid to be doing that and complaining about everything. I hope at Thanksgiving you gave a special prayer of thanks. Thanks for the native american that's life expectancy is equivalent to sub-sahara Africa. Thankful for the pregnant black women that died during childbirth due to lack of access to proper pre-natal care. Thankful that they suffered so that your sorry sick ass could suck off a few more years of existence.
Here is the problem Kaz. You are a flippin liar. You are on Medicare, rather it is traditional Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan. The government IS paying for your health care. And yeah, you asked for it when you accepted that Medicare card.

Sure, the health care system in the United States looks pretty good to you. The Mayo Clinic, at least five strokes, all kinds of health issues. And damn near all those expenses covered by the federal government. But to the Native American living in poverty on an Indian reservation, it don't look so good. For the pregnant black woman living in the hood, it don't look so good. I mean have you seen the maternal mortality rate for those women?

See, despite what you might think, the "effectiveness" of the American health care system is not based on YOU. But no surprise, you think the entire world revolves around your sorry ass. And I like how you refuse to answer how many ablation procedures you have had done. You are the consummate succubus, sucking up massive resources for inefficient therapies. And hell, I don't blame you for that. But it takes a special kind of stupid to be doing that and complaining about everything. I hope at Thanksgiving you gave a special prayer of thanks. Thanks for the native american that's life expectancy is equivalent to sub-sahara Africa. Thankful for the pregnant black women that died during childbirth due to lack of access to proper pre-natal care. Thankful that they suffered so that your sorry sick ass could suck off a few more years of existence

The Federal government hasn't paid a dime for my healthcare. I already said that, MAGA man. If you have questions, ask, don't tell me what my views are.

I have no problem with you asking. As I said, I don't feel sorry for myself. I'm not a Democrat
You are not entitled to other people's money they earned. It's also not their responsibility to pay YOUR bills. If you want everyone to have an equal share then muster the votes to amend the U.S. Constitution, good luck with that.
As I just said, I'm not for equality for everyone, just not the worst inequality poverty and homelessness ever seen anywhere in the modern world in the last century plus. Great job gop. Including brainwashing the rubes.
You are the consummate succubus, sucking up massive resources for inefficient therapies.
You really shouldn't use words that you don't know the meaning of and, by extension, probably shouldn't be calling other people stupid.
You really shouldn't use words that you don't know the meaning of and, by extension, probably shouldn't be calling other people stupid.

Yeah, sorry about Winston . MAGA man hasn't read history and isn't aware Democrat politicians aren't taking him with them when they win. He'll be as poor and unfree as we are. I'd feel bad for him if anyone was doing it to him but himself. But he is doing it to himself, so he deserves it

Murdered by leftists: 100 million
Freed by leftists: 0

Democrats are so stupid. Democrats like all the leftists of the past are saying this time will be different, they will do it right. But they give us zero indication of how, which means there is zero chance it will happen
The Federal government hasn't paid a dime for my healthcare. I already said that, MAGA man. If you have questions, ask, don't tell me what my views are.

I have no problem with you asking. As I said, I don't feel sorry for myself. I'm not a Democrat
I honestly find it hard to believe that you are not on Medicare. Five strokes? Surely that would qualify for disability. What, your spouse works to provide insurance for you, and you are disabled? Wow, that is so smart. You are retired, with employer provided health insurance, damn but that is rare as hen's teeth.
I honestly find it hard to believe that you are not on Medicare. Five strokes? Surely that would qualify for disability. What, your spouse works to provide insurance for you, and you are disabled? Wow, that is so smart. You are retired, with employer provided health insurance, damn but that is rare as hen's teeth.

I'm doing it the old fashioned way, insurance through my employer and I'm paying the balance, which has been 6-8 K a year for deductibles and co-pays. I've also hired help for basic things (cleaning, etc.).

I tried for the last three years to go back to work, but I've realized it isn't happening, I can't do it. I've been on sort term disability, which government pays nothing for. I am about to go on long term disability. My employer is paying me half salary until I'm 67 (7 years). Then I will go on Medicare. I will never need Medicaid money.

Thank you for asking, as I asked
What happened to ‘repeal and replace’? Obama isn’t running; Trump is.

What happened to Biden being a one term transition president, MAGA man?

So you just realized politicians lie? Great for you, but we all remember when we first grasped that. That our government isn't on our side is shocking, at least at first
What happened to Biden being a one term transition president, MAGA man?
Circumstances beyond his control. A traitorous former president is trying to overturn our democracy and give us a government more like his idols’, Putin, Kim and Xi!
As I just said, I'm not for equality for everyone, just not the worst inequality poverty and homelessness ever seen anywhere in the modern world in the last century plus. Great job gop. Including brainwashing the rubes.
Tissue? Everyone has an equal opportunity to work and pay their own bills. All you moochers need to relocate to another country, America isn't for you.
Tissue? Everyone has an equal opportunity to work and pay their own bills. All you moochers need to relocate to another country, America isn't for you.
Then why are the red states the biggest moochers?
Circumstances beyond his control. A traitorous former president is trying to overturn our democracy and give us a government more like his idols’, Putin, Kim and Xi!

So with Biden you parse it and justify it and make excuses and with Trump you analyze nothing and blast him.I Just want to point out why people think you're a partisan racist ass. You are, MAGA man
So with Biden you parse it and justify it and make excuses and with Trump you analyze nothing and blast him.I Just want to point out why people think you're a partisan racist ass. You are, MAGA man
I can’t stand by and see a traitor win. The real question is, how can you?
Yeah, sorry about Winston . MAGA man hasn't read history and isn't aware Democrat politicians aren't taking him with them when they win. He'll be as poor and unfree as we are. I'd feel bad for him if anyone was doing it to him but himself. But he is doing it to himself, so he deserves it

Murdered by leftists: 100 million
Freed by leftists: 0

Democrats are so stupid. Democrats like all the leftists of the past are saying this time will be different, they will do it right. But they give us zero indication of how, which means there is zero chance it will happen
Honey, I have forgotten more about American history than you will ever know. This nation was founded by liberals, not conservatives. They had a name for conservatives back then, "TORIES". I mean enlighten me, what founder was "conservative"?

But you want to make this about Republican and Democrats, fine. The topic is health care. There have been two significant legislative actions in the area of health care in the last 20 years. You have the MMA, a Republican initiative enacted in 2003, and the ACA, what you call "Obamacare", passed in 2010.

The MMA did two things. First, it established a prescription drug benefit in Medicare, handled by private insurance companies. But, that had two problems. First, the infamous doughnut hole, where beneficiaries had to pay the full cost of prescriptions while still paying premiums. It was helluva stupid, insurance companies take the risk of expenses at the front end, but in the middle, where people with high prescription drug costs often ended up, the risk was absorbed by the beneficiaries. Then, when the expenses were really high, "catastrophic" they called it, the insurance company picked the risk back up. But hell, the chance of getting to that amount was slim to none, and for most people, slim had left town. And the worst part, the federal government paid two dollars in premium for every dollar the beneficiary paid.

Then there was Medicare Advantage. What a flippin con. The federal government paid for private companies to take on the responsibility of paying for the medical care of beneficiaries, a monthly amount that was several hundred dollars per person. Those private companies made millions, and I got to tell you, my investment portfolio sure did well, I could see the writing on the wall. Those companies made those millions by denying care to countless Medicare beneficiaries. The fraud level was through the roof, settlements in the billions have been paid since then. The excess payments the federal government has paid to those Medicare advantage companies, over and above what Medicare spends per beneficiary for each patient, could easily pay for every single prescription drug of every single Medicare beneficiary. The MMA wasn't a plan to "modernize Medicare", it was a plan to enrich the insurance companies.

Then we have the ACA. It wasn't perfect. Obama compromised too much. There was not a public option, and negotiation of drug prices by Medicare was prohibited. But it did chip away at the doughnut hole, a little more each year. Even from the getgo, Medicare beneficiaries no longer had to pay the full cost of prescriptions in the doughnut hole, only half. But the biggest thing the ACA did was remove the ball and chain of employer provided health insurance. People were no longer trapped in an employer provided plan because they couldn't get private insurance due to pre-existing conditions. That shit was HUGE.

The plumber whose wife worked at Walmart just for the health insurance. Well, she quit, and the plumber got a health plan through the ACA. The accountant who always wanted to start his own business but was trapped with health insurance with one of the big eights. Well he quit, started his own business, and got health insurance through the ACA.

I can document it, but the reality is that, during the Trump administration, the ACA contributed more to GDP growth than anything Trump or Republicans did. Kind of comical, Obama, jetsetting around the world and relaxing by the pool in Hawaii did more for GDP growth during the Trump administration than the fat orange man.

And then there is Biden. Now, Medicare can negotiate lower prescription drug prices. Now, there is no doughnut hole, there is an out-of-pocket limit on prescription drug expenses starting in January. And that limit is much lower than what the original doughnut hole entailed. Insulin prices are capped.

I mean it really isn't that hard. Evaluating Republican health care initiatives against Democrat health care initiatives it is more than obvious who each party stands with. Republican's, the insurance companies. Democrats, while not perfect, for the most part side with the American people.

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